
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Thành thị
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Olivia was overjoyed when my grounding was over, though I still bullied her.

Xander and she kept in touch and he came for visits. Mark liked him while I despised him.

I hated it whenever they had hour long talks in the garden, or shared popcorn in the same bowl and most of all when they and Mark were together.

Xander also tried to connect with me...

Was he trying to make fun of me?!

I slapped his outstretched arm which he tried to shake mine with and stepped on his foot as I walked away.

I was sure he got the message.

He did, he stayed away from me but got even closer to Olivia and Mark and it was so infuriating, I lost it when he bought her a necklace.

I jumped on him and tore it then punched him in the face. Olivia tried to stop me but I yelled at her.

I was going to punch that pretty boy again when he turned me over and pinned me to the ground. He was stronger than me and I couldn't do anything, I expected him to do something stupid so Mark would kick him out but he just stayed on top of me, holding me down calmly.

I struggled and Mark came, furious at what he saw. I was grounded after that and was so angry!

Olivia was so enchanted by that hot shot Xander and Mark was twisted around his little finger, just like he was for Oleh!

I was livid and stopped talking to Lucille and Ms Lucy.

I wanted to get back at Mark for being so close to Xander that I redesigned a whole presentation he had worked on for a month.

He expected the projector to show a pie chart, he got a pig eating a pie and even worse things like him in underwear, his date with that reporter and more.

He was crazy mad when he got home and I blamed it on Olivia, he didn't believe me.

I was grounded again and sent for therapy.

I was so annoyed at how patient everyone was being, how the therapist was talking to me calmly and everything, so I caused trouble.

I jumped on her desk and kicked down all her paperwork then I hooted like a monkey while pulling her wig off.

She went crazy.

I was proud of my achievement and expected Mark to punish me but...he gently hugged me and... apologized...

I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time...guilt and warmth.

I didn't like that and I pushed him then ran to my room.

I locked the door and started shedding tears as I watched Olivia and Mark with stupid Xander.

A few days later I was walking back to the mansion from the park alone, not paying attention to where I was going when I heard a car horn beep.

I looked and saw the car right beside me and before I could blink, I was pushed off the road onto the sidewalk.

I looked back to see Olivia.

I frowned and asked coldly,"Do me a favour and stop stalking me."

"I'm sorry it's just I wanted to see if you needed company."

"I don't need company and especially not from someone like you."

"Someone who cares about you? Who's trying her best to reach out to you?"

"Stop lying you walrus."

She fumed as I walked away then pounced on me and pinned me to a wall then yelled,"I've had it with you! I have tried everything, why can't you see that?!"

"Olivia let go of me."

"No I won't! What is wrong with you?! Are you too stupid to see I still like you?!"

"And what about Xander?"

"We're just friends you idiot! He even has a girlfriend! Mark only got so close to him because you have been pushing him away!"

I was quiet for a long time then I arched a brow and asked,"So what do you mean by like? Like like like?"

She frowned and I brought my face closer to hers then she cracked.

She turned away to hide her blushing cheeks and I smiled then said,"I'm sorry I treated you the way I did, I was too blinded by anger and jealousy to see the love you guys had for me."

"Wait jealousy? You were jealous... of..."


"You still liked me?"

I nodded and she smiled too, then we went home together.

I apologized to everyone for everything and especially Xander and they all did the same thing...they hugged me tight.

I at the end of the day, got a new friend who was a boy and was super cool, got even more cordial with my first friend from New York, got even closer to my brother and got my first real kiss with my crush.

It was a red, orange, yellow and purple sunset, with stars starting to appear and everyone watching.

I looked at her and she looked into my eyes, then we continued.