
My Land

I live a life, it is not mine. I walk through streets which bustle with people but... something's missing. It rains, and I feel the drops of cold yet comforting water wash my body and soul. I sigh, and looking at the street now covered with puddles, I see.

Skies_of_Stars · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

This World(Prologue)

I walked through silent and dark streets.

My footsteps resounded through alleys with a thud.

The sounds represented the weight of my step, the weight of my burden. Yet, still, I looked to the clouds, and I followed their lead.

I went straight through the city, cars honking at my careless path. I still walked without a care.

After countless turns, streets, cars, and even more shores in this vast sea, I found myself nearing the outskirts, yet around me were buildings still. They rose and blocked out the horizon which I longed for. I could, simply, go around, but it seemed as if there was a force blocking me.

I had always submitted to that force, yielding in its face. But today, I walked a little further. Crossing yet another street, I looked to my left and saw a small puddle from the shower that came a parcel of time ago. There was nothing special about the puddle.

Clear water that showed the black asphalt beneath. It was sizable yet by no means was it large. However, the water was still and unmoving, and in my eyes, that made it special. It seemed so out of place, so different when compared to the city full of a dreary kind of life.

Furthermore, the water reflected a part of the sky. The same sky that was too high for men to even think about grabbing lied trampled on the ground, but it showed none of it. It showed no signs of cars running it over, and it, instead, showed the same sky as is everywhere.

It was undisturbed in its gloriousness, it was a fragment of the firmament. It was a piece of heaven on earth, and a mirror that showed something greater than the humans it was surrounded by.

Any lake could show the same scene, but this was different. A lake was at peace, but the puddle... the puddle was restless in its constant wear. Every car passing it caused a large ripple that shook the sky. Any ordinary driver could cause the sky to quiver and shake, and that was the puddle's extraordinariness.

I lost myself in this thought as I stood in the middle of the well-used road. Cars flashed by, but I had no care for whether I was hit or not. I had felt enough of this world's hassles and tribulations.

And that was all I could remember. That and the rumbling sound of a large truck.