
My Irresistible Mate

[Mature Content] ***** "Where do you think you are going, Ariana?" his deep chilling voice, froze her on the spot making her heart beat rapidly inside her chest. Her entire being was scared of him, but she couldn't show her weakness. She had to stand up for herself if she had to escape. "I can't be here with you, not after knowing who you are Lucian" Composing her shivering soul, Ariana managed to speak. Her brown eyes deeply bored into his blue ones as she watched him come closer to her. Ariana was falling weak the more she looked into his eyes and before she could realize it, Lucian was already standing in front of her. She was now caged between the closed door and him. She wanted to push him away, but his intoxicating fragrance blew her thoughts once again and the next second she found herself leaning closer to him. "Why don't you let me go?" she mumbled and felt his hand wrap around her waist. Their face was just inches apart. "You want me to let you go?" he asked with his eyes amusing boring into her irrational ones. "Hmm..." Ariana managed to hum. She just hoped for this one time, her attraction towards him doesn't win and she doesn't fail into his trap. The corner of his lips curled into a mischievous smile and his hand slowly circled her slender waist. "Then let's do it. I dare you to run away from me" His confident voice snapped her foggy thoughts and she looked at him in shock. She slowly found his hands loosening from her waist and with that same sinister smile, he took a step back. "But let me warn you one thing Ari, wherever you'll go, your destination would always be me" Ariana's eyes bulged out from her socket as she watched Lucian leave with a proud smile. 'Was there any way for her to escape him' ***** Ariana grew up in an orphanage under the shelter of her warden named Martha. But one day she had to leave them and move to a place where she didn't know anyone. The man who took her with him happened to be a good person, who provided her with luxurious life and enroll her in a renowned University. His kind and caring nature slowly made her develop feelings for him but then, something unexpected happened which eventually lead her to fear him She thought him to be someone who he wasn't and the realization freaked her to an extent that she wanted to run away leaving everything behind, but she couldn't because the bond they shared didn't allow her to part with him. What was she supposed to do? Her mind told her to leave him but her heart said, he was the one. Whom should she choose? ****** Ps. The cover doesn't belong to me. Credit to the respected owner.

akshaya_vanne · Kỳ huyễn
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Tempting lips

Ariana felt a chill run down her spine when she felt a particular pair of blue eyes glaring at her from a distance. She wonder why was his mood so bad that he eyed her like she had done some kind of grave mistake.

"Professor Donovan doesn't seem to be in a good mood" Griffin's voice broke her composition and she turned to look at him who tucked his chin out in Lucian's direction.

Following his gaze, Ariana finally drew her attention toward Lucian. His deep blue eyes watched her intently the entire time, the goosebumps on her body were proof but the second their gaze met, he quickly looked away.

Ariana was surprised by his behavior. All this time he kept watching but the second she turn to look at him, he averted his gaze.

"Don't you feel the same?" once again Griffin's voice broke her stare and she turned to look at him with a sincere smile as she bobbed her head in agreement.

Listening to their whispers, Lucian's lips twitched in annoyance as he fought the urge to punch the boy sitting next to Ariana.

"Ahem.. silence everyone" Lucian's voice startled everyone, especially Griffin and Ariana who stopped talking and paid attention to the class.

Once everything was normal, Lucian began to teach but his eyes kept looking at Ariana every now and then. He wondered why she looked so down but then he realized that h didn't see her new friend Julianna anywhere.

The thought of that girl instantly made him think about Drake whom he had asked to interrogate her, but now that she wasn't present he wondered how was his beta going to get him the details he asked for...

Meanwhile, inside Drake's cabin, Julianna broke into tears when her lie was exposed. She thought giving any excuse would spare her from getting punished and she would be able to sneak out of this cabin but she was wrong.

How did she forget Professor Donovan must have already informed his staff about the bullying she faced in the canteen? But then she shot her eyes in shock realizing how he was aware of her sprained leg the entire and still chose to scare her.

Drake's lips curled into a smile when he noticed so many expressions on her face, but the one which he found cute was her anger-filled expression with that cute little pout.

'If only she had the power to tie him upside down, she would've done that' Julianna said in her mind while her eyes glared at Drake intently.

"You didn't answer me, Miss James. Didn't you sprain your leg in the canteen because you got bullied by some of our students and if you don't want me to make your run the field then you have to tell me their names and I will drop your punishment" Drake ignored her glares and came straight to the point.

He was now tired of playing with this little kitten who looked quite feisty at this moment with her beautiful black eyes gawking at him hatefully and provoking her might push her to limits.

'Beautiful' A voice from the back of his head.

"Ahem... So Miss James what's your decision" Drake shoved back his fleeting thoughts and asked with his elbow resting on the surface of the table while his eyes intently watching her.

Julianna who was still in shock blinked her eyes as she watched Drake as a devil with red horns on top of his head. She now understood why he was labeled as the most cunning professor.

Drake had his own way to get what he wanted.

Julianna felt like she was struck by the lightning name Drake who was trying to make her spill something she wouldn't be able to do.

Taking a deep breath Julianna heaved out a sigh as she composed herself and looked at the devilishly handsome man and said," I would like to run on the field Professor Drake"


Dropping the pen stand next to his hand Drake watched Julianna with utter disbelief. How can she be this adamant that she didn't care about her pain and instead choose the punishment?

"Are you sure Miss Julianna, I mean what about the pain in your ankle? Running the field might worsen it" Drake tried to justify her decision by manipulating her.

Last night when Klaus checked the CCTV footage of the canteen area, he felt something was wrong because the time stamp between the incident took place was deleted.

'Whom was she trying to save' he thought and watched her nod her head.

"It's my final decision, Professor Drake" Julianna answered keeping a straight face. The anxiousness she felt was gone by now.

Drake gaze at her for some time before he bobbed his head in agreement. "Fine if that's what you want but.." he paused expecting her to show some reaction and when she did he continued," Let's postpone this punishment for the day until your leg isn't entirely healed. I will never want my student to hate me for being heartless, after all, I know you like me"

Julianna's eyes popped out of her socket when Drake winked at her before he stood up from his chair.

Opening the drawer next to his left hand he took out the elastic bandage and walked to her. Kneeling on his one leg, Drake observed the swelling around her ankle and looked up.

"It's still swollen, I suggest you wrap this for an entire day," he said showing her the bandage in his hand.

Julianna's cheeks started to turn pink when she watched him remove her sandal and how attentively he started to wrap the bandage around her ankle.

Drake was very careful with the action that he made sure even his touch doesn't hurt her.

"Done" Proud of his work, Drake stood up and the moment he lift his eyes to gaze at her, her pink cheeks got his attention and slowly his eyes moved down to her rosy lips.

'Holy shit... why are her lips so tempting' Drake gulped as his groan turned tight under his pants and he broke into a sweat the next instant.

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