
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Thành thị
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253 Chs


Scarlet Sapphira, after having listened to another of her parents' hour long lectures, slumped on her bed, she was indeed happy, because she had the upper hand in the three of their little game, and she knew exactly how the finale will plan out...


The next morning, Scarlet Sapphira slowly walked towards the kitchen and snatched her breakfast and was about to walk back up the stairs as usual when I spoke,"Umm, Scarlet Sapphira, we were wondering if we could eat breakfast as a family today."

"No, I prefer to eat alone."

I sighed then said,"Please Scarlet Sapphira, this is important."

"Oh yeah?"She said, biting into her sandwich,"How important?"

"Your uncle Luis is about to go abroad and he said he might not be back for a couple of months..."

"Scarlet, this could be a great opportunity to at least, connect with the family for once."Rose added.

"Neither of you seem to have any clue of what interests me, I'll eat on my way to school..."

"We'll pay you..."I said.

Rose nudged me as she turned back to me and I counted as much as I could, placed the notes down then said,"Take it, this is all I have."

She picked the bundle up, folded it and forced it down my pocket then spoke,"I don't take handouts, but seeing how important this is to you, I will."

"Thank you honey."I said.

She didn't even make an effort to smile as she walked towards the dining table.

We all made our way there and said the grace, opening our eyes, we saw Scarlet Sapphira was already done and ran out of the room and the house, glued to her phone.

I sighed then looked up...

Help her, Lord...

She got to the house on time and met Amane waiting for her with his hands in his pockets.

He smiled at her then she wound her hand around his and he tensed, he actually did and she knew exactly why, with a grin...

He took her back to the taxi stand, but this time, there was a sleek black dirt bike with blue flames on the side and golden ones on the top, a latest model, that thing still had the new car smell.

She looked at him, and began breathing slightly faster, then he said,"Don't worry, it will be okay."

After helping her get on it, he got on by himself and told her to hold him tightly and she did as he revved up the engine, then he grip tightened as he drove through the neighborhood and out into the big city.

Her hair flew like flames of scarlet and gold as she pressed her face tightly to his back, seemingly hoping to keep the helmet on, but actually hoping to keep her laughter off.

After riding a few minutes, they got to the school and everyone's eyes widened as they saw the two, Chinese whispers went from person to person as they made their way into the halls and Lee was speaking with his sister, till he lost concentration and frowned, deeply.

He helped her into her class, then went to his after bending to plant a warm kiss on her cheek, but she hesitated and asked,"I thought you wanted to wait."

He smiled then said,"Yeah, thanks..."

He then walked away with a smirk and a lick.

Lee sat in the classroom, fuming till the girl walked in, drawing all the gazes, especially those of Lee.

After class, he went to speak with her but she tried to ignore him, till he cornered her in the janitor's closet and asked,"What are you doing with him? I told you he'd hurt you."

"Like you hurt him?"

"What are you talking about?"He asked.

"What kind of friend are you?!"She yelled,"First, you stole his girlfriend and then had the guts to convince him to become friends again and now you want me? Why are you such a jerk?!"

"No, listen..."

"No, leave me alone! I won't listen to your lies anymore! Let go of me!"

She screamed then he put a hand over her mouth and said,"Please, just listen, I did steal his girlfriend...but only because..."

"Because what?"

"Because my father made me..."

She almost laughed, they were going to get trapped this web of lies they were both spinning.

She asked for clarification as he sighed then said,"My dad was in the Chinese army and had me befriend Amane so he could find a way to catch him in his tracks..."

"What are you talking about?"She asked, feigned innocence riddling her pretty face.

"He's actually involved in an illegal street fighting rig, he's been that way for several years..."

She didn't feel his pulse speed up with her hands on his...there was some truth to that...

"...his dad had been in it since he was a kid and was some kind of king over there, he was said to have fought in six hundred matches himself and only lost ten at the beginning of his career, I find that hard to believe, but everyone testifies to it and the evidence adds up. He has since been training his son to take up his title and position and it has been going on, without surveillance for years, he's been shipped all around the world to risk his life every week just to prove that he's something to his overbearing dad...after I couldn't bear lying to him anymore, I stole his girlfriend..."


"...but he never saw it that way, not until I begged and begged him to forgive me, Scarlet Sapphira, I can show you proof if that's what you need, he's going on a match in two days, in Mexico city...I could get you the proof you need."

She looked at him with tearing eyes, then ran out of the room, knocking the crowd who had been eavesdropping down.

Scarlet Sapphira saw Amane talk to some people, with the girls mooning over him, then ran away as he smiled at her and his brows furrowed, then looking at his shy boyfriend, he grinned...nice one.
