
My Immortal Werewolf System

After his father was killed and his mother committed suicide shortly after, Lycanos was left with nothing. Poor grades. Poor athleticism. Addicted to drugs and alcohol. He was bound to remain at the bottom of society. However, everything changes after he chooses to give up his life. [User has been revived!] [Immortal Werewolf System Activated!]

LELOUP · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

The Full Moon

Promptly after school, he decided to head out of the city and past even the suburban outskirts.

The walk was long, but his pacy stroll allowed him to leave the entire city in about 40 to 45 minutes. What he stood in now was a dark oak forest.

It was called Jolsby Grove and had large, vibrant leaves that swayed under the light breeze.

Holding his stomach from the pain of his hunger, he hastily looked around to try and find a human. His senses were heightened and even the slightest crack in a twig would make him alert.

'Come on! Someone, anyone!' He thought, unable to take his mind off the throbbing pain from his gut.

His mouth started to salivate just at the thought of blood, but he shook his head and tried to suppress these urges. He even dropped to a knee upon feeling his increasing hunger but he inhaled, shot out some air in a sharp exhale, and returned to his feet once again.

Tap. Tap.

Behind him, he then noticed a person that was over 50 metres from him. The footsteps that he heard felt as if they occurred by his side, and he could hear the leaves and grass crunching at every stride.

It was a woman with dark brown hair. It went down to her shoulders, and he immediately hid behind a thick wooden trunk to conceal himself. Luckily, he hadn't caught her attention and that was a given.

Only a supernatural would have such keen senses to have noticed her presence in such a way.

Glued to her movements, he shot forward and now possessed superhuman speed. Coupled with the invigorating moonlight and his desire for blood, he was zipping around the forest unnoticed.

Now less than 10 metres from his target, his chance had come.


He zoomed forward and latched onto the woman before he started drinking once again. He couldn't get enough of it, even for the third time, and the woman flailed around to try and be freed.

She screamed but couldn't move herself under Lycanos' unwavering grip.

Instead of draining her blood supplies, Lycanos used all his mental willpower to try and remove himself. After having a litre of blood, a week for the past fortnight, he'd managed to rip his fangs out from her neck.

She still possessed enough blood in her body to only feel slight tingles in places like her fingers and toes.

She turned, holding her neck in pain, to see not a single person in sight. She continued to look behind her and almost couldn't believe that there wasn't a sign of moving life in the vicinity. It was awfully quiet, and she simply continued her walk, with a sharp pain in her neck.

His body was rejuvenated once again, and his HP and energy began to rise rapidly. He continued to feel better and better, until his hunger had totally calmed.

For the following days, Lycanos surfed the internet in search of a job. It was hard for him, since he never met any of the displayed requirements, but he continued to persevere.

He felt like there just had to be a job out there, so he continued to check every now and again.

As for now, his day felt awfully similar to how it usually was. He felt as if he was missing something, but just shrugged off this feeling of his.

'Yeah, why would anything change today?' He wondered.

Above him, in the dark blue sky, was the full moon. It was no where near its apex, and the sky hadn't blackened to give the moon its true effect yet.

Lycanos, with his feet up, was playing a first-person shooter and looked totally chilled. The only part of his body that moved was his fingers, while he was leaned back in his chair and just enjoying the game.

However, his heart started to sting slightly. At first, he thought it was phantom pain and forgot about it, but then his skin felt warm and only got warmer as time went on.

Suddenly, it started to feel like a burn and he just dropped the controller he was holding and fell to the floor of his bedroom.

"Why do I feel so hot?" He whispered, looking at his body.

His claws, that he had basically never seen up until this point, started to form. He could feel his fangs forming as well, and the burning sensation only got worse.

"ARGH! What's going on?" He whispered, now with glowing red eyes.

He could feel agonising pain as the hairs in his cheeks were slowly getting pulled out from his face. They were a jet-black colour, and soon, he couldn't contain his transformation.

His whimpers turned into beast-like growls, and he scratched the floor of his apartment.

"No! I can't stay here!" He said, now with a deepened voice.

Grabbing a shirt and rushing out his room, he rushed for the apartment door before anyone noticed. He had no time to even lock the door behind him and just ran to his left as fast as he could.

His speed was heightened greatly, and he would've been a blur to anyone that looked at him.

Racing down the steps, he soon couldn't wait any longer and looked across the balcony on the fifth floor. The drop was intimidating, but Lycanos' pain overwhelmed his rational thought.

He raced ahead and leaped off it, even flipping in the process.

He landed within the adjacent car park to his complex and was gone in a flash.

Charging through the streets of Kol Heights, he soon reached the outskirts of the city and entered Jolsby Grove once again.

He knew what was coming from the burning sensation and inevitable transformation. Unable to control what was unavoidable, he just entered deeper and deeper into the forest.

Soon enough, the pain was too much to bear. Dropping to his knees, he scratched across the bark of a dark oak tree before falling to his hands and knees.

He curled up into a ball and called out for help, feeling more black hair show up across his body. It coated his arms and covered more of his face, alongside his back and neck.

His bones were elongating and changing in shape, while his hair started to look scruffier and scruffier.

"NO!!" He roared into the sky, with his arms reached out.


As he began to lose control, an injection was given into one of his arms.

He snarled and immediately attempted to attack the man that had done this.

His movements were initially quick and explosive, which would've been imperceptible to an ordinary human.

Shortly after, his advancement was much slower and more sluggish.

Slowing to a stop, he rolled over onto his back and looked unconscious. His eyes stared off into nothing, and the man above him cowered away from him after noticing his red eyes.

"Red? An alpha? This boy couldn't be an alpha!" The man muttered.

'Probably just some mutation.' He thought to himself, before lifting the boy onto his back.


Wind blasted outward as he shot himself ahead, and he traversed the intricate net of paths of Jolsby Grove at immense speed.

The night passed, and Lycanos soon opened his eyes weakly. The orange rising sun partially illuminated the dense forest, and he wasn't exactly sure where he was.

'Wasn't I just playing Rogue Warfare?'

His vision was slightly blurred, and he felt like his energy had been almost totally depleted.

Rogue Warfare was the name of a first person shooter that he spent far too much time playing.

"What's your name, boy?" A man ahead of him asked.

"Huh?" He weakly replied.

It seemed like the injection he'd given him had still debilitated him. His thoughts were slowed and so were his movements.

"I asked you a question. I know you're smart enough to know what I'm asking you. What is your name?!" He asked, more irritated this time.

"Lycanos. Lycanos Ramio." He replied.

'This boy's name is Lycanos. Could his parents have made it any more obvious that he was a werewolf?'

"Okay. Come on, let's get you back home." He said, grasping onto his forearm.

He lifted him onto his feet with ease, and Lycanos just about managed to remain on them.

The man turned in the opposite direction, but the boy then placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Wait. Who are you?" He asked weakly, before letting his arm drop back to his side.

"My name is Xavier. Xavier Barbero. From now on, we're going to be a lot closer." He replied.

"Huh? Why?"

"Because I'm a werewolf." He said, before his eyes started to glow golden.

"Just like you."

The two supernaturals were off, and it was still the early hours of the morning. At around 4:30 am, he made it back to his apartment complex and looked around to see that the man that had walked him back to this location was gone.

He was starting to get a lot more control over his body, and the injection was wearing off.

Lycanos was clueless about the entire night and that he had even received an injection of any sort. Confused and exhausted, he just fell into his bed and entered a deep, relaxing slumber.