
Team Ben Vs Second blitzwolfer

"What. You said that there was only one, I am a bit low on magic so it's up to mostly you and Kai." Gwen said as she closed her eyes for a moment and I took this'll window of time to bend down and capture a bit of the soil and dust in my hands in preparation for the assault.

"Well, Sorry but I didn't quite know there was a second one. Also Kai, gather a few stones and ready your aim." I replied and ordered as I got ready for a second fight while going though the possible outcomes of our clash mentally.

"Ai captain!" This time I kai replied and tried to lift the tension a tiny bit but she just made it worse.

"Stop joking around, the mate is almost upon us." Gwen shouted from her position as she also collected a few stones as to be helpful without magic.

Just as Gwen finished saying that, a similar wolf like bi-pedal creature ran straight towards me with extended claws and a intent to kill in its purple eyes.

I threw the sandy soil straight into its eyes just as I jumped on to it with a drop kick on the blinded enemy before landing and punched the mate in the gut as I wrapped my hands around the neck of the mate before following with a knee strike by bringing the face of the beast into my enhanced knee. I jumped back just as a bunch of stones flew past me and impacted the mate head on in the face.

The mate roared as her mouth split into four and gave off an unholy sound so loud that the cave started shaking. The barrier we had placed earlier had redirected or absorbed most of the sounds but it was still painful to listen to. The barrier was slowly getting overwhelmed without a source of extra mana so I immediately ran towards the screeching beast with a punch to the gut but before I connected, my hand was caught by the Mate and before I could process the information, I was thrown into the wall of the cave.

I was so focused on my offense that I didn't even notice that the beast had recovered from the sand attack and the fact that the screeching had stopped and the beast had made a block before I had impacted it with my fist.

The mate roared loudly as it ran straight Past me and towards the male blitzwolfer who had fallen unconscious from the battle. It also tried attacking the girls with an intent to kill. I could see as the beast was about to open its maw to scream, it was pelted by rocks in the face and in the arm temporarily stopping it. I took the opportunity to dislodge myself from the wall and launch myself into the back of my enemy with a punch.

But I guess the beast sensed as it turned around and tried to catch my fist but I had learned my lesson and I switched to an mana enhanced round house kick followed by an elbow to its face. The mate hardened its muscles and took the brunt of the impact without injuries and a minor skid and it proceeded to try and fight me in hand to hand combat.

I had to parry most of its attacks because the claws could easily break skin and possibly muscle, that and I had no motivation to get any scars yet. My attacks would be absorbed by the body of the beast but it was slowly whittling down the opponents body and stamina. I also aimed for the gut and the face but threw in a large amount of feints with the gut as the false target before hitting it on the legs and arms.

Normally I would run out of both stamina and mana as I had already beat one blitzwolfer and I was running on a level just above fumes. But. I had Support, As in Kai landing successful hits on the relaxed muscles on the beasts back with kicks and stones while Gwen provided a shield made form mana whenever the beast got close to hitting me.

The shield would easily shatter because the blitzwolfer was strong and Gwen was running on fumes but it slowed the beast enough for me too dodge and land more hits in until the beast was nearly unconscious.

It took a stalemate of nearly 1 minute to finally subdue the beast. Now you might be saying one minute isn't much but when each second can turn the tide of the battle and exchange of attacks happens once a second, a minute was basically the equivalent of a very long time.

Anyways after I finally beat the beast, I nearly fainted from fatigue but I held together as I dragged the mate into a back up muzzler. Me, Gwen and Kai then proceeded to drag the heavy bodies of 2 blitzwolfer into a closed cave and dropped a boulder onto the entrance after taking a blood, hair, saliva, bone marrow and a few other samples for research.

I knew that the orange eyed alien was either a mutation or a special case. Either way, it was probably more Interesting to research but I was too tired to research after a grueling fight.

I forced an examination of any injuries on both the girls before letting them go. I took a look at my own injuries to see nothing that cut skin but a lot of bruises and the fact that my back would be plotting my murder for the next few weeks.

I fell into my bed in Wes's R.V. Bed as I made a mental note to double check all possibilities and not to rely to heavily on canon especially since I basically fucked it up the ass by just existing and doing my own thing. It took me less than a second to fall asleep as I curled into my favorite sleeping position.