
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Thành thị
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253 Chs


"I'll mirror the inscription and..."A woman said.

"I'll be home in waiting by eight, park my white Ferrari at the parking lot and return the keys at the door, typically grammatical error, amateur."Luis suddenly said.

"You can read mirror images?"

"Nac I sey, laudividni dezilivic yna ekil."

"Pardon me?"She asked, confused.

"Yes, I can."

The cops looked at each other as he began to reassemble the letters, he then formed a new message which said,"I'll be waiting in white Ferrari, parking lot at eight, keys are at...on the door."

"Who still opens their cars with keys?"His partner asked.

"Surprisingly, someone who wants to."Luis said sarcastically.

She frowned at him as he walked out of the room and asked if she was coming.

They drove to the parking lot of a building which was up for auction in a few weeks, then Luis got out of the car with his usual white mask.

Sylvia, his partner, asked why he always wore it in public then he looked at her and said,"Because I want to."

He just left her frowning and was about to head to the control centre for the cameras when he saw the very white Ferrari he was looking for...or, most of it, it had been mangled beyond recognition, but it didn't seem like a tow crew was coming to pick it up any time soon, as the place was deserted.

Sylvia asked what he was waiting for, then he spoke,"Your lost mind."

He then proceeded towards the wreckage and she frowned and ran in front of him to say,"I hate how you treat me and everyone else like we're your insignificant organ grinder's monkeys, we are living beings with emotions and..."

"Yeah, yeah, now out of my way."

He simply brushed her aside and went into the wreckage as she spoke,"You know, I used to like you."

He turned to face her as she held her confident stance and he proceeded closer, she was nervous, till he snatched a UV flashlight from her utility belt.

She frowned in disgust as he said,"I already knew, you're a terrible liar, also, get over me, I'm not interested."

He placed the blue filtering lens over it and switched it on, beginning with the backseat.

She, wanting to restore her dignity, spoke,"You wouldn't find anything in there, you know, wrecks like that need special equipment to..."

"Found something and also, would you just shut the f*CK up? I don't care about what your opinion, emotions or general lifestyle and if you do, find some corner around there to talk to the only person interested, at least twenty feet from me... at least, thank you."

She frowned at him as he spoke,"Bingo."

She wanted to ask and he saw by her expression, then said,"The letter we saw was an encrypted invitation, for a whore to have sex with whoever wrote it behind his partner's back and if I'm able to find both their secretions, I could find the next target."

He looked back and brought out a cotton swab, fetching some of the two slightly differently coloured stains, he looked her up and down and despite his mask, she could tell he was disgusted till he finally settled on shoving the sticks into her face and telling her to package them for a biometric analysis.

When she realized what was on them, she screamed in disgust and they flew off the ledge, into the dying garden.

Luis looked at her, dumped her in the back seat of their car, covered in duct tape, then took two more samples.

He put a toothpick between his teeth then said,"Buckle up."

He then stepped on the gas and threw her back into her seat.

Running the analysis, the main forensic scientist showed him the identities of the people and looking at the man, he smirked with the toothpick still between his teeth and said,"Of course it's him."

"You know him?"

"Oh he and I go way back and apparently, he's a Black Knight now."He said, grinning,"Game on..."


Lucille was playing with Junior on his stubby, chubby legs then a low trumpet like sound was produced then she said,"It's a good thing I put lavender flavoured diapers on you, like that would have been brutal."

He cringed his face as a flowing sound was heard, then began to laugh and then Lucille realized she should have bought a stronger one.

Holding her nose, she picked him up by the armpit and dumped him on the nearest table, she then changed his diaper and ran to get rid of the hydrogen sulfide like fumes coming from her brother's excrement, but her lungs felt like they were going to burst as she took a deep breath, inhaled the poisonous vapour and fainted and Junior began laughing and clapping while the triplets walked over her doing their own business.

Lucille then jumped up and said,"I forgot I could do that."

She took in a deep breath and held it, then gagged due to the stench of the poison gas and began to cough and gasp for her breath.

She then looked at Junior from the corner of her eyes as he laughed and smiled, before yelling,"This is the only way to save the world from the devastating effects of the carbon- hydrogen bond!"

She flung the loaded grenade towards the kitchen trashcan and was about to hit it spot on when Lucy walked in the way.

There was a blood curdling scream as Lucille ran past Junior, came back and grabbed him, and vanished as Lucy yelled a surprisingly accurate description of what she planned on doing to her oldest child in the near future.

Lucy looked at the lime green, liquid which consisted of large brown globules big enough to clog even her own digestive system, bearing an awfully putrid smell.

Lucy wanted to crawl out of her skin at that moment till Luis came already with a welcoming tone on his lips.

He intended to hug her when, still at the door, his eyes began to water.

"Ugh, what's that awful smell?!"

"Give me a hug, honey."Lucy said with a creepy grin on her face.

"Lucy, was there an earthquake here when you were in the bathroom or something?"

"Come here!"She yelled and leapt towards him.


He dashed out of the kitchen at light speed and was getting closer to the door, to freedom, to safety, when she speared him down from behind and his facial expression was of anger, regret and failure, till the smell took over.

"What happened to you?"He asked.

"Lucille threw a shot put on me."

"Oooh, how did you catch me?"

"Don't you know I used to outrun full grown horses back on the farm when I was a kid?"

He shrugged as she hugged him again with a squishing sound being produced, then he said,"But seriously, you need a shower."

"After I get Lucille into our family hug too..."

"You're a wonderful mother..."

"I know."