
I'll Introduce you to my Dad

Their home was a two storey house and another bungalow which was evidently a kitchen and a storehouse. Mono blocks were already arranged around the yard while there are bamboo benches at the far side. The yard was covered with a wide umbrella-like multicolored tent.

Mr. and Mrs. Duran stood at the entrance of the interlinked iron fence to meet their daughter's classmates. They wore home clothes and were both looking homey.

Mr. Duran is a Carpentry Instructor while Mrs. Duran is a Music Teacher. They have five children, Daryle being the third. The eldest is a girl who is already married to her college sweetheart. They are now starting a family in the southern part of the country where her husband works as an accountant. The second one has just inlisted himself in the army after finishing his degree in secondary education. The second youngest in in her third year college taking up Fine Arts while the youngest boy took up engineering and in his first year college.

"Daryle, let your classmates take some drink first while we prepare the food." Mrs. Duran instructed her daughter.

"Are Kyle and Zen around?" she asked. They were her younger siblings.

"Yes, they're all in the kitchen. Kyle invited Sue and Jane to help her. Just make sure your visitors are settled. We will take care of those things." Mrs. Duran whispered to her daughter.

"Hello ma'am Duran! " Charles approached behind Daryle making her turn her head a bit surprised.

"Hi, glad you could come. You are...?" Mrs. Duran asked. Although she was a Music Teacher, she is teaching in the secondary so there's no way she could interact with college students, let alone her daughter's classmates.

"I'm Charles Marquez. Daryle has been my classmate since first year college. Im so glad to meet you ma'am." He smiled his winning smile as he extended his right arm to offer a hand shake.

Daryle watched him and took note of his nervous expression. She didn't want to give any interpretations about it but something in that expression piqued her thought. ' Was he trying to introduce himself to my parents now? Maybe he had waited for this moment to finally reveal his feelings for me. ' She thought as she smiled at both of them.

"Please help yourselves around while we are doing the food. It's nearly done. You can have some fruits first. Daryle, where's your dad?" Mrs. Duran was busy managing everything for her daughter.

"Mom, he's over there. I'll introduce Charles to him" She replied as she grabbed Charles' arm and dragged him towards her father.

"Dar.... you want to introduce me to your dad? What will you ter him?" He halted their steps halfway through.

Daryle looked at him with a sheepish smile. "Why do you ask? And why are you turning pale? Look at you? Ha ha!" Daryle teased him as she pulled him again towards her father who was now chatting with some of the boys.

Mr. Duran saw her daughter approaching as she held the man's arm. He did not show much reaction to it.

"Dad, this is Charles Marquez, the long lost son of the Mexican boxer who lost several fights with Manny Pacquiao." Daryle beamed a smile to her father.

All the boys beside Mr. Duran laughed aloud giving Mr. Duran a hint that her daughter was just telling a joke.

"Daryle, you did not become a suma cum laude for nothing!" Mr. Duran pinched his temple.

"Hello uncle! " Charles finally rode the fun.

"I heard something about you just now. Your classmates have already sold you.! Take a seat" Mr. Duran chuckled as he patted at the little space beside him.

The other boys moved a bit farther so they can give more space for Charles. " Give way, give way, he's the future son-in-law!" They said as they made obvious move sideways.

"So you are Charles? How come you allowed my daughter to be the suma cum laude and not you?" Mr. Duran pretended to furrow his brows.

"Uncle, I heard it'sbecause she is a teacher's daughter while I am out there doing boxing." Charles replied laughing.

"Hey, that's unfair for me. I was also an easy-go-lucky one. I never asked my dad to do my exams you know?" Daryle protested.

"Who said so? Neither did I. I was talking about our genes." Charles diverted.

"Okay! Food is ready guys! Let us all thank the Lord in prayer before we enjoy ourselves." Mrs. Duran called the attention of everyone as she stood beside the long table set at the center.

There were already lined up trays of delicious foods set on two connected long tables. There were vegetables salad, fried noodles with mixed vegetables, chicken drumsticks, pork adobo, sandwiches, fruit macaroni salad.They have substituted the lechon with chicken drumsticks when the shop owner called that he was sick and had to stay in the hospital for few days. This is a typical set-up for every occasion in the Philippines. Mr. And Mrs. Duran surely saved up for this most awaited time of their second daughter.!

Although they were both employed and are earning good amount of money, their combined salary was not enough for the tuition fees and other expenses of their three children and household. There needs to be a wise budgeting in their situation.

Starting next semester however, there will only be two of their children to send to school which means that their burdens will be much lighter.

"Come on! Just grab your plates, forks and spoons and help yourselves around. We are all boys and girlscouts, right?" Mrs. Duran shouted again.

Everyone feasted and were full probably up to neck. Later as the evening approached and everyone has digested their food, Mrs. Duran brought out her rice wine. It was a native home made wine that was made by fermenting organic rice and placed inside a clay jar tightly sealed for atleast three months.

The taste is sweet and you will never know when you will feel unconscious because you will be asking for more ince you have tasted it.