
My Little Yellow Book

Other yellow books are hated and called vulgar, but my little yellow book is kind and unique in the whole wide world! [Yellow Book- Slang for a pornographic book]

LIght_Novel_San · Thanh xuân
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My Little Yellow Book

Little Yellow Book, today I'm so happy because I only got one mistake in the test today! I'm sure that Mommy and Daddy will feel proud of me!

There was one time when I got full marks, then Mommy and Daddy took me to the amusement park, it was so fun!

These days, Mommy and Daddy always fight, but when they see my score, they will make up and we will be happy again, right little yellow book?

I decided to put my paper on the table so Mommy and Daddy will be able to see it immediately.

See you later, little yellow book! I'm excited to go home later and see Mommy and Daddy!