
My Little Pony FiM: A Journey Beyond Equestria

PeashooterZombie · Ti vi
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The Realization

As the portal disappeared, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy crashlanded. When they opened their eyes, their vision was a bit blurry.

"Ow ow ow..." Rainbow Dash grunted.

"W-what just happened...?" Fluttershy asked softly.

"I don't know, it happened all too fast, even for a wonderbolt like me, heh. A-anyway, the better question is, WHERE are we?" Rainbow Dash asked.

When their vision restored, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash got up.

"I-i hope my animal f-friends are gonna b-be okay without me..." Fluttershy whimpered.

"We'll be fine, i'll go and see where we are from the sky outside."

Rainbow Dash goes outside and prepares to fly up, but she has trouble with doing so.

"What's going on? Why can't i fly as i normally do?"

After a few attempts, she kinda manages to fly up and look around but falls down after a little bit.

"Oof, did my wings get hurt during the crashlanding? Oh well, that's for later concern."

Fluttershy sees Rainbow Dash get back inside.

"A-and? What did you see?" Fluttershy asked.

"Well, uhm..." Rainbow Dash struggled with how to explain.

After a short bit, she knows how to explain what she saw.

"This place doesn't have a connection to anywhere, like, as if it's floating in some sort of void..."

"A-are we stuck here...? Forever...?" Fluttershy asked, scared.

"Nah, i'm sure Twilight will find a way out for us. We just have to wait. R-right...?"

Rainbow Dash seems to be getting a little anxious about being stuck in this dimension forever. Sure, she knows Twilight will find a way, but who knows how long that'll take?