
Reborn and a Chance Encounter

Biên tập viên: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The sound of the car's emergency brakes and crash woke Kimberly up from her sleep.

A few months ago, she was supposed to have died in the car accident that her ex-boyfriend and his mistress had orchestrated. But unexpectedly, when she opened her eyes, she was back to five years ago, the time when she and Keith had just started a passionate relationship, and they were planning to meet her parents.

She would definitely not repeat the same mistake this time. The first thing she had to do was to sever her relationship with Keith and then find a random excuse to fool her mother again.

Unfortunately, her mother still seemed to be unwilling to give up. She always chanting in her ear about how old she was and how she used to like him, so don't say things out of a moment of anger. This annoyed Kimberly, and she avoided discussing this with her mother every day.

It was the same today. After breakfast, Kimberly ran out of the house under her mother's hesitant gaze.

Due to the hot weather In the middle of summer, even the chirping of cicadas sounded lifeless, making one feel agitated. Kimberly, who couldn't stand the stifling heat, had no choice but to find a random cafe to sit down.

She had just stirred the iced Americano in her hand with a straw, and before she could take a sip, she was drawn into the conversation beside her.

"I'm sorry, this meeting was purely arranged by my mother. I didn't know about it at all."

"That's true. If my mother didn't like your face, how could a celebrity like you go on a blind date with someone of our social status?"

"Let's just let this matter pass. We'll pretend that we've never met."

The aggressive female voice attracted her attention. Kimberly pretended to casually glance at the table next to hers and realized that the guy across from her looked familiar. Even though he was wearing a hat, she could recognize him at a glance.

As for why she was so familiar with him, it was all thanks to her ex-boyfriend. The seemingly ordinary James Perkins had been developing rapidly in the next few years. Many of Keith's endorsements had been rejected due to James's participation, hence Keith often spoke ill of James. He also criticized James on the number of boots he had to lick in order to achieve his current development.

However, this was the first time she had met James Perkins in real life. He was actually indifferent to such provocative words and did not have any special reaction. For some reason, Kimberly wanted to go up and help him.

The enemy of an enemy is a friend. She gave herself a psychological boost and went up.

"Good morning, why are you here?" Kimberly took the opportunity to sit next to James. She ignored James's slightly surprised look and acted naturally. "Who is this woman? I have been chasing you for so long, but you have been indifferent. Do you like a woman who is uglier and poorer than me?"

"In S city, at least I can be considered a small figure." Kimberly glanced disgustedly at the woman with an ugly expression. "You would rather choose a woman with a lower status than agree to go out with me today?"

"Who are you? What right do you have to talk about me in this manner? Be careful, or I'll make you suffer." The woman couldn't take it anymore, she finally spoke. Her slightly sharp voice made many people in the coffee shop look over.

Kimberly raised her index finger and made a gesture in front of her mouth. "Shh, lower your voice. Everyone is working hard."


"Why aren't you elegant at all? No wonder I've never seen you at the party. I'm afraid you've already been excluded."

"Okay, I won't talk to a woman like you anymore." Kimberly held James's arm with one hand and waved at her. "I'll borrow him. I need someone to go shopping with me."

As soon as she walked out of the coffee shop, she immediately let go of her hand and tidied her hair. "I'm sorry. I really couldn't stand her attitude just now. Am I disturbing you?"

"It's okay. I should thank you instead." His voice was very clear, and he was sincere in thanking her. "I didn't expect this either. My company told me that a client asked to meet me."

After listening to his explanation, Kimberly immediately imagined the image of a tepid little celebrity being bullied in the company, and then she thought of his achievements in the future, she comforted him with certainty, "Don't worry, cream will always rise to the top. Maybe in the future, she will regret saying such wild words to you now."

He smiled lightly. He did not know whether he believed it or not. Perhaps he just took this sentence as an encouragement and said, "Thank you, I will work hard."

"Then I will leave first. See you if fate permits." Kimberly waved her hand and turned to look for her car. She missed the thoughtful look in the man's eyes.

"She's really interesting." The man touched his shirt, as if it still retained the warmth from before.