
My Life as a Gamer Across the Multiverse(ENG)

Frank Evans was an average teenager / young adult when he suddenly appeared in a dark, empty place with a screen calling him Gamer ---------------------------------- This is my first fanfiction so don't be surprised if I do something wrong First World: Highschool Of The Dead Second World: Tokyo Ghoul Update Mug: When I upload the chapter to the Spanish version

MoonDevourer · Tranh châm biếm
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104 Chs

War declaration

It had been several days since all the members of the [Aogiri Tree] took the [Race Change Option: Perfect Ghoul], more specifically 4 days since that happened, and with all the members of the [Aogiri Tree] including their [Administrators ] and [Executives] being [Perfect Ghoul].

It was extremely easy to bring [District 1] under my rule, and thanks to the high loyalty of the [Aogiri Tree] being at [95/100], the members of the [Aogiri Tree] followed my orders without question and without any hesitation or question. unnecessary.

With [District 1] under my wing, the rumors about the new leader of the [Aogiri Tree] began and along with those rumors it was also said that it was the [One-Eyed King] who took control, which made the [CCG] will send their men to investigate. Although they did not send many people, out of fear of the [One-Eyed Dragon], since if he reappeared, they could not afford further losses from their men.

So they only sent members of [Rank 1] along with an investigated [First Class] as a leader, to verify those rumors in [District 1], since the activities of the [Aogiri Tree] in the [District] before The above mentioned were more frequent, although to the curiosity of the others [District], the ghouls of the [Aogiri Tree] did not attack any person of the [District].


Once the members of [Rank 1] and the only one of [First Class] from the [CCG] reached [District 1], they found themselves surrounded by several ghouls from the [Aogiri Tree]. Next to a man seated on a throne made from gold, silver, and a blue-green gem in the center, the man wore a crown made of diamonds with various gems in it, bearing a ruby ​​in the center of it.

Making a formation seeing that they were surrounded, the [First Class] members watched cautiously as the man watched them from the throne with several masked women standing beside him, as if them were a royal guard.

"Welcome to my domains, doves" - hearing the words of the man in front of him, the [CCG] members frowned as they saw that he referred to [District 1] as his domain.

"And who do you think you are to think that you are the owner of [District 1] !?" - asked one of the members who were in front of the others, while carefully observing the unknown man in front of him.

Smiling upon hearing the exclamation and question of the man several meters from him, the man with the crown made of diamond observed him with a funny look on his face- "You can know me as the [One-Eyed King]" -.

The instant the man's words ended, the [CCG] members frowned and tensed their muscles upon hearing the man's words in front of them, as if his words were true. Which seemed, seeing that the members of the [Aogiri Tree] were observing the man with the crown with respect, they might be in serious trouble.

"And how can we know that you are the much rumored [One-Eyed King]?" - asked a [CCG] member who was next to the [First Class] investigator.

"And why should I give you tests?" - Asked the man with the crown to whom he asked the question, with an amused look on his face.

Frowning at the man calling himself the [One-Eyed King], he wasn't going to explain. The scouting leader was going to signal to retreat, as they were surrounded by dozens, probably hundreds of [Aogiri Tree] members.

But even before she could say the order, she heard the words of the [One-Eyed King] and was frozen in shock.

"Well let's stop talking, I appeared here to make my identity public, and declare war on [CCG]. And to show that we are serious here, you will be the proof of the declaration of war "- listening to the words of the man, the leader of the exploration had her back covered with sweat -" Attack "-.

And with those simple words, the [Aogiri Tree] members attacked the [Rank 1] investigators, leaving the [First Class] investigator to he King.

Rising from his throne slowly with a soft smile, the [One-Eyed King] surprisingly drew out two [Kagunes] being the first [Rinkaku] while the other a [Ukaku], which the latter used to prevent the researcher from [ First Class] will approach the ghouls.

Step by step, the [One-Eyed King] approached the pink-haired investigator who had her earlier sleepy expression in one of anger as she saw that she could not prevent the [Rank 1] investigators standing by her charge of she them died.

Approaching with the screams in the background, along with limbs, head and even eyes, along with tons of blood in the background, the [One-Eyed King] stopped several inches away from the pink-haired researcher.

"It seems that the [CCG] was not prepared for this" - smiling softly at the woman in front of him, the [One-Eyed King] saw the woman throw a look of hatred towards him.

Laughing slightly when she saw her gaze, he just kept smiling softly- "You will probably never forgive me for killing those investigators in front of you, right?" - Asked the man with the crown on his head towards the woman.

To which the woman only looked at him with hatred when she heard his question - "Well, I would also hate if they killed the people who are in my charge in front of me, without being able to do anything" - without wanting to continue listening to the words of the man in front of me. her, the woman used her [Quinque] which was a sword that covered her left arm and cut towards the [One-Eyed King].

Seeing the attack that was directed towards his head, the [One-Eyed King] only used one of his [Rinkaku] tentacles to block the sword, which when colliding with the tentacle the sound of iron against iron was heard .

"You have a good [Quinque] there, how about you show me the other one?" -clicking her tongue when she saw that her [Quinque] of rank [S +] called [Aus] did nothing to him. The pink-haired woman used her another [Quinque], which takes the form of three solar panels connected to a rapier.

Aiming with hers [Quinque] called [T-Human] of rank [S +], she activated her [Quinque] of hers by causing electricity to be produced in her solar panels. Once with enough charge she shot towards the man in front of whom he used the [Rinkaku] tentacles to block [Aus].

Reacting the instant he saw the rays appear on the weapon thanks to the [Abnormal Reflexes], the [One-Eyed King] used his wings [Ukaku] and the free tentacles of [Rinkaku] to block the attack, which pierced the majorities of the tentacles. Breaking the last with effort, to completely lose power when touching the wings [Ukaku].

"It seems that Arima does know how to choose he's people." Hearing the lightly indicated words spoken by the man in front of her, the pink-haired woman jumped back keeping a decent distance between the two.

"How do you know that?" With a serious look on her face, the pink-haired woman asked the [One-Eyed King].

"You should ask Arima ~" he replied in a mocking tone, the man towards the woman in front of him.

"Joking aside, you know why I left you alive right?" asked the man in a serious tone.

Gritting her teeth in anger at remembering that she was the only survivor of this exploration, the woman only nodded- "You left me alive to deliver the message, right?" Nodding at the woman's words, the man approached her still with he soft smile on he's face.

"You're right, but it's not just because of that" - looking confused at the man in front of her, the pink-haired woman waited for his answer - "I left you alive because you're subordinate to Arima and I wanted you to send him a message, can you that for me? "-.

"Do I have a choice?" - The woman asked in a defeated tone.

"Nope ~" - ignoring the mocking tone of the man, the woman looked sadly at the corpses of their companions who came with her, and although she did not know many of them in depth. She at least she had a conversation when they met.

"Tell Arima that the [CCG] will be destroyed just like the [Washuu] and [V], so if he wants to start his plan to unite all the [Ghouls] let him do it before then, because if I get bored I will remove all that quickly "- nodding at the words of the man in front of her, the woman with pink-haired was about to walk away when she heard his call again.

"What do you want?" Asking scathingly, the pink-haired woman glared at the man in front of her, who throughout they confrontation kept a soft smile on his face, as if he had not made an effort.

"I would like to know your name, by the time I destroy the [CCG] to have you as one of my 'royal guard'." - Quoting the word 'royal guard', the pink-haired woman looked at the man in front of him in a strange way - "I'm not crazy, that's what you thought. I just want to keep people like you by my side, as I plan to recruit various [CCG] members in the future. So that you do not wonder "-.

Looking at the man as if he were a being from another dimension, the pink-haired woman only shook her head while letting out a defeated sigh - "My name is Hairu Ihei, may I know the name of the proclaimed [One-Eyed King]?" smiling amusedly seeing that the woman passed her fear, seeing her relaxed attitude. The [One-Eyed King] could notice how his tense shoulders relaxed chatting with him, which he could only thank his high [Charisma] from him.

"You can call me Frank Evans or if you want your King" - smiling slightly when he saw the arrogant look on his face, Ihei only laughed softly, shaking her head when she saw that her enemy relaxed her with simple words, Ihei could only thank him.

"Thank you for this, I needed to relax a little, even so I refuse to forgive you so soon with just your words" - with those words, Ihei put her [Quinques] in their iron briefcases and step by step away from the man named Frank.

"That's what I thought, but hey. When you do, just call this number "-Throwing a card with a number on it, Ihei could only catch it reflexively. Ignoring the man behind her, Ihei continued on her way to [District 15] the temporary headquarters of the [CCG] until they rebuilt it again in [District 1], but seeing that the [One-Eyed King] I take as a domain. Ihei couldn't see a way to get it back.

Observing with an interested look at the woman with pink hair cropped at a shaken angle, with very delicate features and a sleepy expression on her face with drooping eyelids, wearing a gray vest over a white shirt and blue tie with a pair of pants matching. Frank could tell from just her outfit that she would prefer menswear.

Walking to his throne and observing the corpses on his way, Frank just ignored them to sit on his throne, turning his gaze to the ghouls awaiting his orders, Frank said - "Bury these corpses and prepare for retaliation from the [CCG], I want you to recruit the [Ghouls] to come to us, also continue to maintain order in [District 1]. It is our first base, so we must keep the entrances under extreme surveillance "-.

Hearing Frank's words, the ghouls of the [Aogiri Tree] knelt down and said in unison - "Yes my King!" - and then began to carry out his orders, recruiting the ghouls that in the next few days will come towards them, while they maintained the safety of the citizens of [District 1]. Along with maintaining extreme vigilance at the entrance to the aforementioned [District].

As Frank watched their people carry out his orders, he couldn't help but look sadly at the corpses that are being taken to cemeteries, letting out a sigh and shook his head - "Once you conquer this world there will be no war between them" - whispering Those words, Frank watched from his throne as the people of [District 1] watched him with a look of fear on their face as well as reverence for keeping his [District] safe and preventing the ghouls from attacking him.

[[District 1] loyalty increases by 15 points]

[District 1: Loyalty (50/100)]


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