
My life in the world of Invincible

MC got reincarnated in a cultivation world with some high quality perks +++++++++ Testing my skills in writing. Critic to your hearts content. I welcome it {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} ∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆¶∆ Disclaimer: So this is a thing I guess. Though I thought the designation 'FANFIC' says it all. I mean, It is a FANFIC. OH WELL ==The image used is not owned by me==

DaoistAwesome · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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13 Chs

Awakening Ceremony

Under the scorching heat of the sun, you could see a number of children not more than seven years old doing farm work. Most of them looked malnourished but with the vigor with which they use to work you would think that your eyes are just deceiving you and that the children just had a bad skin condition. Among them is Klaus. Six years has flown by since he came to this world. In the first one year he was not conscious of himself, his baby brain could not handle his adult mind. He only became aware when a year and six months passed. The first thing he did was to gather information about his circumstances. He found out that he was orphan in an orphanage in canglan county. He was happy about it at first, thinking that there would be no family to tie him down

He actually kowtowed and gave thanks to his no longer parents wherever they may be for such a wonderful arrangement. Also knowing that he was in the same town as Huang Xiaolong exited him, just thinking about the adventures that they will have made him dream day and night in anticipation.

In this world, humans have an existence termed as martial spirits in their body. Human warriors' strength was closely related to the talents of these martial spirits, and they were graded into low, average, and high; martial spirits graded ten and above were considered as superb talent martial spirits, a heaven-defying existence. The higher one's talent, the better it was for their body to absorb the world's spiritual energy and become a strong Warrior.

Nevertheless, there were also people born without martial spirits and also those that had crippled martial spirits, rendering them unable to train. In Martial Spirit World, these people were labeled as wastes!

But as he grew his outlook on life changed. The amount of suffering that people of low birth suffered in this world was enough to make some of them kill themselves as a way of liberation. His case was even worse. The moment he turned four and was capable of holding a tool he was put to work. He and children like him would work each day from sunrise to sunset.

The meals they were given was reduced ever so slightly to accommodate the new kids that the orphanage would get. Which made the children work even harder because they knew that was how they were going to eat. Orphanages were the dumping ground for children of commoners who could not take care of themselves talk less of taking care of a child. When some of the kids find out that they don't have a martial soul, they go as far as killing themselves. At least even with a trash martial soul you could be a guard in a small or medium cultivation family which would secure you a good amount for you and your family. Of course, there was always risk in doing such work but it beats being a regular farmer.

The Huang family is one of the leading family in canglan county. Some would say that they and the other leading families were trying their best 'but fuck that, I know that those cultivator families are rich, canglan is a very small county which means if they probably fucking stop stock pilling everything to win favors from young masters and young mistresses, they could really improve things for the people, but who am I to judge, I am a hypocrite by nature'.

Though he looked like the other kids, malnourished, he already had access to his unlimited resource space. But having resources and knowing what to do with them are two different things. He didn't want to use the space even to feed himself because for all he knew some cultivator could find out and the outcome won't be favourable. Slave seal, torture, anything is possible. Without knowing how powerful a cultivator's senses are, its better not to take the chance. Also the knowledge on how to make proper use of the resources is with his black spirit. The reason why he gave all that knowledge to the spirit was simple, there is no knowledge that does not affect your mentality. Becoming a master in a certain field would change him in some way. His behavior might change, maybe even his arrogance. So, he opted to have a spirit be his own personal great sage and he will gradually be aware of his changes rather than an abrupt change. It was even better since both of his spirit have consciousness of their own and could reason but were simply extensions of himself.

"Hey Lin feng, tomorrow is the big day, the awakening ceremony. I hear a martial artist from the Huang family would come to perform it. I am so pumped" said Chen ling, the only friend that Klaus made in the orphanage. More like the friendship was forced on him. Chen ling is always cheerful like he doesn't see the wrongs of the world. After forcing himself in Klaus's life the ever-relusive Klaus had to give up and accept his friendship. Plus, he liked him.

"I told you not to call me that, call me Klaus" he said. The name given to him by the orphanage head was Lin feng. But he never wanted to be called that, telling everyone to call him Klaus but everyone didn't take him seriously, Afterall was 'Klaus' even a real name.

"Alright, alright, KLAUS, you know I don't know where you got such a name"

"It is the name of the most badass original that has ever existed"

"what's an original?"

"Your pitiful mind wouldn't understand if I told you"

"This again huh" Chen ling looked at him with a tired look

"what's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, nothing, to each their own thoughts to explore" said chin ling smiling then he returned to his plowing. Klaus felt that he was just insulted stealthily but let it go. They finished for the day and retired back to the orphanage. After they had washed up their food was served. Looking at the small amount of food that they were given his could only smile wryly.

The fact that the orphanage is still running is a miracle.

After eating their food, they went to their bed. The next day the children all gathered in a hall next to the orphanage building. When they arrived the martial artist from the Huang family, Huang wulin was already there. When they all gathered Huang wulin stood at the center of the hall, a light glowed in his hands, spreading an overwhelming force around the hall. With Huang Wulin channeling his battle qi, suddenly, in the center of the hall, a bright hexagonal pattern shone, forming a beam of light. The head mistress then called out

"Lu Bai you're first"

Lu bai gulped. Gathered his courage and stepped forward into the hexagonal patterned light beam. As the beam of light fell on Lu bai, everyone in the hall focused on Lu bai who was now standing within the beam of light.

The beam of light wrapped around Lu bai for a brief moment before a blue light took over, enveloping Lu Bai. Finally, the blue shadow of a worm gradually emerged in front of Lu Bia

"This is a grade three martial spirit, the blue tail fire worm!" Said the head mistress in a trembling voice. She was really excited for Lu bia, with such a martial spirit he could be recruited by one of the top families in canglan county and could be a big boon to the orphanage in the future.

"A grade three martial spirit, it turned out to be a grade three martial spirit!"

For orphans such as them they already know that they come from a poor background with no good bloodlines. So, a grade three was already setting the standard quite high for the other kids. Lu bai looked at the blue tail fire worm floating on his palm, tears of joy started falling from his eyes.

Huang Wulin nodded at him. Seeing this the other children were envious. This was already a sure sign that he would be recruited by the Huang family.

"Lu bai you can step out now" siad the head mistress. Coming to his senses lu bai stepped out of the formation.

"Congratulations lu bia,"

"Congratulation's boss"

"Congratulations my friend"

Nothing brings about the kindness and friendship from people like success. Already lu bia was gaining some followers and ass kissers among the children.

"Let's continue"

Kid after kid was called and almost all of the them had grade three martial spirit with a few grades two and one grade four. 'This year is really a blessed year' thought the Head Mistress.

"Chen Ling"

"yosh!" came Chen ling with vigor, smiling. Seeing the way he behaved Klaus could only smile shaking his head. Every other kid here was nervous but here he was extremely excited. This is what klaus likes about him. If not for the fact that he knew he was set for the rest of his life, he could not say with one hundred percent certainty that he would not look like the other children here even with his adult mind.

Stepping into the light beam the same thing happened, Chen Ling was envelope by it then red light emanated from his body until the image of a fire bison was seen hovering in his back

"Grade, GRADE TEN martial spirit! flaming mountain bison!" cried out the head mistress. This is a top-level martial spirit. She was more excited than Chen ling. This could mean so much, maybe the great families would now properly fund the orphanages with such a talent coming from them. If she could adopt Lu bia right now, she would, but that is not possible. Huang Wulin was all smiles. Lucky for him most people don't expect much from the peasants and they don't come to their awakening ceremony so he was the only official here. If he was the one to bring back such a talent to the family, the resources he could receive would be enormous. Also, this kid could be his own personal road to the top.

"Nothing of Chen ling's talent should leave this hall is that understood"

Everyone nodded. They were not fools. There has always been tension among the leading families in canglan county. A level ten martial spirit would surely be big news so they knew to keep quiet for their own safety.

"Lin Feng"

"it's Klaus, Klaus"

"OK Klaus, it your turn"

Klaus stepped into the light and was enveloped by it. As he was bathe by the light something inside him unlocked. The conditions to unlock all of his abilities has been met. He could feel his martial spirits. As the power of both sol and the black spirit circulated within his body, he could feel the changes and immediately suppressed it. His body would have changed so much that it would bring unwanted attention. Commanding his black spirit to take its first form and suppressing sol from manifesting, he extended his hand and a ball of darkness appeared

"hehehe, who are all these plebians. They don't deserve our attention, lets look for something fun to do"

The black spirit spoke to Klaus but all everyone was hearing were strange noises. As it spoke the people around were getting an ominous feeling.

"What type of martial spirit is that" asked the children

'behave' commanded klaus

"tch, you're no fun"

The ominous felling disappeared. The head mistress and Huang wulin looked at the small ball of darkness and didn't know what to say. 'This is a very strange martial spirit. But seeing how it doesn't have a proper form it must be a grade one martial spirit' thought Huang Wulin completely forgetting the ominous feeling he had felt thinking it couldn't come from such a tiny spirit.

"emm, darkness ball, grade one martial spirit" said Huang Wulin as he stopped channeling qi. He didn't give his assessment a second thought as he was already quite satisfied with this awaken ceremony's batch of young warriors especially Chen ling. But what happened next he found it strange. Klaus cupped his fist towards him

"Thank you Mr. Huang Wulin. Though it was bound to happen the fact that you did the ceremony is a fortuitous encounter"

"Is ok" Said Wulin thinking that Klaus was trying to gain his favor by being so nice so that he can be taken along with his friends. Unknown to him what Klaus meant was that he was blessed that he was the one who brought forth a new god without knowing it.