
My Invisible Lover

Why am I so against dating? It's like my body isn't my own anymore.. am I slowly losing my mind?

juleda · Khoa huyễn
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1 Chs

Scary dreams

"Mom I keep seeing really disturbing dreams as of lately.."- I say as I'm looking down at my plate of breakfast.

Mom turns her head slowly towards me while making a concerned expression while I wasn't looking her, but she covers it up quickly with a laughing one.

"Oh, you know its because you keep reading those jinn obsession stories at night before going to sleep."- she smiles.

"I know but last night I saw a hooded creature near our font door, I think there I was coming back home from elementary since my body looked significantly smaller. Look I know I shouldn't be scared but it's still creepy because I know that they exist and that just throws me off."- I say as I grab my bag and head towards the door.

My hand reaches to turn the doorknob but it won't budge, I try again this time shaking it a bit but still nothing. "MOMM!! The doorknob is.." - I stop talking suddenly feeling a cold but wet breath coming down my neck making me freeze in my place.

"What's going on Noor?"- my mom pops her head out of the kitchen.

That's when I came to my senses as I rushed to open the door and flee the doorway. The door finally opens as if nothing was wrong and I zoom out the house not looking back at all. I ran all the way to the bus stop never looking up and not noticing that there wasn't a single soul or vehicle outside.

I only stopped when I approached the bus stop my friend Hana rushed to me "What the hell Noor? Why were you running as if you were being chased by something?" I look up at her but somehow her concerned expression feels off to me. I pay it no mind thinking its just my brain being in alert mode.

She sits me down on the bench, patting my back as I close my eyes trying to figure out what the hell was the breath that I felt. I stop to listen to the traffic sounds and I hear nothing. Which is weird because there should be traffic at this hour.

"Hana? Why is there no traffic?" - I look at her.

Hana was grinning at me an unnatural grin, kind of forced and strangely eerie.

"Because that's how it should be."- she says. Quickly returning to her usual aloof expression.

I slightly shifted my place away from her, and just as I did that the bus arrived.

The doors of the bus opened with the largest creaking I have ever heard.

"Hey Mr. John you should probably get the doors oiled up."- I say to the bus driver. To my surprise the usually cheerful Mr. John was looking in front of him and didn't even spare me a glance. I turned towards the seats finding them empty except the one in the last row.

The hooded creature that I saw last night in my dream was sitting there staring at me with his black eyes. He slowly stood up as I slowly backed up and trying to flee when I see Hana and Mr. John were gone and in their places was the same hooded creature.

They were slowly inching up on me as I fell down and hugged my knees crying and begging it to stop.

I felt a hand on my chin as it yanked my head up making me face it. It's finger wiped away my tears as its eyes twinkled with satisfaction. I slowly blacked out in its arms making his face the last thing I saw.