
My Inhuman Ceo

Ex Mafia boss, owner of Tom and co tech , popular bacherlor, Andrew Thompsons. cold and distant, a strict business minded man Athalia Suarez. A jobless woman with no family, a carefree crazy woman who doesn't care about peoples feeling or having friends, a former play girl but still a virgin, a beautiful woman made by the goddess herself. Kind, selfless and fiery, a wickedly calm lady. What happens when they meet? How does the past affect them? Will they both jump the pits of problems together or will one get left behind? Find out as u read 'My Inhuman CEO'. by Eunice_Bae

Euni_Bae · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

As I turned to look, I saw speedy one of my fathers bodyguard. He earned the name during training cause he's fast at tackling his opponent. He was formerly called speedy P.D but we changed it since the letters P and D are found and heard in Speedy, but he's real name is Pablo Diaz. I ran across the road to hug him dropping my stuffs on the ground, we haven't seen him for almost two years.

I invited him in and offered him snacks and drinks. Then we started talking of the latest occurrences in our lives, I remember having a huge crush on him when I was sixteen but now he's like my best and only friend. All the other friends I made were all fakes trying to take something from me. I told him about all the b**ches who claimed to be my friends like Ariel, Charlotte, Ralphaella, Alexis. We were all college friends but they were only close to me because all the boy were after me and I couldn't care less about the undue attention I was getting. We did almost everything together, going to parties, doing homework and projects, disrupting a class especially Mrs Holli's class. Then one day, a crazy obsessed guy went to my apartment, I don't know how he snicked in but he managed to get my almost-nude photo, but I'm thankful I was on undies and bra or it would have been my complete nude photo. I didn't know about it till I got to school and people were giving me weird looks, then I asked a group of girls who were in my class but they just walked away. Then I asked another girl who just showed me her phone, the idiot even had the guts to say we had s*x. I went to meet my 'friends' and they stated calling me names like pretentious bitch, whore and so on. I couldn't handle it anymore so I left and swore not to make any friends again. So I called my Eldest brother, Jason and lets just say it didn't end well for him. I mean what can I say, I have over protective siblings, my second brother, Mason hacked his phone and released embarrassing pictures of him. The boy had to leave the city to avoid more shame. My Sister, Alora made me move away from my apartment to another one, It was stressful for me.

We talked for hours, he told me all about his vacation and his girlfriend who i havent met and he left to my father's house around 8:30 I had so much fun. Then I went back to the living room to continue my long awaited movie. I couldn't sleep till five in the morning.

I woke up with a severe headache, which happens when I'm under stress. So, I went into the bathroom, did my business and rushed to the kitchen to eat and take pain relief medicine then I went back to sleep. I woke up a second time but this time I was awoken by the sound of my phone ringing. I didn't look at the caller's I'd before picking up the call. Then I heard a calm voice saying " Is this Alora Suarez? "

"Yes that's me, Who am I speaking with?" I replied groggily

" This Is Nevaeh Johnson from Tom and Co" Immediately I sat straight on my bed"We are pleased to inform you that we would like to offer you the position of secretary to the CEO " I sat there astound. I couldn't believe I got the job the next thing she said got me standing up and trying to find an official wear. " We would like you to come tomorrow to get your ID and get started on the job by 8 am"

" Thank you so much. I'll be there"

I started packing the things I will need and doing other stuffs. I wrote a little reminder so that I can have a nice bubble bath and get relaxed for tomorrow. Immediately I finished, I called everybody in my family to tell then the good news and of course dad told me to come home during the weekend; he's hosting a party for my new job.

The next morning I woke up earlier than usual. Got myself prepared knowing its over an hour journey to my workplace I got there 30 minutes earlier. I got to the reception and introduced myself. The receptionist seemed nice so she took me to meet the manager, Mr Shawn and damn he looked wickedly hot. I signed the contract and shook his welcoming hand and it felt so soft.

I had a tour guide who is the manager's Personal Assistant, I got to know that she was the one that called me, Nevaeh Johnson. She's a cool person, she's open and blunt instantly we became doomed. The last place she took me to is the CEO's office after showing me mine. She wished me as she told me to go in and introduce myself as the new secretary. Her expression is what bothered me. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, I knocked a second time and heard a soft come in. Immediately, I opened the door and walked in closing the door behind me. I saw him on his chair looking out the window, as he faced me, all the color on my face drained. I felt like entering into the ground, I never expected to see him again especially not in this situation. I'm doomed.


Seems things aren't going alright with Athalia. Who did she meet? her brother? ex friend?


Hi guys, Its author Euni_Bae. The writing method I will be using in this book is slightly different from my other book 'Left in the wild'.

Another important information is that 'Left in the wild' will not continue for the time being. Sorry for not updating it for a long time.

There will be a regular update in the story as we go on in the story.

Thanks for Understanding. XOXO💖💖💖