

  Shaking off the sudden feeling of being wronged, Rosie walked over to the girls and asked them if they were fine. A few of them were hurt but no one was critical. They decided to take the ones with major wounds to a nearby hospital — there were 4 of them, admitted in different hospitals to avoid any commotion.

  The rest of them were taken to his base for a final checkup before they could be released. Rosie took a separate cab to go to the base after knowing the address coldly from him, because she had the feeling that he didn’t want her to travel with him.


  After one final check up at the base, Edward helped the girls go back, by booking several cabs for them and making sure they were safe. Rosie didn’t say anything all this time and just stood in a corner, watching him.

  After all of them left, Rosie looked at Edward but he just ignored her, walking out of the base. She followed him blankly. He entered his car — she didn’t know if she should.