
Shadows of the Great Tree

The morning sun rose on Hoffen. It's warmth and light seemed to breath a different life into the town as many opened their eyes to the blinding sun.

But as glorious and beautiful as the morning was. A scream soon echoed through the air. A woman and child were found before a broken building. It's mostly buried structure left only tiny pieces of wood and stone sticking out of the ground.

The guards soon came running with the townsfolk to see the commotion and found the astonishing scene.

This place had previously been the town bar. Named Mimics Wine by the old man who built her. It was the lifeblood of the town. But now it was in ruins. Destroyed by some force. Silently and over night. Not one soul saw or heard a thing.

And what was most curious was a bag of coins was left with a note for the woman. The wife of the barkeeps and owner. Describing events that horrified the woman and even made her look at her son horrified.

But the bag before her contained gold and jewels to rebuild. And make a better life for her and her son.

The boy. Barely 6 years old bore a strong resemblance to his "father" Barnabus. But the note showed the woman what he really was. As she pulled down his collar to look at his back. The slight shape of scales could be seen at the base of his neck.

"Nooooo!!!!!" She screamed as she fell to the ground where the boy tried to hug her. The note bore no sender and all it read at the end was this.

"Love him. No matter what he is. It isn't his fault for why he is here or who his father was. Raise our son well."

As the scene unfolded, the town seemed to grow far away as Ignis flew to the north of Hoffen. His wings beating the air every once in a while as he glided on the Windstream. His eyes were vigilant of the ground as he flew. The many details of the land were good on his map. But seeing them himself made them more real.

It wasn't long until the caravan came into view. The long cart train was riding along the bumpy stone roads with some of the passengers becoming very annoyed as time passed. Constantly being bumped about really does a number on the cheeks after all.

"Perhaps introducing some suspension to this world would do some good. I'll have to ask Aed about any possible effects from bringing my worlds technology here. Wouldn't want any bad ideas coming through." Ignis hummed as he slowly glided down.

The many people within the caravan noticed his approach and knew immediately who it was. Many bowed low as he descended and others could only wave as he drew close.

Ignis landed with his true form in view. He didn't care any more. No more hiding. No more waiting.

The caravan continued toward the capital which apparently was called Ewiger Baum. (Eternity's Tree if I translated it to German correctly).

The City should be in sight in 2 days time by Val's estimate.

Val may not have seemed to want to go home. But when she gazed around it seemed like she missed this place. Her eyes took in everything seemed to try to commit it to memory so she wouldn't forget it.

And when night fell she told tales about the night sky and the trees. Stories her mother once told her when she was small. How the land of Melra was once much larger. But due to some misfortune the gods struck it and sank a portion due to the greed of its inhabitants. A warning of sorts one would say.

She sighed as she leaned back. Her eyes gazing towards the stars as they filled the clear sky. One could see her homesickness from tears that began to trickle down her face. "I'm almost home. Almost home." She whispered to herself.

The night passed quickly for Ignis as he stared into the stars and wondered how Sam was doing. How were the twins? Were they safe? Had they grown?

So much he didn't know made his stomache churn in knots as he worried and wondered. "But I'll see them soon enough. After I bring fire and a sword to the evils of this place." He hummed as he sat before his small bonfire.

The morning came with a rising sun. But a sky filled with dark clouds rose with it. And as the caravan approached the city on the final day it began to rain. The sun blotted out by dark clouds as muddy ground squelched beneath the caravans feet and wheels.

The city was large and made of stone. A massive wall surrounding it was at least 50 feet tall and made of solid marble. Roots seemed to hang about from the top of it lazily. But Ignis got the feeling they were more like predators than plant roots as he drew close.

A large tree stood in the center of the city. Reaching for the heavens with its large branches and covering the enormous city with its breadth. It's many leaves a rainbow of colors that seemed to shine even amidst the rain. If one saw the city from afar they might have even said it seemed to glow.

Many were tired and hungry from the trip. And the guard seemed to be expecting them. As soon as he saw the papers he waved them all through.

His armor was emerald green with leaves imprinted in the bronze chest piece. His grieves and armlets were made of some kind of wood Ignis had never seen before. It's color was purple and the texture from what he saw was extremely smooth. like it had been waxed. The mans elven ears stuck out the sides of his helmet which openly showed his thin but happy face.

Though Ignis found himself interested in the armor he was quickly distracted by something else.

The city.

Built entirely out of the roots of the great tree that covered it. The roots weaving in and out of the ground like ropes that stuck themselves in the perfect places for building homes. Rounded and not one was rotting or petrified by time. The streets were stone and seemed nicely fitted into the ground as the people strode about.

And when one looked far enough forward they could see something brilliant in the distance. A castle made of a mix of stone and tree wove out of the ground. A unique existence as it seemed the stone grew from the bark of the great tree. Specks could be seen running along its intertwining roots. No doubt servants rushing to do the chores and duties of maids and butlers.

But as night quickly began to fall the Caravan members split and searched for places to stay.

That is except for Kyle, Val, and Ignis. They trudged through the rain covered ground toward the palace. Ignis held a large wing over his two friends in an attempt to keep them in a better mood.

The streets were straight and true to the palace which made things smoother and much easier to navigate compared to most cities. And noone in this small party minded it.

The gates soon stood before them. Large roots crisscrossed two large marble surfaces surrounded by walls made of roots and branches. Guards stood on either side silently inspecting the approaching group with their spears held tight.

"Who goes there?" One of the guards called as the group drew close.

Kyle threw back his hood before shouting back. "I King Kylisius Jantic Verst of Belmac have come to meet with Queen Felmenia. I have already made the arrangements."

His voice carried over and the guards quickly rushed about.

Soon the gates opened. The roots bent and twisted to make the stone move and allowed the group entry. But Ignis felt an odd sensation as he entered the castle. Like he was being spied on.

Glancing up he smirked a little at the floating eye he saw observing their little group. "I believe I already mention I don't like being watched ruler of elves." He growled. His eyes glowed slightly and the eye dissipated quickly. Not like the first time he saw it. But quickly enough.

The group was quickly led through the palace corridors to a lavish meeting room.

The walls were covered in leaves of all kinds with shelves made from hardened shelf mushrooms. Their sizes varying but all seemed to add a naturalistic charm to the room. A table stood. in the middle where a bottle of wine and a tray of varying snacks was arranged. Though Kyle was untrusting of either, Ignis dug in till there were only crumbs left on the tray.

Very few skills were learned and all of them made obsolete or absorbed by his other skills.

And though it took a few minutes for someone to show up they didn't expect it to be the queen herself.

Servants opened the doors for a tall woman. Her pale features were outlined by green tinged hair and brown eyes. Her attire was a kimono embroidered with flowers. Sakura if memory served. Her face was like a sculpture. Well formed and unblemished. Her elf ears were long and pointed to the back of her head.

Her eyes seemed squinted lightly closed but Ignis could feel how observant she was of all of them. Particularly him. He looked at her and sensed something familiar. And it only took a moment to remember what it was.

"So the little watcher back then was you huh." He hummed as he remained seated. His mind turning back to his evolution to a god in Belmac. The spying eye spell that had been watching him.

The queen seemed slightly puzzled before a startled and scared expression began to show on her face.

Ignis held up one of his hands. "I have not come to cause problems. Merely to return a child home." He grunted as he gestured across from him to Val. Who for some reason still had her hood up.

The queen turned to this hooded stranger and soon found herself facing someone she had been missing for a long time.

"Valkiria..." She said. Stumped for a few moments. Her eyes blinking as though perhaps she was seeing things. "You... Are you real?" She said reaching out cautiously for her daughter's cheek.

Vals lips pursed as she struggled to hold back her tears. And when her mother's hands embraced her face she began to cry.

"Mother." She sniffled as she kept into her mother's arms. Queen Felmenia did her best to control her face but failed miserably as tears streaked down her cheeks.

"Oh my little rose! I prayed one day you'd make it home." She cried as she held her daughter close.

Her eyes suddenly turned hardened as she pulled her daughter a step back from her. "And what took you so long to come home? You've lost weight. And by mercury you almost look metallic." She scolded her daughter even as tears threatened to rain from her eyes.

Ignis held up his hand to attract their attention some. "Perhaps we should all sit before tales are told. There are many things you must know before we continue. Some of which are more recent and threatening than your daughter's disappearance." He said as he leaned back and the others quickly found their seats. Val on the floor at her mother's feet, while Queen Felmenia sat in a high backed chair.

"Now. Let's begin."