
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Thành thị
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253 Chs


Mark stood still then called me. I came closer...

"Mark, what is it?"

"Tommy, I still own Aqua."

"What? How?"

"It turns out, the company couldn't be bought or stolen, only passed down to my heir and since Lightning flash was added to it, I own it too..."

I widened my eyes and yelled,"Ms. Stone!"

She came down the stairs and looked at the three of us then asked,"What's going on?"

"Mark is getting Aqua back! And Lightning bolt!"

She pretended to be happy, just for my sake and...she was a really good actress.

When Mark and she were alone, she asked him,"So, frog mouth, when are you getting out of my house?"

"Well, I could leave this sewerage smelling stink hole to you right now so you could live your lonely, miserable life."

She was frowning but shrugged and left.

Mark rented an apartment for the two of us while the mansion was being rebuilt.

He cooked my favourite food for me...mixed macaroni boiled in chicken stock, with mixed vegetables, a rare salmon filet and a coleslaw on the side.

I excitedly went to bed at two, the next morning, I was too caught up, hanging out with Mark.

We watched movies, played free running tag, goofed off, went shopping and a lot more.

I was sleepy the next day, but knew it was worth it, the amazing part was that Mark was already ready by the time I woke up.

My first lecturer arrived and he kissed me goodbye.

The first lesson was I.T. that day and I nailed it, I was able to write a small programme in C language and make a spreadsheet of my scores in the tests I had had in my previous school.

I had my biology lesson next and I did great.

By the third subject, which was Math, I felt a little hungry, praying that there was more of that balanced pasta dish.

When Math was over, I ran into the kitchen and opened the saucepan.

Thank goodness!

There's more!

I fetched some of it and ate while I watched TV.

There was a documentary on the forests of Alaska by Cecelia Moore.

At the same time, Oleh was being transferred to a high security prison when the car ran over someone. The cops ran to the person's aid but then he immediately got to his feet and shot one.

The cop was going to shoot him, but there was a bang and he dropped dead.

A bright light embraced Oleh and she calmly stepped out of the truck and saw Mr. Nelson and said,"Oh my snookims, why did you take so long?"

"Oh, you know me, timely late, yet fashionably early."

She kissed his lips and said,"Let's destroy everything my ex loves.

"I thought you'd never ask babe..."


Mark came home late and tired and slumped on the couch. He released his tie and was about to close his eyes when he felt something soft, curly, and warm on his arm...

It was me, already asleep.

He smiled and gently put me on his lap and lay down.

The next morning, I woke up and Mark was still there, in the same tuxedo, but wide awake.

"Good morning, big bro."He said.

"Good morning, how long have you been awake for?"I asked.

"About an hour."

"What? Why?"

"I couldn't just leave without saying goodbye and I didn't want to wake you up too early, so I decided to stay put."

I just hugged him, then went to take a shower.

By the time I was back, he had already made breakfast; it was a mixed berry mousse, with three stacked pancakes, maple syrup and non- fat butter on it and kiwi slices.

I dug in! With etiquette.

Mark just took some coffee and was about to leave when I said,"That's all?"

"I don't feel very hungry."

"Come on, you told me to eat and take care of myself, so do the same... leadership by example."

He was silent, then shrugged his shoulders and went for some of the piquant tasting food.

My art teacher came first that day and gave me some tips on how to make the perfect still life painting.

I was painting a picture of the Yellowstone national park when there was a ring on the doorbell.

I went to open it and I was stunned and boogers started flowing out of my nostrils.


Pretty girl...

Pretty pretty girl...

I started to drool as I imagined the two of us getting married and riding into the sunset.

She had blonde hair, black eyes and red, heart shaped lips, perfect features and a slightly thin face. She was beauty incarnate.

She was wearing a girl scout uniform and holding some cookies then said,"Hello, my name is Olivia and I'm selling some cookies to help save the Everglades."

The lecturer came and yelled,"Scram! We don't want any of your cookies, and how did you even get past security?!"

I snapped out of imagination island and said,"Woah, woah, woah, calm down sir, we'll buy three boxes."

"Really?!"The girl said.


The lecturer was confused as the two children talked and exchanged phone numbers.

I went to my chair excitedly.

I just talked to a girl!

Without blacking out!!

I went through the rest of the day, exhilarated, till Mark came home.