
My life as Sasuke

Just read if you like no need for comments, review or power stones. Trashy grammar, No Harem. Even if I asked about making Harem Karin will be the only girl. --------------------- Waking up as Sasuke Uchiha was not something I thought. But after the two souls became one I couldn't help myself but to think what to do in the future. In path on becoming the strongest or just to survive I will not forget who am I and what I was without the help I got from those I call my new family. But to protect my happiness and those I cherish I will be the devil's the entire Elemental nation will fear. And if any bastard even think or harming my family his fate will be worst than death.

NahinS77 · Tranh châm biếm
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38 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

It was a beautiful new day for the people for the hidden leaf. The sun still has not risen but a lot of people are opening their shop's for the early buyers which are mainly ninjas who are ready to go on their missions.

Sasuke woke up at 4 am in the morning. After freshening up he ate some light snacks. He made two shadow clones 1 for reading Fuinjutsu and the other to practice Uchiha's unique Shurikenjutsu. As for himself he put the resistance seal on himself and started his run. ' I have to increase my stamina if I want to have any chance to endure all the exercise. I should ask help from Kakashi for my taijutsu, kenjutsu and few ninjutsu only. Besides I really don't want anyone to know that I know about Fuinjutsu or I am practicing it.'

With the thought of trying to get stronger he started to give his all in his exercise. He reached home at 6 am and took a shower and put the seal away. Then after having the breakfast he started to see how much progress his shadow clone made on the Shurikenjutsu. So after getting the memory he himself tried to do himself. Well even if it was hard he didn't gave up or used his Sharingan. He took some cut but it was worth it when he was able to do his first Uchiha's unique Shurikenjutsu traps. "The satisfaction of something being successful after hard work is great." He said with a smile watching his ninja strings successful traps.

And when it was 7 am he sent his shadow clone to the meeting place of his team. And knowing that Kakashi will come at 10 he has to use all his time. Everyone knows hardwork beat talent and smart work beat hardwork. And that's why when he was trying to differentiate different colours of sand from one another he made a clone and it used it's Sharingan to help him. And after getting it's memory he was able to do it. Even though the time it took for the exercise to complete was not good enough to say. It's show's that he has still ways to go before he achieve perfect chakra control.

And after that he started to try and go one place to another in a short distance useing Shunshin but without Sharingan. On the other hand two shadow clones useing sharingan watching the mistakes he made. Even if it was hard he was able to make an acceptable amount of progress on his Shunshin technic to make it battle ready.

And after all that exercise he did a shadow clone and both of opened Sharingan on the water. Even though the Sharingan can't be seen because of eye lens. Both of them tried to see their sharingan eyes predicting ability by going all out against each other but stopping before touching eachother. With this he will be able to use Sharingan to it's fullest if it is necessary. And his taijutsu will also improve. Besides the previous Sasuke practiced his taijutsu against dummies. No wonder his taijutsu didn't improve even though he worked hard. And it is also a point that no one helped him to improve his taijutsu or ninjutsu except the academy 3 jutsu.

After all that he made a single shadow clone to still read Fuinjutsu. It will be one of his biggest secret cards. He had already sent the clone with all the necessary things so after cleaning himself he used Shunshin to reach their faster. And again without anyone knowing he replaced himself with his shadow clone.


I just arrived at the training ground. And after replacing myself with the shadow clone I waited and got the memory of my shadow clone. I couldn't help myself but smirk that even my shadow clone without any instruction did a good job. It was reading about genjutsu. How it works and to cancel it. It even found a good idea where the caster can cast genjutsu useing sound. Besides finding the secret of Itachi's genjutsu was also helpful. Maybe in the future I will play with the minds of my enemies useing genjutsu based on sounds or only by fingers alone.

I really don't care about Itachi anymore. If he dies somehow by tripping on his feet I won't care. He made my life a big lie. He controled my life up until now. I will not go around finding Itachi. Besides after killing the entire clan on the word of a madman I really don't have any sympathy for him. The longer he lives the long he will suffer. And that will be his punishment not my revenge but the justice he deserved. Also living with the guilt of killing your own parents is nothing less than being in hell. And that bastard has the heart to show his younger 7 years old innocent brother the deaths of his parents and clan members again and again. The amount of helplessness, anger, betrayal and the amount of pain is enough to make anyone crazy.

Enough to make Sasuke crazy enough to get the power at any cost. No wonder he was even willing to give his body to Orochimaru for the power to get revenge.

Even though I was thinking I was still on guard. I was senseing my surroundings. Besides that it is good news that Sakura has not asked me about going on date once. Even though the look she is giving me shows that she is having hard time to stop herself from going back on her bad habits.

After some minutes I sensed someone coming towards us. I didn't showed any indication that I know anything. And just then Kakashi Hatake arrived.

""YOUR LATE."" Came the loud shout of both Sakura and Naruto. I took out the ear plugs out of my ear.' There no way my hearing will stay good if they shout like that everyday.' I thought to myself.

"Sorry, a black cat crossed my path and I had to go around. Then I had to help a grandma cross the road. And when I was coming back I had to save a black cat from drowning in the water. Also because it was a black cat and I was wet I had to go back home and change my clothes. After that I came." He said with a eye smile.

"Liar." Even though Sakura didn't shout Naruto was looking confuse on to believe it or not. ' God what types of lies did the Third Hokage told him to even think about believing it! It seems the the Third Hokage made sure on his brainwashing that no matter Naruto will always listen to his words. No wonder even after knowing his parents the Third Hokage's words on forgiveness and self-sacrifice made him forgive everyone without a single thought.' I thought with pity even though outside there was no change.

I stood up and walked towards Kakashi."Kakashi sensei, previous day we saw that we are a lot weaker than even we thought. So I was thinking of doing mission other time and you should help us training and grow stronger." I said it all with a serious face. Both Naruto and Sakura agreed with me. Even though Naruto still protested and said, " Hey I am not weak. I am going to become Hokage. BELIEVE IT."

'He is already out of the reach for me to even try to save him.' I looked at him and thought.

"Hmm, I wanted you all to do some missions. But since you all want to improve I think the missions can wait for few days." Kakashi said with a thoughtful look. " Sasuke since you think that the team is weak what should we first try to improve and what you want to improve?" Kakashi said after giving a thought to my words.

"I think we should first work on our taijutsu. You know how we are at it so you will be able to improve our taijutsu or fix mistakes. As for me I want to increase my speed and stamina mainly. I also want to learn Kenjutsu. So for now training me for taijutsu and kenjutsu is enough. As for the other two my idea was for them to better their taijutsu but you should also ask them on what they want to do." I said after giving a thought on what Kakashi asked.

"Hmm, it is a good idea. I will help you all on taijutsu and kenjutsu for Sasuke. Even though it will cost my reading time..... What you two want to improve or train?" Kakashi asked them with sigh. It's like losing his reading time for his ICA ICA is making him lose his life.

"I am not really sure about it... Sensei for now I will work on taijutsu." Sakura said unsurely at first but the next moment her fangirl mode made her accept my advice without any questions.


' If that bastard shouts like that everytime talking I will burn all of his ramen and orange eyesore. BELIEVE IT! What the hell! Why the hell I am saying believe it!? I have to stop myself from getting affected by Naruto's stupidity.' I thought with a shudder. And to think I will have to hear him shouting about being Hokage everyday. 'God please have mercy on me. And stop me from thinking a way to kill him.'

Well Naruto's declaration made Kakashi unimpressed and Sakura gave her signature punch on Naruto's head.

"Well I will not give any of you any jutsu untill I feel satisfied on your progress." He opened a scroll and three sets of weight came out." Okay I thought of giving you all these weights later. But now you will wear it and I am giving you routine to do you daily exercise. And when I come we will have taijutsu fights to see your improvements." He said simply. Even though the orange book was nowhere to be seen.

He made two shadow clones. One went with Naruto and another with Sakura. And the Original came to me. " Let's go and pic a weapon for you to practice." He said. Then he put his hand on my arm and next moment we were in front of store named *Higarashi weapons shop*.

When both of us entered we saw a man in his forties cleaning weapons. "Well, you choose what you want. After all you are the one paying." Kakashi said with his eye smiles.

Without giving that any thought I went inside and chose a chokuto. I will find the one which Sasuke used in Shippuden. But for now this chokuto will be enough. I also bought fingerless gloves with metal plates and few things for my new getup. I don't want my duck butt hair style anymore. Also for fun I bought a similar black face mask like Kakashi. I will have real fun with it.

When I bought them all even Kakashi was amused with my choices. After I bought them all I put them inside my storage scroll.

"Well let's go. I will teach you to fight against stronger opponents and few kenjutsu moves so you wouldn't cut yourself." With that final eye smile that bastard changed entirely. And when after getting all his beatings I was not able to even move.

And it took a week for me to even be able to walk home after daily trainings with Kakashi. Bastard was even having fun at my state when I am tired to even move. I knew I was improving so I didn't complained or voice my thoughts. He was even an amazing kenjutsu user. I hope that I will servive this sadistic bastard.

[Hope you like it]