
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Thành thị
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253 Chs


I ran towards the elevator shaft but he had already gone below me so I dived down and landed on it.

The elevator rocked dangerously and the cop's stomach jumped. The moment the elevator stopped, he took to his heels, towards his car.

I jumped to the top floor through the shaft and ran then broke through the glass window and threw the pipe at him like a spear.

He was opening the door when the pipe zipped past his ear and broke through the driver's window.

He just dropped on his knees and started begging,"Please let me live, I have a wife and kids."

"You didn't think about that when you kidnapped Mark Lester."

He gulped and I looked at him with my piercing copper brown eyes.

He asked,"I'm sorry, what do you want? The money? I'll give you anything."

I brought my phone close to his mouth and said,"Confess...confess that you accepted bribe and played a part in killing my brother."


"I said confess!", I yelled while punching through the passenger window.

He jumped and confessed.

I smirked and said,"It was nice doing business with you."

Then I walked backwards into the road. A car passed in front of me and I disappeared.

It was midnight as I wrapped a bandage on my bleeding knuckles. Then I slumped on the bed.

One down, twenty- one to go...

Lucy woke up the next morning and walked to me and asked,"Tommy, do you mind telling me where you were at eight last night?"

She knows...

I pretended to be in a hurry and said I'd tell her later then kissed her and ran out of the room.

I got to school extra early so went to the library.

I drew the next cop from memory. I scanned the picture and got his information, he lived with another of them.

Catching two birds with one stone...

That night, I went out again.

I walked to their apartment then kicked down the door.

The man jumped in his seat and asked who I was. I said,"Your worst nightmare."

"It's you..."

He started running and I chased him, he ran through the furniture and I tic tacked over them then barrel rolled over the table.

He ran through a door and I front flipped and kicked it down halfway through.

He was cornered and looked at me with fear in his eyes. He said,"Please don't kill me."

"If you've heard about me from Gordon, you must know that I don't kill."

He then smiled and said,"But we do."

I turned back but there was a bang.

I stood motionless and looked at Lucy who was frowning deeply at me with the unconscious cop at her feet.

She asked,"Tommy, what are you doing?"

I took a deep breath then said,"I'm serving Mark justice."

"By breaking the law? By becoming a vigilante? Is this what Mark would have wanted?"

I stood still till she spoke again,"Tommy, please don't do this."

"Why not? These people have broken the law and have betrayed their country and you think it's right when they do it?"

"Just because they killed Mark doesn't mean you should kill them, two wrongs never make a right."

The cop said,"Yeah, listen to your mom."

"Shut up!",Lucy and I both yelled, simultaneously.

I looked at Lucy and said,"I will never kill them. I will never be like them, I just want to make sure none of them gets away with this, please Lucy."

Lucy looked at me for several seconds before saying,"Maybe I know how to make you legal, and maybe I have friends who can help you arrest them, with evidence."

I thanked her and hugged her then recorded the two of them confessing and we left.

Lucy and I met the people she was talking about the next Saturday and I smiled when I saw them...


When we left them, I told Lucy about the one who was among them and she said,"Please don't hurt him."

I smiled and said,"Don't worry, I won't."

After work that day, I suited up and went to his house.

He walked to his door and opened it then dropped his groceries when he saw me. I said,"Run."

He started running and I chased after him.

He got into the hedge and was running out of the gate but I slid and held a pole then swung and tripped him with my legs.

He tumbled and immediately got up and continued running.

He got onto his motorcycle and was revving it but I side flipped over it and pulled him to the floor.

I pinned him down, put my phone to his mouth and said,"Confess."

He immediately said everything I needed.

That night, a nurse was cleaning Lucille's room when she suddenly jumped up and yelled,"Mom! Dad! Uncle!"