
Black hearted

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


-Early next morning-


Yuki stood up from his bed and started stretching like a lazy cat, and without any traces of surprise showing on his face, he found Shizue waiting for him to wake up as usual…

"Good morning, Shizue" He said with an awkward smile, while Shizue instantly beamed at him as she said "Where will we go today?"

'Not this again!' Yelled Yuki inside his head and contemplated sending her back to the Tensura world, but then he turned behind him and noticed the dark and creepy figure staring at him from the corner of the room and immediately shook his head at the stupid idea.

'I can't imagine myself living alone with that creep again… He will definitely curse me one day' Thought Yuki before he replied to Shizue "Today is a weekend, we can invite Emi and Mashiro and we can go out together"

"That would be great, I will go tell them" Said Shizue before she ran to wake Emilia and Mashiro leaving Yuki speechless ' I really wonder when will her excitement die down from having returned to this world…'

Then he turned his attention to organize his bed, but to his surprise, he found a folded note under his pillow 'Oh, where did this come from? I don't remember it being here yesterday... did one of the girls leave a love note?'

Yuki smugly opened the note, but his hand couldn't help but shake slightly as he read the countless words written in bold and a red substance 'CURSE, DIE, DIE, DIE, MONEY, DIE, CURSE, ALLOWANCE, DIE, DIE, DIEEEEEEEEE'

Yuki shot the creep on the corner a quick look and saw him staring at him intently without batting an eye which made Yuki start to sweat 'Oy, Oy, did I push little Yurei a bit too hard by taking his allowance away? Nah, he probably wasn't the one that wrote this right?'

Yuki shot Yurei another look and noticed the latter staring so intently at him to the point that blood vessels started to emerge in his eyes increasing his creepiness by tenfold. 'Ok, he was definitely the one behind this note…'

Just as Yuki was contemplating what to do with this discovery, a voice suddenly sounded close to him startling him out of his thoughts "Did you find something?" This was of course Yurei who appeared soundlessly behind Yuki.

'What the fuck? I didn't feel anything… That shitty ability of his is truly annoying, and this bastard is probably using his telekinesis to float so that he doesn't make any sounds…' Thought Yuki while feeling a chill behind him so he quickly crumbled the piece of paper in his hand and turned to Yurei and said "N-No nothing"

"I see…" Said Yurei while shooting Yuki's hand that held the paper a look, before it shifted to under his bed and swiftly turned to Yuki and said "I made you breakfast, come eat it…"

Yurei's glance at the bed didn't escape Yuki's attention. However, he was more occupied by the 'breakfast' Yurei prepared for him, and on the table, a few dishes filled with purple stuff that was bubbling were placed and waiting for him… And all that's left was for a skull to float from it to show just what kind of a deadly concoction it was…

Yuki gulped slightly while staring at that purple stuff before he turned to stare at Yurei's bloodshot eyes and thought 'Did he learn how to poison people from Shion or what? I can't let this keep going on… I can't even start to imagine what he put under my bed…' then he said "Yurei, I think you should go out and have some fun today, here take Maou or Ashiya with you… I'm sure they will appreciate it"

Then, Yuki gave him the equivalent of 500 dollars and it finally made the creepy aura around him grow dimmer as he smiled warmly at Yuki and said "Thanks, let me make you a proper breakfast, for this one I was in a hurry so it ended up being like that hehehe"

Yuki stared at the illusion of a skull floating from the dishes and he couldn't help but think 'In a hurry for what? To kill me?' so he said with a smile "Ah, please don't worry, I don't want to have breakfast anyways"

"Are you sure?" Asked Yurei doubtfully to which Yuki nodded immediately, but an idea suddenly hit him so he said "If you make Maou and Ashiya eat it instead, I will give you another 70000 Yen (500 dollars) "

"Really?" Asked Yurei with a creepy smile and Yuki replied with a similarly creepy one "Yup"

This is what can be described as two peas in a pod… rotten peas at that!


As Yuki's neighbors were suffering early in the morning from a ghost and an overly enthusiastic girl, Yuki on the other hand was happily enjoying his peace… However, it didn't last for long as he soon started hearing screams from both Maou and Ashiya

"NOOO, I'm sorry my lord but you will have to wait until I finish using the bathroo- aghhhhh"

"Ashiya you traitor! aghh" Yelled Maou feeling betrayed by his lowly general… These two cheap demons were actually easily tricked by Yurei… He promised them that he would split the money with them after they ate a bit of the food he prepared…

And Since they were proud cheap bastards… they directly ate it while feeling confident in the resistance of their demonic bodies… however the outcome was beyond their imagination as they almost lost control of their bowels directly, and Ashiya being one step closer to the bathroom than Maou, directly smashed a bowl of poison into his face and closed the bathroom door behind him while yelling "Please forgive me my lord"

Hanzo was left speechless by the hypocrisy of his fellow general, but he was even more worried by his lord that didn't seem to find a place to relieve himself and he kept pacing back and forth inside the room while knocking on the door for Ashiya to hurry up with one hand while holding his clenched butt with the other "Hurry up Ashiya! I can't hold on for much longer ughhh"

"I'm sorry my lord, I can't leave midway, I can tell this is going to be a long prolonged war!" Replied Ashiya while shamelessly throwing his lord to the wolves without any remorse to fend for himself…

"This bastard…" Muttered Maou before he rushed to Yuki's door and directly entered the room 'Great, no one's here' He thought when he didn't see anyone, so he rushed to the bathroom door only to find it locked from the inside and a lazy voice soon sounded and brought him into absolute despair "Sorry, occupied"

These words kept echoing in Maou's head like a curse and he couldn't help but beg "Please Yuki, don't do this to me man"

Butt Yuki's heart was harder than his body of diamond, so he cruelly said "Sowwy"

Hearing the clear sarcasm Yuki was using, Maou wanted nothing more than to rip him apart along with every single one of the bastards he knew… But the pain in his stomach reminded him that now wasn't the time so he rushed to the next room and knocked hurriedly

"Emilia! Open quickly, please!" Yelled Maou, and Emilia who opened the door glared at him for using her real name, but she was surprised by his weird condition, especially when now he was using both hands to hold his clenched butt...

"What happened to you?" Asked Emilia doubtfully with one brow raised and Maou hurriedly said "I can't explain right now, but please let me take a shit in your toilet"

Emilia's brain had a short circuit for a second before she directly punched Maou and sent him flying through the hallway… However, contrary to the pained expression you would expect from such a hard punch… Maou's face at this moment can only be described as blissful as if he achieved niravana…

Emilia felt creeped out by this so she decided to close the door, However, Yuki who came out of the bathroom and was watching this from his room's door was suddenly hit by a disgusting aroma that wiped the smile out of his face… 'Did we go too far?' He thought, before he hurriedly closed the door and started praying that this demon lord doesn't come for revenge… At least not before he changes his pants...

Thankfully he didn't… at least Maou didn't start with him as the blissful smile on his face turned into rage and he rushed into his own room to teach Ashiya and Yurei a lesson…

"Ewww, you are literally full of shit now" Said Yurei making Hanzo burst into laughter but he quickly tried to cover his mouth only to find it too late as Yurei disappeared into the ground like a ghost and Maou's hostility was now directed at him…

"You find it funny huh?" Said Maou with an eerie smile while slowly approaching Hanzo who was feeling nauseated from the strong smell… But before he could react, Maou picked up one of the leftover poisoned dishes and smashed it into Hanzo's face while making sure that he swallowed some of it


And just like that, a cycle of hell started for another person…


Later that day, Yuki went out with the girls. He decided to bribe Maou and the demons as well to make them forget that he was the one that instigated their shitty morning. However, Yuki wasn't sure if it worked or not as Maou and the demons still walked with their butts clenched from time to time whenever they saw something purple …

'Thankfully, I dealt with Yurei right away… but I still need to buy a new bed just in case…' Thought Yuki while remembering what he found under his bed when he checked it… the whole lower side of his wooden bed was actually carved with all kinds of curses similar to the red note he found under his pillow…

But what was even creepier were the clear knife stab marks he found where his heart and neck would have been and it brought him chills…

So, they spent their time having fun, and Yuki decided to exchange a few treasures for money to make his life easier… but suddenly, his phone started to vibrate and when he checked it out, he found a simple message that said "Here's the location you wanted, XXXX Kyobashi, Chuo city, Tokyo. I will visit you this evening to get the rest of the payment -Sender, Silent "

Yuki froze slightly and he couldn't help but nod in admiration 'This guy is really amazing… It seems like the time to save Ryushi has arrived… Or at least save that woman… Aguri Yukimura was it?'

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