
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Thành thị
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253 Chs


She came to me with the box of chocolates and the letter with a gorgeous smile and asked,"It is you, isn't it? That's why you wanted me to go to my locker so badly."

I wanted to say yes and my heart was burning, but I had to say no, for Alister...

"What are you talking about?"

"This, duh. You're my secret admirer."

"What? No, I mean, I used to admire you, but not anymore."

She looked a little disappointed and I wanted to kill myself then she said,"Oh right...well let's continue."

She sat down and shared the chocolates with me, but I could tell she still didn't trust me.

I went home after that, feeling terrible, yet wonderful.

Terrible because I was intentionally losing Ruby and wonderful because I was helping the saddest boy in school.

I cried in my room, both for joy and sorrow.

Mark came to check on me and I quickly cleaned my tears but like he knew, he hugged me.

I remembered and asked him,"Umm Mark, do you know a person called Franks?"

He nodded and asked,"Why?"

"Because her son said you saved her life."

He nodded again and I asked,"How?"

"Before I met you, I went to England for a business proposition, then I stayed in a hotel. For some reason the foundations broke and the place crumbled down. I was safe and rescue teams arrived and I had a chance to get out but I heard a boy crying. The place was crumbling even more so there wasn't enough time for me to alert the rescue teams. I followed her voice and saw the boy pulling a woman who a cupboard had fallen over. She was conscious but in great pain. I lifted the cupboard and she climbed out then we went to safety. I found out her name was Alice Franks and her son was..."

"Alister Franks."


"Did they find out why the building came down?"

"They never did, but some people say it was a terrorist attack. Anyway, why were you crying?"

He did know.

"Umm, it's nothing."

"Tommy, I'm here for you, you don't have to face things like this alone."

I nodded then he said,"You know where to find me if you change your mind...also, I'll be going to Qatar next week for a fashion show, would you like to come?"

I knew I would be home schooled but I needed to keep helping Alister so I said,"Nah, I'd rather stay in school."

He smiled and took a book to read to me.

I was dropped off at school the next day and I realized the school presidential election was coming up and for some reason, Mandy signed up. I could see posters of her campaign all over the school, the monitors, the papers and even the PA system.

At lunch, I sat down and... something weird happened. Alister came to sit by me...

I was eating my truffle pizza slice when the Andettes came behind me.

Sandy said,"The fashion police are here..."

Andy continued,"...and you're under arrest."

Then Mandy said,"Your brother owns two fashion designing companies and even then you need to wear fake Gucci? Ugh, you don't even use cologne, my poor nose will melt if I smell your reeking clothes for even a second."

I ignored them then Mandy said,"Let me make your clothes more valuable..."

Then she took my tray and hit it against my shirt and I yelled,"What is wrong with you?!"

"Oh, you don't like my masterpiece? Of course you don't with your terrible taste."

I could see Alister was in much greater trouble as they Andy and Sandy were playing monkey in the middle with his inhaler and making fun of him using it.

They were my seniors, and beloved by the teachers, I couldn't do anything till someone yelled,"Hey!"

Mandy looked back and received a huge slap across her face.

I couldn't tell if she was more angry that she was disrespected or that her make up was ruined, either way she pounced on Ruby and they entered into a massive cat fight.

Sandy and Andy knew what Ruby was capable of so they kept their distance and the crowd was cheering for Ruby.

Ruby was tearing off Mandy's hair like there was no tomorrow and Mandy screamed.

Just then some teachers came to break up what was happening and Ruby was suspended for two weeks, but chatter of how brave she was spread around the school like wildfire.

Mandy was given medical care but wasn't punished, because, ' This little angel could never start a fight '.

The teachers were so convinced that they didn't even want to search through the video camera feed.

I had gotten Ruby's number in this time and I kept in touch with her. I also taught her the alphabet and she learned faster than I expected, she was already an expert in the first half of the alphabet by our second lesson.

Alister and I became close friends and I kept sending gifts to Ruby from ' her secret admirer ' and Alister had no idea.

Alister was still bullied but not by the three musketeers, rather by other students.

I even once caught Xander and his friends bullying him and I became furious.

I ran to Xander and yelled,"Leave him alone, you hypocrite!"

"Oh well well, isn't it the red head magnet, Tommy."

"Olivia thought you were her friend."

"But every pretty girl I know for some reason goes to you."

I frowned and dragged Alister away.

I was returning a book to the library when I heard disgusting giggling sounds. I followed them to see...Xander making out with some girl who wasn't his girlfriend.

I lost it and flung the book straight at his head.

He stumbled and fell on his butt and rubbed his head, shooting me a deadly look.

This was my que to run.

I sprinted away and Xander chased me into the hall. His boys seemed to understand and also blocked my way.

I was ready this time so I did a horizontal wall run over them then did an upside down b- aerial to land.

They seemed as shocked as I was. I didn't know I'd nail it that well.

I slid under the legs of the crowd and ran into a class.

I was safe under the teacher's eyes but I knew they were still on to me.

It wasn't my class and I knew I had to leave. I snuck out and looked left and right to see if the coast was clear. Suddenly I was caught and my mouth covered. I couldn't scream.

Xander was dragging me to an empty classroom and I was terrified.

I just acted on instinct and elbowed him in the belly, he went back two steps and one of his friends tried to slap me but I caught his hand and remembered what Lucille did.

I strengthened my stance and threw him over my shoulder onto the other guy.

Xander regained his strength and I tried to kick him in the ribs but he caught my leg, then I twirled and kicked him in the head with my other leg and landed.

I just ran away when they were all down.