
My Journey Through Life So Far

This are kinda the things that has happened in my life growing up. May seem kinda not necessary but I had this strong urge to put down most of it. Kinda like an open diary of sorts. I hate expressing myself by open mouth so I'm doing this open book. Some parts of my life may be offensive to others but it happened to me and I don't think I need to apologise for that. Well maybe sorry to those it happened to as well, I can relate. Although I'm still quite young, (shameless) I feel I've been through a bit. I don't know why but i just have the urge to put them down.

Carl_Joe · Hiện thực
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30 Chs

Loud competition

Let me tell you about the time I had a loudness challenge with the speakers at church.

I was young. Can't remember how young but I know I was young cos I was sitting on my mother's lap at church, and you know you still a brat if you have to sit on your mother's lap at church.

Now, while service was going on I noticed some of the kids would cry but it would blend right in with the choir leader's voice when it was amplified by the speakers.

Now that intrigued me quite a bit.

So when the song leader came up to lead in songs again I decided it was my turn. My time to shine. To show who's boss.

Singing started, congregation sang along and that was my cue.

I cried as loud as I could.

I noticed my voice getting louder than the speaker and the congregation and I was pleased with myself, for a while until the speakers got louder.

It seems the speakers wanted to challenge my alpha position.

While I was crying I felt my mother shaking me up and down with almost as if to console me. To stop me from crying. Stand aside woman, this isn't the time for pampering.

So I amped up my voice again and cried even louder. Then the speakers got louder, then I got louder, then the speakers, then me.

We just kept going back and forth. A worthy adversary if I do say so myself.

We both stared at each other like samurai. We both knew we both had to finish this. One last attack.

I held my katana(crying voice) tight in the quickdraw position about to give my ultimate attack.

I opened my mouth wide when I saw in the corner of my eye a hand approaching at monstrous speeds...and that was it.

I honestly can't remember anything else. To this very day I really can't remember what happened next.

Maybe I cried myself to sleep. My attack might have worn me out. Yes, that was definitely it.