
Talk between a snake and a tiger

(A/N: This is more of an info dump chapter, mostly about what the MC did with his Yakuza teacher, and a bit of world-building to show differences in between the MC's OG world, and his current one.

Oh, and tell me if you want the old man to talk normally from now on, or keep talking the way he's been talking.)




Miryoku Teki POV

Sitting in the backseat of a moving car, me and Ji-Ji were talking about his latest little project.

"Tha' brat's been doing really well, a little too~ well actually." I said, answering the old man's question.

"Ho~! Haha, as expected of that brat!" The old man reacted laughingly. "Tell me what ya've been teachin 'em." He asked.

"Fuuu~, I put him through different tests, ta see what he's good at." I started, blowing out smoke.

"He's shown a lot of talent in Information gathering, Fighting, Hacking, and relatively decent talent in dress Etiquette , Seduction, Leadership, and Emotional control~."

I've been testing his compatibility with different subjects, Ranging from Mannerisms, Information gathering, smoking Etiquette, dressing Etiquette, intimidation, fighting dirty/Modern ninjutsu, Seduction, and how things are run around here.

Among all these subjects, the only ones he's been having problems with our Dressing Etiquette, and Seduction. Even though these were his worst subjects, he still shows some talent in them, especially seduction. He's just being held back by his almost non-existent masculine pride.

Though, we've been chipping away at that bit~ by~ bit~.

"Where did you even find him anyway, Ji-Ji~?" I asked, genuinely curious about where he found the little monster.

"Hmnn? He's really impressed ya, hasn't he, Teki-chan?" He asked, stroking his beard in thought.

"He's the grandson of an old friend of mine, met 'em at the old bat's funeral." He started, a look of reminiscence passing through his eyes.

"He's really somethin'... Even when I first met the kid, I just knew he was different." Ji-Ji continued.

'I wonder whom he's comparing him to...' I thought.

"While everyone was sad or grievin', even if he was actin' the part of a sad kid." The old man said, a smirk forming on his face. "Those eyes... deep in those red eyes of his..." He continued, his smirk growing wider.

He didn't continue, we just sat there in silence, with his smirk growing, knowing how much this silence irritates me.

'...Goddamit, really Ji-Ji! Just finish the damn sentence!!' I thought Irritably, knowing full well that he was delaying his answer just to get under my skin.

"What did you see in his eyes, Ji-Ji~?" I finally relented and asked, with a slightly twitching brow.

"Haha, That brat... he didn't care... he was standin' there, in the middle of his own grandparents' funeral, and his eyes showed how little he cared, or even wanted to be there." He laughed. "But that's not even the best part! No no no~. Hidden even further, there was a spark of amusement in those eyes of his."

Smiling wide, the old man's expression was that of someone that won the lottery.

"He reminded me so much of myself back in the day!" He bellowed.

'A sadist huh~?' I mused, trying to think back at all our lessons so far, only for nothing out of the ordinary to come up. 'He must hide it really well then'

"I honestly grew ta like the little sh*t!" He said happily.

'Hooo~ Now that's surprising, it's not easy to get Ji-Ji's favour.' I hummed, adjusting my plans for the kid a little. 'The real question is why I'm only hearing of this now, a few months after I started mentoring him.'

"So when I heard his dad was goin' ta send 'em, to a 'Martial arts' dojo, to release his urges, I stopped it immediately!" *Bam!* He said, offendedly slamming his fist into the armrest. Probably thinking of martial artists as weaklings, or 'pansies' as he would put it.

"Fuuu~ Calm dow, Ji-Ji~." I puffed. "High blood preasure is bad of people your age."

"Baah! Nonsense! I'm perfectly healthy." He countered heatedly.

"Fine~ Fine~, do as you please, Ji-Ji~." I responded. 'Don't say I didn't warn you Ji-Ji~.' I thought absentmindedly.

"Anyway~," I said, stopping him from getting off-topic. "Why'd you bring him to me~?" I asked.

"Hmnnn... Like I said, I wanted to bring him to Yamato at first. But after really thinkin' about it, and seeing the way he dresses and looks. I thought you'd probably be more compatible with 'em." He explained, nodding to himself with self-recognition.

'That makes sense, considering how much like a girl he looks...' I agreed mentally.

"So I'm assuming that his mutation is the reason he looks like that, right Ji-Ji~?" I assumed, not expecting the 'No' I got in response.

"Nope! That brat's appearance is all natural." He said plainly.

Seeing my raised eyebrow, he continued. "I know, threw me for a loop to when he told me."

'That's... surprising to say the least...' I thought, cupping my chin with my hand.

"Anyway... Do ya have any updates on 'Jack and Jill'?" The old man asked, taking on a more serious stance after a few seconds of silence.

Jack and Jill is a western organization that was founded in the late 80s by groups of men and women that had intense negative experiences with those of the opposite sex due to either their infidelity, manipulation, abuse, and the unfairness they see between their two genders.

From the start the groups were divided into 4 factions, the first two are the moderate Jack and Jill factions. They strive mostly for self-improvement to show others that they missed out, or that they don't need them. This group works surprisingly closely together despite their own biased perception of the inherent evilness of the opposite sex.

On the other side of the spectrum, we find Jack radicles and Jill extremists.

Jack radicles comprise mostly men that have been wronged and/or utterly destroyed by women... They take a more hands-on approach in their 'revenge'. There have been multiple accounts of inhuman acts performed by jack radicles in situations of where they feel extremely hurt.

Jack radicles, boomed in number during the Vietnam war, and the war in Afghanistan, due to the number of wives that were cheating on their significant other while they were at war. Some cases depict a husband finding out due to finding a P*rn flick of their significant other with another man... In most cases, the woman in question either suffers a slow and painful demise or suffers by being an outcast in society and being forced to watch everything she has slowly fade away.

Jill extremists are also mostly comprised of women that have been assaulted, abused, and manipulated by men. They usually go for the higher-ranked men in a society that has control over kidnapping, r*pe, and drug rings. These women dedicate their lives to the suffering of men that have too much power, and directly or indirectly cause the suffering of multiple women.

Jill extremists have been around longer than 'Jack' or 'Jill' itself. They have gone by different names throughout history. Lilith, Valkyrie, Hunters of Artemis, etc. But they always exist to make certain men suffer. The history of Jill extremists is a very bloody one and is said to be directly responsible for the low cases of women trafficking, discrimination, and slight favouritism towards the female gender.

The general consensus on the radicles and extremists is both fear and aversion. The moderate Jack and Jill versions of the organization usually don't talk about their more extreme version, but it is theorized that they work closer together than they want the general populace to believe.

This is due to when they united and went on a joint campain that resulted in multiple capatalistic companies demies, due to said companies hiding and faking information in regards to global warming, cause of diabetes, and biased lawes paid for by said captalists.

But this is the consensus of the moderate factions, when it comes to the extremists factions, they are usually persecuted and tried in court for their crimes. The only problem here is that no one knows exactly who's a radical or an extremist, and when they catch one, they hold an insurmountable deal of comradery between them, and would rather die than give up any information on their 'Siblings'.

Recently, with the rise of social media, and the growing confidence and arrogance of modern women, the Jack moderates and radicles have gained a steep incline of members. Now, due to the Jill moderate's agreement on the issue of modern Feminism taking advantage of all the work that they have done for women so far. They have decided to take a back seat and observe the escalating situation.

"They have been making a lot of effort in breaching into Japan, granted the Jill extremists have been present in Japan for centuries, they have not lifted a finger to help their foreign counterparts in their attempts." I Informed, grabbing a folder and handing it to the old man.

"Hmnn... So we have a few Jack radicles roaming around?" He asked, skimming through the folder.

"Unfortunately ~" I hummed, thinking back to those cases.

Most, if not all Jack radicles roaming around, are cases that resemble a generic NTR story...

"BAHAhahaha!!" The old man burst out in laughter.

"HAHAhahaha~! These- These stories real?! ahahaha!" He continued, clearly laughing about the absurd situations of some of the cases.

"He blackmailed her, with a kiss pic!? BAHAHAHAhahaha!!!" His eyes started tearing up, enjoying the various situations he was passing through.

"Hmn~? Oh, don't be so mean, Ji-Ji~" I protested, not even bothering to hide my amused smirk. "These men are really hurting, you know~?"

"Hahaha! I can't help it! It's just so stupid it's funny!" He bellowed, wiping a tear from his eye. "Oh! Oh! Look at this one! She started sleeping with her husband's boss to cover up his mistake, but get this! It's the boss that made the mistake, and he throws the blame on the dude!! Hahaha!"

"Fufu~ Yes, she didn't even try to communicate with her husband in that one, and just went along with it~" I laughed along. Really, some of these cases are just plain stupid.


Looking at the glass panel dividing the car in to, I see the driver giving the signal that we've reached our destination.

"Oh! We already made it?" The old man asked, looking out his tinted window.

"It looks like we're early to~ They should be here in around~ 10 minutes," I responded, looking at the time for confirmation.

"Haa~ I told you we didn't need to rush, now we gotta waste 10 minutes!" He complained, knowing full well his words would never reach me.

"Better to be early than late, Ji-Ji~" I responded for the millionth time.

"Bah! Nonsense! Being late is a show of dominance!" He voiced, genuinely believing the ridiculous words coming out of his mouth.

"*Sigh* Well~ you can't exactly be late for a surprise attack, Ji-Ji~." I responded exasperatedly.

After 5 more minutes of waiting in the car, we see a group of familiar cars pulling into the restaurant parkinglot.

"See? Even those barbarians know how to arrive early ~"I said, tapping on my phone to notify the restaurant of our 'guests' arrival.

"*Chet!!* Don't compare me with those American bastards!" He complained loudly.

"Fine~ Fine~." I responded, waving my hand impassively.

Seeing all the 'guests' getting into the restaurant, I roll the window down and give the signal to all the nearby cars accompanying ours.

After rolling the window back down, a group of finely dressed men and women exit the cars.

"looks like it won't take too long..." Ji-Ji said, leaning into his seat to enjoy the show.

"Ha~ Honestly, Ji-Ji~." I sighed tiredly. "I don't even know why you wanted to see the operation personally, this isn't the first group of gangsters that encroach on our territory, and it definitely won't be the last." I voiced in confusion.

"Hm? Oh, just wanted to see if I can add tha' kid in one 'a these operations." He said casually, like talking about the weather.

Startled, I at him wide-eyed, looking at him in bewilderment, I don't even need to voice my question for him to answer.

"Hahaha! Ya should'a seen your face!" He laughed amusedly.

Calming down a bit, realizing it was a joke, I was about to complain about the ridiculousness of the joke.

"But yeah, this does seem a bit much, even for tha' kid." He muttered, observing the battlefield that used to be a family owned restaurant.


A body crashes through the restaurant's glass door, allowing the gruesome sight to become even clearer.

"Ah! What the heck!" Ji-Ji exclaimed suddenly. Smiling from ear to ear.

"What are tests if not difficult!!" He said, seemingly coming to a decision

A decision that no matter how long I tried to persuade him, he was already adamant about letting Chihiro-chan participate in a raid.




(2157 Words)