
My Little Yellow Book

Other yellow books are hated and called vulgar, but my little yellow book is kind and unique in the whole wide world! [Yellow Book- Slang for a pornographic book]

LIght_Novel_San · Thanh xuân
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My Little Yellow Book

Day 1 in my yellow book:

I seriously don't know what to write.

This is not the first time I wrote a diary. However, most of them are random because I lost interest quickly.

Nevertheless, I will try to do this one! I must! I will write all sorts of things! My experiences, my achievements...ohh! I will also narrate how my friends prank the old man across the street!

So first..uh...why is it even a yellow book?[1]

Will someone suspects me that I have a little yellow book?

The big brother in the parlour shop with colourful hair often says that yellow books are only for adults...Will having this makes me an adult?!

But adults don't like candies, or sweets because they said that it's unhealthy in keeping up their shapes, I don't understand what they mean by that... Do adults become rectangle or even a triangle if they eat sweets? I like caramel though! If I eat it, can I become a shape like a ball? Wow! I want to be like that!

Anyway, my Mom is already screaming outside. I should turn off my light and sleep.



1. YELLOW BOOK- Slang for the pornographic book.