
My Little Yellow Book

Other yellow books are hated and called vulgar, but my little yellow book is kind and unique in the whole wide world! [Yellow Book- Slang for a pornographic book]

LIght_Novel_San · Thanh xuân
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My Little Yellow Book

Day 4 of writing in my little yellow journal:

When I wake up today, I found out that mother nature punished me for not responding to her calling.

Should I tell Mommy or not? But she will reprimand me... I don't want that!

So, I didn't tell Mommy. I sprayed the bed with many many alcohols, so it will be at least clean.

I'm very sorry mother nature for ignoring you. I will not do it again.

When I left for school today, the house was very silent and kind of suffocating?

Mommy was silent and Daddy is missing.

Mommy told me to be obedient. She said that since I'm already a big and clever girl, I should not be a burden.

Today, Mommy forgot to pick me up again. I remembered what she told me. I didn't wait for anyone so I walk home by myself.

It wasn't far but wasn't near either. It's so-so.

Across the street, someone stopped me. It was a stranger with a hairy face covered with a cloak??

Mister Stranger looks at me while drooling. I tilted my head at him, and he breathes heavily.

Is he okay?

A candy suddenly pops in his hand and asked me if I want some.

I nodded and took the lollipop. It was strawberry flavoured.

He inquired me again if I like a unique flavoured lollipop.

I asked him where, and he licked his lips. I was amused because his face became red, like strawberries or tomatoes.

He gripped the cloak covering him and slowly opened it, however, the grandpa across the street shouted at the stranger.

He called Mr. Stranger a 'flasher' and a 'pervert.'

Mr. Stranger run away. The grandpa scolded me. He said that Mr. Stranger was a baddie, and I should not take things given to me by an unknown person.

But he gave me free candy...

Grandpa patted my head. He asked where's my guardian and I told him what happened.

He only shook his head.

Grandpa send me home and had a talk with Mommy.

In dinner, I thought Mommy would scold me but she only glanced at me and said nothing. When Daddy came home, he immediately sat at the dining table and quickly finish his food and went upstairs.

Mommy also didn't finish her food.

I was left at the table.

I look at my favourite dish, steak and mash potato...it taste so sad.