
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Thành thị
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253 Chs


The first guard struck his sword at Lucy but she hit it off target then kneed him in the face. She held him and threw him at one of the guys who were near me.

The next tried to attack her but she punched him so hard his face turned to the other side, then she jumped, kicked him with both her feet and back butterfly kicked, sending him crashing into the next guy who was trying to hurt me.

The next guy tried to hit her but she blocked with her upper arm, kicked another guy at the side and headbutted the first one.

The guy she had kicked ran at her again but she roundhoused him but it was left with the last guy attacking me.

He raised his sword and struck but I held it and smashed it with my other hand so it broke, then gave him a hard knuckle sandwich.

Then I got off the bed and falsely yawned.

The two of us went to Mr Nelson who was showing Luis a video of Lucille, he said,"Take one step and I tell my men to end this girl."

I asked,"Umm, quick question, why is the camera man screaming for his life?"


He looked at it and saw Lucille attacking the guy and he cried for help. Then Lucille picked up the camera and said,"You messed with the wrong big sister."

The man she had just attacked groaned then she kicked him in the chin and yelled,"Stay down!"

Then she dropped the camera.

Mr Nelson just looked up and a fist went flying right at his mouth and knocked out one of his teeth.

He felt the missing tooth and looked at Lucy, surprised then she said,"It's over Clark."

He and all his men were arrested and Lucille and the triplets freed.

Lucille cried when she saw me and hugged me tight. I hugged her back and asked,"I have a lot of hugs to give out, can you help me?"

She nodded several times then wiped the tears on her cheeks.

Rose kissed me the first moment she saw me then hugged me tight and said,"I knew you weren't dead."

Lucy had a lot of explaining to do about why she was with the guy who kidnapped Lucille, freed our worst enemy and almost got me killed, but soon, everyone trusted him, soon as in a few years.

And soon, Lucy and Luis were officially dating and even sooner, Lucille and I continued our education.

But soon after that, Rose and I had graduated into our next levels. Rose was one year away from leaving and I became nineteen in that time.

Aqua bolt was returned to me but we still couldn't find dad, he had disappeared without a trace.

Water was trickling from the nozzle of the watering can onto the rectangular patch of grasses and flowers.

A man walked behind the one who was watering and asked,"Sir, you have been coming to this grave everyday for over a month, but why?"

George looked at him and said,"I'm taking care of my son, as I should have done these past two decades..."

There were slow, but confident strides as the woman walked down the aisle. She joined her husband to be and he removed the veil showing her angelically beautiful face.

They said their vows and kissed and it was perfect.

Ruby and Mack walked out of the chapel to their car and I was clapping for them, then Rose nudged my shoulder and asked,"So when are you going to pop the question?"

I nervously chuckled and scratched the back of my head...

Cameras flashed as I walked down the red carpet with Rose by my side, keeping my sunglasses on, I flashed a smile at the crowd, who went insane, then I felt a finger on my cheek and looked at Rose, wondering why she caressed my cheek, till I realized, she just wiped a tear.

I looked at her as she cupped my cheek in public and asked if anything was wrong, I shook my head then said,"No Rose, everything's fine, it's just sweat."

She seemed skeptical, but agreed and we walked in.

Lucille walked into the living room and saw her mom sleeping on Luis's lap, as he gently brushed her blonde hair.

Lucille smiled then ran to hug him and he tensed then looked at her as she pulled back then said,"Good morning dad."

Lucy's eyes fluttered open as Lucille waited for an answer but didn't receive one.

The child didn't give up then said,"I love you daddy."

He hesitated as he still wasn't married to Lucy, so wasn't technically her father yet, what was up with the connection?

Thinking of all this took him several seconds before he replied,"I do as well."

Tears began to well up in Lucille's eyes then she ran away and Luis asked what was wrong, but Lucy said she'd talk to her.

"Sweetie..."Lucy called,"...what happened back there?"

"Me too, that's all he said, if it were Mark he'd have said I love you too, and gave me a million hugs and kisses, I miss him."Lucille said.

Lucy smiled then hugged and kissed Lucille then asked,"Is that better?"

Lucille nodded, squished to her chest.

Lucy pulled back then said,"Luis is a little different from Mark, but he could still be a wonderful father if you gave him the chance."

Lucille nodded as the triplets began to cry.

They went out and met Luis groaning as the infants tried to gain his attention, they gained it all right, but not in the way they wanted.

Lucy went and picked up Markella then said,"Luis, they aren't vampire bats, you can hold them."

"Why? So they'll suck my soul instead?"He asked.

Lucy felt a little insulted, but kept it within herself then told Lucille to get ready for school.

Hi readers, I just wanted to ask if you want me to continue the story, enter your answers whether yes or no by commenting on the last phrase ' THE END '

Felix_Kunjancreators' thoughts