
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Thành thị
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When Lucy gained consciousness, she first saw her husband, holding her hand, then she saw her daughter and brother in law.

The doctor came in with the results, he said,"Madam, congratulations, you're pregnant."


The four of us were surprised but Mark said,"No, no, no, that's a mistake. I can't have kids, I have low sperm count."

The doctor continued,"Low sperm count just reduces your chances of getting children, it doesn't totally bring them to null."

Mark looked at Lucy and started crying tears of joy and Lucy said,"Mark, you're going to be a father, Lucille, you're going to be a sister and Tommy, you are going to be an uncle."

My heart was warmer than it ever had been, I was so happy for them.

I told Rose and she immediately came back home to congratulate them with dozens of gifts.

Mark threw a huge baby shower and its colour scheme was purple, as they weren't sure of the gender yet.

I was on the swing with Rose, making out when I heard a bustling in the bushes. We turned in that direction and I opened the bushes to find...


She giggled nervously.

Rose giggled and I put my hands on my waist. She said nervously,"You guys are interesting...fine, your spying rubbed off on me, big deal."

I told her to go and play with the other kids her age and she reluctantly left.

I then caught four of the boys fighting over who could play with Lucille and she looked at me with an ' I told you so ' look.

I shrugged my shoulders, that was actually better than Lucille spying on my personal business.

I helped clean up after the party then went to the zoo since I had to take care of a new chimpanzee.

The animals liked me so much that I was called to take care of new animals as they usually hated other people.

I entered the science fair again and this time, without my girlfriend or her sister to compete with me, I came in first.

I was at a community centre, donating food and clothes, when I saw someone shady enter. By now, I knew all the people who came to that community centre and he wasn't one of them.

Soon, some cops came in and the shady character pulled a woman and placed a gun on the side of her head and yelled cuss words at the cops and demanded they gave him a car and left him alone.

When everyone was distracted, I sneaked into the kitchen and jumped out the window right behind him.

One of the cops yelled for me to move away from there but the guy pulled the trigger.

I had twisted his hand so he shot the bullet at the ceiling. Then I kneed him in the ribs and threw him backwards, head first into the floor.

He landed with a thud and didn't get up again. The cops were amazed.

They arrested him for bank robbery and I was given the prize money, I donated it to the community centre.

A few days later, I was feeding Leonard the leopard when I heard something. I walked towards his wife, Felicia the feline.

She looked at me and growled and I said,"Don't you dare growl at me young lady."

She looked at me then rolled over and I saw three cubs. I had no idea she had been pregnant and yet I knew how to tell pregnant mammals from normal ones, it was such a surprise.

I quickly went to tell the manager and he was excited to have a new exhibit, but I of course had to warn him that they were too young to be shown to the public.

I volunteered to take care of her and the cubs as they trusted me most, they told me it would be harder work and I'll spend less time home, I agreed.

I went home, exhausted that day as Mark looked at me, he asked why I was so drained and I told him about the new cubs.

Lucy walked down the stairs and I immediately ran and hugged her with my ears on her belly, she said,"Tommy, I've barely been pregnant a month, you can't hear the baby kick yet."

I shrugged my shoulders and said,"It's worth the shot."

Lucille ran down the stairs and hugged me then asked,"What took you so long, uncle Tommy?"

I was still not used to being called that. I said,"Guess what Lucille."

"The elephants have been liberated? The koalas have escaped? The chameleons are missing? What? What? What?!!!"

"Lucille, when people say guess what, they usually mean good news, not bad, anyway, Felicia has given birth to three cubs."

She did an adorable face and asked,"Really?"

I nodded then showed her a picture, she said,"Aww, they're so cute...that makes me wonder when my sister is going to be born."

Lucy said,"Lucille, we aren't sure it's a girl, besides, the baby wouldn't be born for at least another eight months."

Lucille said,"Aww, that's so far away!"

Mark rubbed her hair and said,"Don't worry sweetheart, it will be sooner than you think."

Lucille smiled.

I also realized something about Mark. He was extra, extra protective over Lucy, he often didn't want to leave for work to protect her, I couldn't tell if it was because of what happened the last time someone he loved got pregnant or because this was possibly his only chance of getting a biological child."