
Diary Entry 2

Thursday. April 2, 2022. 6:23 A.M.

I woke up at 5 A.M. because the military started their day off with guns. What could've happened that they used their guns? They haven't used their guns in months. The watch my mother gave me had yet to run out of battery, which is a relief since time keeping is one of the things keeping me sane. I already checked all of my traps and I caught a rabbit so I cooked him up and ate already, sorry Mr. Rabbit but I need to survive. To me, or whomever in the future, what is it like now? Is it still cloudy everyday with smog? Are the people still mindlessly following the military? Are there zombies roaming the streets now, haha? I can't predict the future... but I know something is coming. Stay strong future me. I need to go check out the town now.

Soran Sequoya

Thursday. April 2, 2022. 5:00 P.M.

The town is in shambles. I wasn't serious when I wrote "zombies" yesterday. But somehow there are. I don't think it is just a coincidence. I need to get on the base and look at the lab. Mom, Dad, I wish you were here. If I don't make it back to my camp - If someone finds this please go to the military base located on the far left side of the squared off town in the fence. That is where I am, dead or alive. Thank you.

Soran Sequoya