
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Thành thị
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253 Chs


The vacation was over and the xanthophyll and caroten in the leaves were becoming more evident and the Autumn breezes were kicking in.

I went for my first day on my new floor and loved it.

The new teachers, new subjects, new overly complicated timetable, everything was nice and comfortable.

I also realized Ruby was a year away from graduating to college and I didn't want to lose her.

I finished surprising a teacher at my great intellectual prowess in my small package of a body then left the class to prepare for my next subject; robotics.

I finished writing a ' surprisingly complex program ' in half the class duration and the teacher was in awe. After the subject, I opened my locker then a pink envelope fell out of it.

I opened it and it read;

Hi Tommy, I just wanted to talk about how much I liked you...I know you are far too good for me, but I just wanted to confess my feelings for you. Love your true love.

I looked around but everyone was just going about their normal hustle and bustle.

Someone likes me?


I know I'm exceptionally good looking but what else would they see in me?

I just brushed my thoughts aside and went to the elevators as my next subject was Equestria.

I took my lunch to Ruby's floor but on my way to her, someone tripped me and I fell onto my plate and stained my shirt.

I looked back to see Xander smiling.

He picked me up by the collar, with a fist hanging by his right ear and said,"Listen and listen good, if you even go near any of the twins again I will make sure to physically hurt you, and that big brother of yours wouldn't be there to stop me."

Just then Ruby appeared and said,"And if you do that, I will make sure to physically harm you, now go back into that hole you crawled out of, I'm not interested in skunks."

She dragged me away then disappeared into the crowd. I followed her and found her then said,"Hey Ruby, thanks for helping me back there."

She looked confused and said,"Right now is the first time I'm seeing you today..."

That was Rose?

"...and what happened to your shirt?"

"I tripped."

"Stop lying...Xander did this to you, didn't he?"

"...you don't have to hurt him."

"I wasn't going to, you can't let a girl fight your battles for you, it's the other way around."

Typical Ruby...

I love her for that.

She then walked away.

I was going back to the elevator when lunch was almost over then I saw Xander and his guys on the floor, all in black and blue.

I walked to Xander and stretched my arm to help him up but he smacked it away and coughed then said,"I don't need your help."

"So you were beat up by a girl? Typical."I said and walked away.

He seemed insulted then ran and hit me from the back and held me in a headlock. I dropped down and used my crown to hit his chin then threw him over my shoulder and yelled,"I've had enough! Don't you ever mess with me again."

My rage immediately left and I realized what I did...he was badly hurt and I was scared, I didn't hold back...

I ran into the elevator.

Obviously Xander, Ruby and I were called to the Principal's office and I was told to bring Mark to the school.

Mark took me home but I didn't mention the fight at all.

He went into the gym and I slowly walked to him then called him.

At that moment, he ran then spin kicked and broke through a three inch thick block of wood and jumped and kicked another and before landing, kicked one which was nine feet in the air. Then punched through a six inch thick one and looked at me and smiled then asked,"What is it?"

I smiled awkwardly and said nothing then walked out.

Chienembe asked me why I didn't tell him and I said,"He's so scary!"

Chienembe rolled his eyes and pushed me back into the room and I said,"It's just because you aren't in trouble!"


I frowned.

Mark asked if there was a problem and I stuttered,"Y- y- y-yes, th- th- th-..."

Chienembe smacked the back of my head hard and I blurted out,"I got into a fight at school today and the Principal said I should bring you tomorrow!"

I rubbed the back of my head in pain and frowned at Chienembe, who had obviously enjoyed making me suffer.

Mark chuckled and said he'd be there.

I walked out, surprised, feeling dumb for being scared of him.

Chienembe was snickering and I smacked him too, then we started baby fighting.