
My Little Pony FiM: A Journey Beyond Equestria

PeashooterZombie · Ti vi
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There's Hope... Or Is There?

Meanwhile, at Twilight:

Twilight was looking through the book she studied and used to open the portal.

She was reading through every page quickly but thorougly.

"Come on, there has to be something in here that re-opens closed portals!"

When she reached the end, she looked through again, but this time a bit slower to make sure she didn't miss it.

She looked through the pages but didn't find anything about re-opening portals.

"Oh no, oh no, what do i do? I can't just leave them and hope they'll find a way to re-open the portal from in there somewhere!" Twilight said, panicked.

Twilight looked through the bookshelves, looking for more books about how portals work. She made a big mess as she was looking.

Then she finally found another book about portals, looking through it real quick before going to her study table.

"Okay, breathe in and breathe out. This will all be over soon.... I hope."

When Twilight opens the book, she looks through the book slowly and thorougly, hoping to get answers.

Back at Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash:

"So, is this where we have to stay until Twilight gets us out?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't know, but we-..." Rainbow Dash didn't get to finish her sentence as she somehow got some kind of menu to appear in front of her.

"Uhm, what is this? How do i get it away from my face?"

Rainbow Dash then sees different worlds and thinks to herself:

"Hmmm... Maybe this could help us get back to Equestria?"

Fluttershy is confused.

"U-uhm, so what do we do with that... Thing in front of you?"

"Maybe this is our way home, but i'm not quite sure." Rainbow Dash said.

"There are worlds named 'The Black Cat', 'Test Pilots', which sounds like fun to me and one named... 'The Devouring'... Whatever that means."

"S-so where do we go?" Fluttershy asked, still not quite sure what the menu thing is.

"W-well, i guess i need some flight practice, so i guess 'Test Pilots'?" Rainbow Dash suggested.

"Are my wings hurt by the way?"

Fluttershy looks at Rainbow's wings for a bit.

"Doesn't seem like it. What happened? Did you crash when you were taking a look around outside?"

"Kinda, but isn't it weird that i can't fly like i normally can?" Rainbow Dash asked, confused.

"Let me try"

Fluttershy flapped her wings and tried to fly up as she managed to do so but fell back down shortly after.

"O-ow, that hurt..." She whimpered.

"A-are you alright, Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked, concerned.

"I... I am. You were right, we really need to practice flying in this dimension..." Fluttershy answered.

"'Test Pilots' it is then! That seems to be a place where we can practice, otherwise it wouldn't be called that." Rainbow Dash chuckled.

She was about to press "Join World" but saw a "Place Portal" button".

When she pressed it, she saw the portal spawn right in front of her.

"Wow, awesome! Come on, Fluttershy! Let's practice flying!" Rainbow Dash said before entering the portal.

Fluttershy was a bit hesitant, but she carefully entered the portal as well, not wanting to be alone in this strange dimension.