
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Thành thị
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253 Chs


Olivia just ended a call with me when I winked at her, she didn't want me to see her blush.

She walked before her mom with the latest update and her mother said,"We have scared them enough, now snookims, we strike."

"But, mom..."Olivia said, shyly looking down and holding her left arm,"...what if these people aren't that bad? What if they're kind and..."

"Kind?! Do you know what they did to me?! Wait, why are you asking this?"Oleh asked.

"...uh, nothing, I just thought that, maybe two wrongs don't make a right."

"Oh, and who told you that?"

She was scared to say my name and shivered violently, Mr Nelson understood what was happening immediately and went forward and slapped her with the back of his hand then yelled,"You are falling for that rat, aren't you?!"

Olivia didn't expect that, though her mother did it to her often.

Her vision became blurry because of her tears and she couldn't speak.

He slapped her again and yelled,"Tell me!"

She shook her head and he yelled,"Liar!"

She begged her mother to help her but all Oleh said was,"Sweet ums, you need to be taught that you shouldn't fraternize with the enemy, okay?"

Olivia screamed as Mr Nelson dragged her by her hair out of the room.

He locked her in a chest and she sobbed.

I laughed as I knew Olivia hung up since she didn't want me to see her blush, but why?

She kissed me first.

And called me cutie.

I slid down the stairs for breakfast and sat down with Ms Gomez, but I felt slightly scared near her now.

I had a sandwich as breakfast with some chocolate milk.

I missed Mark's cooking though.

I went for my first lesson when I got a call from Mark...think about the devil.

He beamed when he saw me and I asked,"What's going on?"

"He talked! He finally talked!"

"Who talked?"

"The murderer."


"Yes, and his bosses are Oleh and Mr Nelson."

Of course, it made so much sense now!

They had been inactive for all this time, but now they sent someone to scare me and thus, Mark.

"The cops are looking for them as we speak and you can come home tomorrow."



"Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!"I yelled while jumping around.

He chuckled and said,"Pack your bags Tommy, you're coming back to New York in twenty-four hours."

I cried tears of joy the whole day.

The next day did arrive and the chopper was ready for take off. Ms Gomez stayed behind in the villa while I left.

The moment I got home, I ran to give Mark a big hug, feeling his warm body and inhaling his rosy scent.

He took me into the mansion and I yelled,"Home sweet home!!!"

Mark chuckled as I ran around the mansion, checking all the things which had become so familiar to me.

Olivia had been in the box for six hours without eating, then she felt a rush of fresh air as the box was opened.

She saw a very angry boyfriend of her mother and he pulled her by the hair to make her stand up.

He said,"Bring Tommy here."

Then he left.

She was scared of what they might do to me, but she was also scared of what they would do to her if she didn't do this.

I slid down the stairs and opened the door when there was a ring on the doorbell.

I looked at Olivia and smiled at her.

She was so conflicted. That smile was killing her, then she said,"Tommy, I have to tell you something."

"Sure, what is it?"

"...I want to take you to my house."

"Really?! But I thought your mom is super busy."

"Yeah but she made time, she's prepared a feast for the both of us."

"Sure, let me get Mark."

"No! Excuse me, no, my mom will drive us."

"Why, do you want us to be alone?"I asked, arching a brow and drawing closer.

Our lips were mere centimeters away from each other then she shedded a tear, she hated herself.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I make you cry?"I asked, concerned.

"Yes, tears of joy."

I smiled and she dragged me into the house, I was confused as the car was the other way, but I just complied, then she said,"Tommy..."

Tears were streaming down her face now.

"What's wrong Olivia?"I asked, gently cleaning them with my thumbs.

"I lied, that woman is not my mother."

"Olivia, you don't have to be embarrassed of your own mother."

"No, it's true. My real mother is...is..."

"Is who?"

"Me, and I am so disappointed in you Olivia."

The two of us looked like we'd seen a ghost and I turned to Olivia then said,"Olivia... please, tell me she's lying."

Olivia's tears became even more as she slowly shook her head.

I was about to yell for Mark when I felt a sharp pain, it was Olivia. She injected something into me. I was heartbroken and I cried as I fell on my knees, and fainted.

Olivia wept as two large men picked me up and she followed Oleh out of the mansion, with the unconscious guards lying all over the grounds.

Mark felt that something was wrong and sprinted down the stairs and saw my lecturer, unconscious.

He widened his eyes and looked as the people put me into a car.



He ran to his car as fast as he could and drove out of the garage. He hit the steering wheel in rage as he lost them.

I opened my eyes in a warehouse and realized I was handcuffed to a rope.

I looked up and saw Oleh laughing like the witch- hyena hybrid she was.

"Let me out of here you psycho!"

"I give the orders around here and of course, my new snookims."

Mr Nelson walked out of the shadows and I pretended to puke in my mouth then said,"You, dating him?! Where did you get that idea? A fortune cookie?! Wait no, you are perfect for each other, you're both mad sociopaths who have a thing against good people."

Oleh came closer and squeezed my nose then said,"You can insult my choice in men, but not for much longer. You see that glass tank behind you? It's full of pirhana solution. It eats up organic substances just like that."

She threw a live dog into it and it whimpered in pain as the clear liquid ate through its skin. The liquid turned red, then black, brown, and clear again.

I stared at it in horror and yelled,"You monster!"

"You shouldn't be saying words like that, otherwise I can't guarantee you'll go to heaven."

I cried angry tears as she said,"Snookims, will you do the honours?"

"Why of course my baby cakes."

He pushed a button and a crane started lifting me up using the rope.

As I was several feet in the air, I saw Olivia. I mouthed,"How could you?"with tears in my eyes.

She looked away.

The crane started lowering me and Oleh started laughing. Suddenly there was a shot and one of Oleh's and Mr Nelson's men dropped dead.

Then a swat team invaded the place, holding everyone at gunpoint.

They freed me from the crane and my wrists hurt and I ran to hug Mark.

"Tommy, are you alright?"

"Yes I am, but how did you find me?"

"I got a call from Olivia."

I looked at her as she came closer, but I didn't look with joy, rather with hate.

I put my face on Mark's chest so I didn't have to look at her, then suddenly, there were several successive bangs.

Everyone lay down with their hands over their heads while some of the cops lost their lives.

Oleh and Mr Nelson were able to escape during the gun violence and Olivia explained to Mark what happened, but he said,"You obeyed and loved your mother, that's what a good daughter should do, you also told the truth and saved Tommy, and I'm eternally grateful."


"What?! So you're just going to let it slide like that?! She betrayed our trust, she's just as bad as Oleh herself!"

"Tommy..."Mark said.

"No! Leave me alone!"

I ran away, I felt so hurt. I didn't like her, I loved her, yet she was able to look me in the eye and lie to me like that. It was unbelievable.

I lay in my room, sulking as Mark allowed Olivia to stay with us for as long as she needed to.

I wasn't the kind of person to bully someone, but only when I wasn't very angry.

I tried my best to make her stay in the mansion miserable, giving her weird tasks that she gladly did, calling her names, physically bullying her and more.

Mark hated that and often punished me when I did that but I didn't care, I just wanted to get revenge, like her mother wanted.