
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Thành thị
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253 Chs


The three of us entered the expensively decorated dancehall in style. All eyes were on the three of us.

There were four main reasons for the stares:

#1. Mark was with us

#2. I was with the girl who supposedly almost got me killed

#3. That girl was a lot better looking than most of the guys' dates

#4. There were still surprised that we came

Mark went to sit with the teachers while I went to tell the DJ to play a specific song...not the mario song.

Olivia was shy to go to the dancefloor but I encouraged her so as the crowd, and this time there were no boos.

I twirled Olivia and lifted her up in an arch form then she landed and we did an extension and I pulled her back.

She twirled on her way back to my chest and my lips were right next to her ear. I nibbled on it and she giggled then I lifted her from her back.

I put her down and pulled her back so her hair touched the glassy floor.

We both spun around each other then stopped and looked into each others' eyes.

I was lost in hers and she was enchanted by mine.

When we were done dancing, I looked at Xander with Miranda, his girlfriend and date.

As I looked, I saw something interesting, Mark was laughing with Ms Brown, the Geology teacher for my former class. I could tell she was flirting, all the teachers wanted to, he was the best looking and richest man in the school.

I could also tell he wasn't interested in her, he just saw her as an interesting talker, just then someone touched me. I looked back to see Jeremy and he said, scratching his head,"Umm Tommy, I know we had a rough start but I wanted to make it up to you."

He stretched his hand and I shook it then I asked,"Do you still want my life?"

He stuttered,"Y- you remember that?"

I nodded.

Olivia had gone to get some punch while I waited.

Olivia took a cup of the purple fruit cocktail when she bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't watching my way."She said.

"No, it's my fault."He said.

"Well, I've gotta go."

"Wait, may I have this dance?"

"Oh I'm sorry but, I already have a date."

"That weird, nerdy, danger magnet? It's best if you dumped him and looked for someone better."

She just turned and was about to leave when he held her arm, she struggled but he held it even tighter and was dragging her to the bathroom when she screamed for help.

I saw her and frowned then sprinted in their direction and slid on the floor, knocking his legs and making him land with a thud.

I held her gently and asked,"Are you okay?"

She nodded then yelled,"Look out!"

I wasn't ready for his fist, but a moment before it hit the soft tissue and hard bone of my face, a hand grabbed his and prevented him from going further.

He looked back to see Xander, and Xander said,"Don't."

He tried to elbow Xander in the face but a much stronger hand held his arm and prevented him, he looked up to see Mark, who said,"He said don't."

The guy stiffly nodded and they left him, then he disappeared into the crowd.

We went home when the party was over and in my room, Olivia came to me and thanked me for helping her. Just then I got a video call from Lucille, she said the cops had found the culprit who was Celestine.

She asked me to go to see her for her as she was still out of the country so I asked Mark to take us and man the girl put up a fight.

She scratched the cops with her nails and threw the largest tantrum I had ever seen. Screaming so loudly, her voice split into two and my ears almost bled and slapping everyone near her.

She wasn't taken to jail but she was given a fine of a hundred thousand dollars, which her parents easily payed.

Man, she is spoiled.

Mr Nelson contacted the chief of police and asked him,"Have you done it?"

"Yes sir, they all believe it's the girl, so when do I get the money?"

"It's already on its way."

"Nice doing business with you, but one question, why did you attack Lucy's daughter? Why not directly Tommy?"

"Because then it would be obvious that my baby cakes and I did it and also, Mark cares about that little girl too, a lot, it's a win win."

"Okay boss."

He hung up and went to Oleh, who was holding some wine in a flute and a cigarette, she blew out some CO and said,"So, my snookims...are you ready to help me make a better child?"

"I thought you'd never ask."Mr Nelson said, unbuttoning his shirt...