
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Thành thị
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253 Chs


I smiled widely and carried her to my car, Lucille wasn't far behind.

I was in a hurry so I drove a little too fast, then I heard a siren and saw flashing lights.

Lucille was biting her teeth.

Cops weren't on my good list at the moment but I stopped. The cop walked to me and said,"Mr, you were driving at 40km/h, I hope you have a decent explanation."

"As a matter of fact, I do, my..."

"Wait, how old are you?"

I felt my heart sink.


The cop looked at me and said,"Sir, I'm going to need you to produce your driver's license."

"Of course..."I pretended to be searching my pockets then said,"Oh shoot, I think left it at home."

Lucille said,"Tommy, don't be silly."

She giggled. I told her to keep quiet but the cop told her to speak and she said,"He doesn't have one."

I slapped my forehead then the cop folded her arms and said,"I'll need you to step out of the vehicle."

"No, you don't get it..."I said,"...my sister is about to give birth!"

"I can't count the number of times I've heard that story."The cop said.

Wow, you really get around.

Lucy then yelled and the cop said she should be quiet, but Lucy yelled,"What?! I'm in labour you crazy lady!"

She looked at Lucille and asked,"Is she telling the truth?"

"Oh yeah, for fifteen minutes now."

The cop dropped her jaw and said,"Oh, okay I'll just give you a speeding ticket and..."

Lucy yelled in agony,"Hurry up!"

The cop jumped and said,"You know what? Never mind, in fact, I'll clear up traffic."

I rolled up my window while looking at her with my eyes half closed.

Lucy moaned in pain as we drove to the hospital and we rushed her to a room.

The doctors attended to her and one said,"Madam, you're not in labour, these are something we call false contractions. It just means you're soon to give birth, the way to tell the difference between false and real contractions is the frequency, if multiple ones come within five seconds then you're expecting a baby."

I said,"Thank you doctor."

They walked out. One of the doctors walked into another room and said,"Sir, it was a false alarm, she isn't giving birth."

"Well keep an eye on her until she does you idiot!"

"Yes sir."

I came home from work one night and Lucy was standing in a pool of amniotic fluid, she looked at me and shrugged her shoulders and said,"I guess it's now."

I called for Lucille and we entered the car.

I was driving on a rare traffic free route in the concrete jungle when the glass behind exploded. Lucille yelled and looked behind. She saw some guys on motorcycles and said,"Tommy, we have company."

She made her mom lie on her lap and I said,"Well we'll see about that."

I made a sharp turn to make the car horizontal then a biker turned and crashed into the side of the car.

I drove straight and two bikers skidded off the curve in the road but eight more followed.

One spun a mace in the air and crashed it through Lucille's window, Lucille yelled,"Hey! We're driving here!"

Then she held the mace and pulled it.

The biker crashed into the car and fell down then another crashed into him, six were left but one shot a tyre on the car and I had to turn into an alley then drifted into another, I said to Lucille,"Lucille I need you to listen to me, I watched that french movie you just acted and it was awesome..."

"Now?"She asked as Lucy was taking deep breaths.

I waved my hands and said,"Just hear me out, there was a scene you helped a midwife deliver a baby..."

"No, no, no."


"I know where this is going and I can't do it, I can't deliver a baby!"

"But you must remember the things you'll need."

The people were passing through the several alleys in the place, I said,"Your mom already knows the procedure, just get the supplies and help, and protect her."

Lucille finally nodded.

I ran to stall the cyclists.

I had to think of something, then I got an idea.

I searched in the trash to find some things which looked useful then I passed in front of them in the wrong direction and yelled,"Lucy! I got the stuff!"

They followed me into that alleyway but I was gone. One asked,"Where the heck is he?"

"Let me help you find him."

They looked up and I dropped from the fire escape and split kicked two of them in the jaw. They blacked out but the remaining four attacked.

Lucy said,"Lucille please listen to me, I need you to get a clean and thin rope, some hot water and three blankets."

"Okay mom."

She ran away and knocked on the door of the nearest house. A woman walked out and did googly eyes and said,"Aww, you're such a doll, how can I help you?"

"My mom's in labour and needs your help!"

"What?! Okay, I'll get my keys."

"No, no, no, it's happening now."

The woman allowed Lucille in to take the needed items then they ran out.

They got to Lucy and she was so relieved to see her daughter with help then she gave them the instructions on what to do.

I had finished the four of them off and went to check on Lucy and Lucille and saw the three females, holding three females.

The babies were literally the most adorable ones I had ever seen.

One was fair like her mother, but had totally blonde hair.

The other had an intermediate complexion and dirty blonde hair, like her mother.

I cried when I saw the last one. She looked just like Mark, she had his eyes and skin.

She laughed and used her small hands to reach out towards me. I picked her up and she held my nose, laughing all the time, as if trying to comfort me.

The fairest one, was crying like crazy, and the intermediate one was well, intermediate.

I asked Lucy,"What are their names?"

She said,"Mark and I had already determined their names...the cry baby is Lucia, the darkest one is Markella and the last one is Thomasina."

I looked at her and asked,"You named her after me?"

She nodded and said,"Do you want to hold them?"

Do I ever?!

I gently picked the other two, I wished Mark was here to see this then cried. He would have probably survived if he hadn't caused the place to collapse on himself, then again, he did that to save me...

I couldn't be angry at him.

I stood up and the woman gasped. I looked back then a gun was put at my back then the man said,"Give the babies to me."

Carrying them I was too restricted to attack so I calmly said,"I can't do that."

He yelled,"I said give them to me!"

Lucy mouthed,"Tommy, please, give them to him."

I mouthed back,"I can't."

Mark sacrificed his life for me, I wanted to do the same for his family.

The man was about to pull the trigger when a stick hit him hard in the back. He yelled and fell on his knees but Lucille didn't stop hitting him in the head, even when he covered it in pain.

I dropped my jaw as Lucille jumped, wrapped her legs on his neck and spun to throw him face first into the floor.

She didn't stop there, she squeezed his neck with her legs and Lucy said,"Lucille, that's enough."

Lucille reluctantly got up and said,"Fine."

The man groaned and got on his knees again then Lucille kicked him in the chin, yelling,"Stay down!"

The woman helped us go to the hospital and Lucy was attended to, so as the triplets.