
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Thành thị
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253 Chs


I was at home, alone with Chienembe since Mark was on a date with Ms Lucy but I was anything but bored. Rose and I had spent the last thirty minutes talking and laughing and I couldn't get enough of her.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom and on my way there, I heard Chienembe talking...

"Of course they trust in me, remember I got myself adopted? Now I just need to get that girlfriend of his and everything will come crashing down."

I fumed, banged down the door and speared him to the floor and yelled,"I knew it! Ruby was right about you! If you dare try to touch Rose, I will..."

He immediately pushed me down to the floor and ran out of the room.

I ran after him but he locked the door in my face. I banged it then called the guards on my phone to catch him.

A maid soon freed me and I was agitated, especially since he escaped.

Mark came home and wasn't shocked to hear the news, rather, he was angry at himself.

"Of course, he betrayed us and lied to us, yet I still trusted him, I'm such an idiot!"

"Mark, he had us both fooled, it was Ruby who found out, but now we know, we have to expect something from Oleh..."

From that day, I was really protective over Rose and though it pissed her off, she didn't show it, but I knew how to read her.

I walked onto her floor one cold afternoon and saw her in an empty classroom with some hot guy, and they were holding hands!

I lost it and rammed the guy into the wall and started attacking him. Rose yelled for me to stop but I was blinded by anger and jealousy, suddenly I saw flashes of light then saw a whole camera crew. I got off the guy who was immobilized by fear and realized what I had just ruined...one of Rose's photoshoots.

I turned to apologize but she just left.

I followed her but she avoided me, I caught up with her in the cafeteria and called her name then she yelled,"Just leave me alone! I can't stand you over protecting me, I can take care of myself!"

"I'm sorry, it's just what Chienembe said."

"And what did he say?"

"That he's going to steal you from me."

"And so you think that I'll really cheat on you? Or that I'm too dumb to tell the difference between the both of you."

"Neither it's just...I don't know, I just can't lose you."

She looked at me then sighed and said,"I can't lose you either, but you have to give me my own space, please."

I nodded and held her hands close to my chest then said,"Don't worry, I know you are the strongest, most amazing girl in the world and there's nothing which could harm you..."

She was smiling widely then hugged me.

I realized that when Rose wasn't torturing you or promising to you, she had a heart of gold. I caught her once, donating a huge truck load of first hand designer clothes to the people on the street, I just hoped she didn't do it to impress me.

Rose and I were hand in hand, walking to Mark's car after a triple date with Mark and Ms Lucy and Ruby and Mack.

Suddenly, something hit me in the back and I stumbled forward, I looked back to see Mack laughing his head off.

Oh it's on!

I picked up a ball of snow and squeezed it to mould it into shape and induce regelation within its crystal lattice then threw it at Mack but he dodged it and it hit Ms Lucy.

I laughed with my hand over my mouth and soon, a huge snowball fight had broken on the street.

While I was totally engulfed in the fight, I didn't realize Ruby walk up to my back with a wad of snow in her hand.

She pulled my collar and dumped it all in.

I jumped and squealed and started running around, yelling,"Cold, cold, so cold!"

Everyone was laughing at me, especially Mark and I threw a snowball at him which entered his wide open mouth, now it was his turn to be laughed at.

Rose helped me to get all the snow from my back before we went home.

Mark helped me drive Rose home and I kissed her on the cheek goodbye. She blushed and walked in.

Her parents came to her and said,"So now we see you're dating Mark Hawkins' little brother, is that right?"

"It's Mark Lester now and yes, I am, of course for the profit."

Her parents looked at each other, they loved how their daughter thought.

She continued,"Also I have a surprise for you."

Her father anxiously asked,"Really? What?"

"You can come in now."

Their parents widened their eyes to see Ruby step into the room.

"Good evening mother and father..."