
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Thành thị
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253 Chs


I opened my eyes and sat up, the man didn't read me a bedtime story, neither did he kiss me goodnight.

I was uncomfortable and got out of the room. The lights were off and I was scared as I slowly made my way to the master bedroom.

I knocked the door but no one answered so I slowly opened the door. I quietly went to lie down by the woman as she slightly snored, my eyes were wide open...

The bed isn't very comfortable...

I miss Mark's mansion...


That's the home of lies!

I couldn't sleep since no one had kissed me or read to me...

I miss Mark.

Why would you miss a backstabbing kidnapper?!

I was having self conflict as to how I should feel towards Mark.

I just closed my eyes, knowing I'd stay awake. Just then the woman woke up and said,"Felix (the name I lied to them about), what are you doing here?"

"I couldn't sleep, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you."

"Oh it's okay, but you have to sleep in your own room."

I nodded and stood up, when I got to the corridor, I was scared and said,"Mrs. Miller, can you accompany me to my room?"

"I'm tired Felix, just go by yourself."

I looked back and saw all the creepy creatures lingering on the walls, waiting for their prey to come closer.

I took a step, and another, and another...I was doing it!

I opened my sleepless eyes the next morning, lying down on the floor of the master bedroom.

I was sleepy, though I couldn't sleep. They left again and the babysitter came again.

Under normal circumstances, with a babysitter like that, I would have eaten all the sugar I wanted, but I couldn't... thoughts of Mark filled my head.

Mark was in his office, doing nothing, he had cancelled all his appointments for the day. He was a wreck, he missed me dearly and felt awfully guilty.

His assistant came in and said,"Sir, the designers wanted you to come and see their latest creations."

"I'm not going."

"Sir, but you need to get out once in a while or..."

"Do you want to be fired?"

"No, sir."

"Then I'd advice you to shut your mouth and get out."

"...yes sir."

She left. Mark looked at some pictures of the two of us and a tear fell down.

Why am I such a useless liar?!

The family came back that evening and the man switched on the TV. He saw something and came to me.


I looked at him.

"You said you don't have a home."

I nodded.

"Then why is there a search advert for you?"

I widened my eyes and saw the programme go on on the TV. I looked at him, scared and he took his phone and started dialing.

"Um, hello, I just called to say, I have the kid you are looking for."

"Okay, tell us your address, we'll be there in thirty minutes."

"Yes, it's...oh boy."

"Sir, what is it?"

"I've got to go."

He hung up and looked for me, I was gone.

I walked the two miles to the subway and went down the stairs. I saw a man drumming a drum kit with great expertise, and since I didn't have enough money to buy a ticket all the way to the nearest place to Minnesota, I decided to get a job.

I went to the man and said,"Hello sir, do you think I could help you? You see, I'm lost and I need to get back to Minnesota, I can tapdance."

"Oh kid, here."

He gave me some money, it wasn't enough to buy a ticket, but I thanked him and left.

I sat on the floor, crying to myself when I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was the man.

"Are you alright kid?"

"No, my whole life is a lie."I said and continued crying.

The man realized I looked familiar...

The lost kid!

"Excuse me, I've gotta do something."

I nodded and he left.

I stayed in that spot for forty minutes then I heard a small voice say,"Tommy?"

I looked up to see Lucille.

She widened her eyes and ran up the stairs then dragged her mom down, the whole subway was quiet when they saw Lucy Stone.

She came closer to me and said,"Tommy, is it really you?"


She sat by me and said,"Why did you run away?"

"Because Mark lied to me about being his brother, we're not even related."

"Hm, he lies a lot, that's why I cheated on him."


"He told me he was an ordinary guy, looking for love, knowing I didn't want to be with a rich person and I fell in love with him. I later on found out he was the C.E.O. of one of the most successful shoe companies in the world. So, in order to get back at him, I cheated on him...but didn't."

"What do you mean?"

"I hired a man to pretend to kiss me when I knew Mark was around, but nothing happened between us."

I looked at her then she said,"We have to get you back home."

"I don't have a home."

"Then to your house."

I couldn't reply to that and she held my hand and the three of us left.

I wasn't ready to meet Mark yet so I asked,"Can I stay with you for a while?"

"Of course you can."
