
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Thành thị
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253 Chs


At her house, she showed me a room to go to and I thanked her, but before she left, I asked,"Please could you kiss me goodnight?"

"Of course."

Her pretty, pink, heart shaped lips touched my forehead and I asked her to read me a bedtime story.

"Aren't you a little too old for that?"

"My parents never said that."

She sighed and read me the Snow Queen.

A few days later, I had cooled down and missed my false little brother dearly. I went to Lucy and asked her,"Do you think Mark would be mad at me if I returned?"

"I don't know."

"Well then, I better face the music... please can I go home now?"


She didn't believe her ears and eyes when I nodded. But she agreed.

She took the phone and called Mark.

Mark was lying on the couch, hadn't shaved or bathed in days and was pathetically eating potato chips, when his phone rang. He ignored it as it could be more bad news.

"Ugh, he's not answering, answer you big baby!"

"Why don't you just send him a voicemail?"

"Yeah, right."

She sent him a message.

Mark was lying down as he heard his phone say, he had one voice message, he ignored it.

"I'll have to drive you there."

I nodded and she took her coat. I was excited to see Mark again, but also scared of what he may do to me.

Lucy was driving her car, with Lucille and me in the back. She got caught in traffic and groaned,"What is wrong with the traffic lights in this city?!"

I laughed and suddenly yelled,"Lucy, look out!"

A red sports car immediately made a head on collision with the side of our car.

I heard a ringing in my ear as I breathed heavily. I looked at Lucille, she was unconscious.

I looked at Lucy, she was not only unconscious, but blood was flowing from her head and nostril...

I had to save them!

I tried opening the door but it was locked. I kicked the windows but they were too strong.

I remembered that the headrests of cars were removable and removed the one next to Lucy's seat. I used it to hit the glass I was kicking numerous times, as hard as I could but only scratches and small cracks appeared.

I shouted for help and even more as the hood of the car started smoking.

I was terrified and screamed for help at the top of my lungs.

A man came to the window and tried his best to open the door, his voice was muffled by the window but I understood what he was saying,"It's not opening!"

"Please, hurry up!"

"I've got to call the fire department."

"No! Please don't leave!"

He left and I began to cry as the car was going to detonate anytime soon.

A person came and used his elbow to hit the glass I scratched, it got a spider web crack then he hit again.

The glass shattered and he reached his muscular arm inside and pulled that locking thingy on the door then opened it.

He removed his hood and said,"Tommy?"


He pulled me out and I took Lucille, then he carried Lucy. I was too scared to comment about how cute they looked.

How her long blonde hair, mixed with brown and black hung down, or how her eyes were closed like in a kiss, or how her mouth was only slightly open, revealing her pearly whites.

We went to his car, seconds before the two cars exploded and he drove us to the hospital.

The doctor said I hadn't sustained any severe injuries, only a few scratches and I could be discharged, right after she dressed my wounds.

The doctor left to get the supplies and I looked at Mark and said,"I'm sorry for running away."

He was crying as I spoke then he said,"And I'm sorry for lying to you."

I also cried as I hugged him and he hugged me back.

Lucille's eyes fluttered open and she saw...


"Lucille, you're awake."

"Where's my mom?"

"She's in another room."

Lucille sat up and she looked around.

"What happened?"

"A street racer crashed into our car and Mark rescued us."

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Mark looked at Lucy as she lay unconscious on the bed, with a bandage on her beautiful forehead.

He tapped her and said,"I'm sorry...cheater."

Mark and I left and I felt a certain peace in the mansion I couldn't describe...Oleh was gone.

"Where's Oleh?"

"We broke up."



I hid my joy before he said,"You can jump around if you want to."

I forgot self-control and went wild, jumping, screaming and throwing out all the pictures of him and her together.

I then asked him,"How did you know where to find us?"

He rubbed his elbow as he said,"I listened to the voicemail."

I gasped when I saw his bleeding left elbow and he chuckled and said,"It's nothing compared to some of the injuries I got learning parkour."

I started regretting my decision.

He took me to a super expensive restaurant for dinner, which specialised in seafood and I loved it, but I still had this paranoia that Oleh wasn't really gone.

I went home and took my bath and he gave me the normal bedtime routine of a kiss and a bedtime story and I slept peacefully.