
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Thành thị
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253 Chs


We went to the police the next day with the picture of the person and they did a scan.

There wasn't a match, it was either the person was a ghost, was wearing a mask or hadn't been registered in the system.

Ghosts weren't real, or at least, Mark said and everyone in the country had been registered into the system, so it couldn't be that, it had to be a mask.

Mark tried everything in his power to find that person and though I was still scared, I told Mark it wasn't a big deal, but he replied,"Someone wants to hurt you, I am not going to let that happen."

Mark let me stay with a friend of his, Brandon Cooper for a week after that.

Mr Cooper was also rich, a real estate agent, but I wasn't comfortable being away from Mark.

He was married with a three month old son and he was so cute!

I didn't have any lessons during that time, so I had a lot of free time.

Mr Cooper tried to make me feel at home, so he bought a lot of electrical gadgets for me to tinker with.

I was so glad when Mark came to pick me up and he said,"They've caught her."


"The woman who was in your room."


"Yeah, she's under interrogation, as we speak."

"Do you think I could see her?"

He hesitated then said,"Yes."

I stood behind the two way mirror as the woman was questioned by two officers.

She seemed in her thirties as the female officer said,"I'm only going to ask this one more time, why did you touch the child with a knife?"

The woman chuckled and spat on the table then said,"Do whatever you want, I'm not talking."

And they did a lot, but she didn't break. Mark was allowed in and he did... horrible things to her that I wish I hadn't seen, then she talked.

"Please, I beg you, don't do that again! I'll talk! It's... it's..."

She just fainted, to our surprise.

The police for some reason arrested Mark and I screamed and did everything I could to make them leave him, but they didn't.

I stood outside the bars and he looked at me, I held his hand then an officer came and opened the gate.

"You're free to go."

I ran and hugged him, but he asked,"Why?"


Do you want to be stuck in this stink hole till you're sixty?!

The officer said,"We found the culprit."

We weren't allowed to see the culprit and I didn't know why, all Mark had to do was give them the look and they begged him to stop.

The culprit was a blonde man, he had tattoos allover his neck and a nose ring.

He wasn't as tough as he looked, good cop, bad cop broke him in a minute.

"I was hired by a woman and a man to kill this woman so she doesn't say their names, but I don't know who the woman was, only the man."

"And who was the man?"The bad cop asked.

"Joseph Butch."

Mark hit the glass in fury and I jumped.

"Mark, why?"

"Joseph Butch is that bully who was forcing Lucy to date him."

"He wants revenge."


The police at once set out to catch Mr Butch.

The cops broke down the door to his house and immediately arrested him as he yelled that he hadn't done anything wrong, then he glared at Mark.

I had a feeling, something wasn't right, but all Mark felt was rage and anger.

Mr Butch was interrogated but he pleaded innocent.

"For the last time, who is your partner?"The female cop asked.

"I don't have a partner! I haven't done anything wrong!"

"Well then you leave me with no other choice."

They brought a test tube with a clear liquid and I tilted my head.


They sucked it into a needle and injected his shoulder, I could feel the pain.

He looked woozy after that and the woman said,"That is truth serum, now tell us, who is your partner?"

"My dance partner is Vera Humphrey."

"No I mean who joined up with you to hire that hitman to kill the suspect?"

"No one, I don't have enough money to hire anybody to do anything."

The cops stood up and walked out.

"He's telling the truth."The male cop said to Mark.

"Wait, you're going to believe him?!"

"He was injected with truth serum, he couldn't lie."

"So then who hired that guy?!"

"We are going to find out."

They went to his cell and he was laughing like crazy and said,"You idiots actually believed me?! Then you're unfit to guard this country! And you are unfit to guard that child."

Mark lost it and held the bars, stretching to rip that man to shreds, but he couldn't reach him.

The cops pulled him back and he struggled. He broke free of their grip and speared the man down when he was taken out, he almost punched the man when he heard a voice,"Mark, don't do this...I don't want you to go to jail again..."

He calmed down and the man chuckled and said,"Finish the job, I'll never tell you who hired me."

Mark clenched his fists and he stood up from the man and came to hug me, with tears.

I held him tight and said,"I'm no more scared, because with someone like you watching over me, I'll have nothing to fear."