
My Inhuman Ceo

Ex Mafia boss, owner of Tom and co tech , popular bacherlor, Andrew Thompsons. cold and distant, a strict business minded man Athalia Suarez. A jobless woman with no family, a carefree crazy woman who doesn't care about peoples feeling or having friends, a former play girl but still a virgin, a beautiful woman made by the goddess herself. Kind, selfless and fiery, a wickedly calm lady. What happens when they meet? How does the past affect them? Will they both jump the pits of problems together or will one get left behind? Find out as u read 'My Inhuman CEO'. by Eunice_Bae

Euni_Bae · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter 3

Introduction to Andrew Thompsons

I never sleep well, its always work, work, work. Don't get me wrong, I love my work but it's the only thing that keeps me sane. I had to fire my secretary when I noticed she was making silly advances at me. Like the other day when she opened her shirt and was showing her boobs then I asked her to button up her shirt, immediately she did. it kept going on for months till the day she tried to show me her full asset then she got fired. I don't care who or what you are but one slight mistake or f*ck up and you're out of my company. As my best friend and manager said I've become a workaholic and I'm starting to accept it.

I grew up with my mother. My father left when I was four with his mistress and I never saw him after that. I went through high school trying to support my mother with my part time job, my mother worked two jobs to support me to go to school, she was proud of me during my graduation. During college I also got another part time job, that was where I met my best friend Connor Shawn, I had to struggle to finally get my degree in business management. I worked hard in different companies till I saved up to start my own business at 26 years of age.

That was about the time my father who was apparently the mafia boss made me Don of the Italian mafia so I agreed since I wanted answers to some questions. I was in the mafia for over a year, I was never hard towards my subordinate, I remember at that time I had a bright smiley face all the time till I met my ex girlfriend, Ariel. She urged me to quit, so i handed my position over to my step brother who made advances to try and kill me for the position. She acted like she truly loved me, she was only with me to get the money. The snake of an ex already had a boyfriend, scratch that a fiancé. I was fortunate to have a business meeting at the same place she was meeting with him. I thought it was only friendship but when they kissed. I wanted to make myself believe she wasn't the one.

Two weeks later, I put a tracker on her and had someone monitor her movement, I found her at an unusual restaurant, Ariel likes high class restaurants so why is she in a middle class? I changed into a casual wear putting on a face cap. I sat behind them and over head their conversation. Immediately I confronted them the next thing I heard from her mouth was " B-b-baby I-I can explain its not what it l-looks like " she stuttered with her face become pale

"That's nice cause I would really like to hear an explanation"

" T-the thing is...(long pause). Wait are you stalking me? What is your problem? "

"Don't try to cut corners, tell me the truth I've had my suspicions for weeks and this only confirms it. You are a fraud, a hypocrite, an irresponsible lazy gold digger. I don't want to ever set my eyes on your filthy face." Don't set you feet on any of my property" She started crying and clutching my arm, begging for forgiveness and redemption but i just ripped my arm off not wanting to get infected.

I turned to face the man "And you aren't you ashamed of trying to steal from someone, you are a disgrace to manhood, your not worthy to be called a man, maybe if you try to work hard you will be able to develop a brain since you clearly do not have one." I laughed sarcastically and continued "You can't even decipher between right and wrong, someone as useless as that thing you call your manhood does not deserve to be called a man neither does he deserve to be respected." As I finished the man tried to attack me but my bodyguard was faster, he pushed him down to the sit as I walked out of the restaurant. I didn't look back as I tried to hold myself from crying. As I got home, I couldn't hold it anymore I cried a lot and didn't sleep. The next day, I had a swollen eye so I wore sunglasses throughout and didn't come out of my office. Connor came to my office and I told him everything that happened, he just shook his head in disappointment and said " Bro I know this is hard but don't give up on love. I believe that you'll find the right girl one day". He stood up and went to his office. i That was the turning point for me. I started becoming an introvert, my attitude towards people changed drastically, I learnt not to talk to anyone that has no business with me. No one dared to talk to me without thinking about what to say for about a hundred times. I made my business paramount and vowed not to have any other woman in my life. Maybe in the future I will just get a surrogate, have a baby and pay her off, no strings attached.

No one dares to cross or double cross me since they don't want to loose their jobs . I only soften when I'm around Connor and my mother only. Today I went to the mall to get my mom a present. I had other people conduct the interview of my secretary. As I was walking I saw this beautiful girl carrying two bags trying to balance them and answer her phone but I immediately turned away and started typing on my phone. It felt like a movie when we both hit each other, of course I had to be a jerk so I said

"Are you blind? stop drooling and maybe you will avoid dropping stuffs on the ground." I never expected her to have a sharp mouth which caught me off guard and speechless.

"Maybe if you remove your sunglasses and start looking properly, you won't hit people. Blind f*cking asshole, and please wash your mouth before speaking to me because it only brings out rubbish. Trashy human being. F*ck off to the hole you came from" as she walked away I couldn't believe someone could talk to me in that manner.