
My Husband Son of God.

" Who are you !? " I heard a weak voice. I stood frozen and just stared back at him. He had piercing eyes full of distrust and hostility. " Who are you !? And where am I !?" - he turned his head looking for something familiar. " W-what is this place !? " " Try and..r-r-relax please ! " - I put my hands up and indicated no hostility. " Y-you shouldn't move just yet.. Granny!!" --- Don't judge..every love story needs a start. This was mine.

NLorane · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
152 Chs

104. Family Portrait. *

I woke alone like I slept.

He got all huffed up and spent the night downstairs.

I rolled around in frustration and cursing my own stupidity.

We obviously didn't touch each other last night and with that let my watch begin.*

Downstairs was buzzing with people just the way I liked it. Except..

No blessedness anywhere.

" Morning Lylly.

" Morning Sisi.

" Morning mom..

" Morning aunt Lylly. "

" Morning my loves. " - I sat and grabbed some of the cheese toast and some cinnamon ones as well.

" How was..last night. Although Zephyr looked very displeased before he left."

Well that makes two of us.

I told them what I could with the kids being there.

They got the point.

" Well...this next week should be fun. " - Demelza loved our little fights it provided entertainment for my family for while now.

Would've laughed but, it was very recent.

Today's to do list sitting for our family portrait. Who knew it was going to be like this.

" Where is Granny!!? " - I stood up having made up my mind.

" Why? "

" I'm going to gave her a piece of my mind..

" Sit down, mom.."

My fires were put out by a six year old disappointed eyes.

I sat back down and drowned my anger in cold toast.

I plumped down the table feeling defeated and low energy. " Where is he? "

" He's helping with fortification of the wall, he be back for lunch. The others went to see him at work and Lucian took the twins to hunt." - Eli looked satisfied and fulfilled ..

God damn it.

" So..let's talk about plans for your day.. maybe that will cheer you up. "


" Stand still! "

I was sitting on a comfortable chair with Ilianna in my lap and Zephyr standing behind us. We waited for the final preparations needed by Nifa.

" Little more here.." - she was using her glowing white fingers to draw on a large canvas.

We didn't made up.

He was still angry for my oversight which he called stupidity fanning the flames.

Also he will move into the tavern today...Ilianna moves with him.

After another ten minutes of siting in silence she was done.

It was us..like looking at the mirror.

Every small detail matched almost perfectly..exept this family looked deliriously happy which was requested to make sure we don't look sour on our first painting.

" Nifa..this is beautiful. "

She looked at her work critically.." I don't like his hair colour, did my best to change its shade but, it's not exactly precise. "

Maybe my eyes were cheating me but to me it looked like a perfect match.

" Thanks for that Nifa..let's go find a place to display it. " - he turned to me and let Dilip and Menir carry it for their tabs getting paid off at the tavern.

He offered these kind of deals to anyone low on money.

I still didn't know how someone like that got a 100 gold coins. But, I doubt it is the time to ask.

We thanked the boys and we decided on the wall facing the kitchen and dinning area.

" Is that look good? Ain't it crooked? "

He was fighting with the angles but never seem to get it right.

" It looks fine.. don't need to be perfect. "

" Mnnn.."

It's only been a few hours into it and he already had a new favourite response.

Mnnn..sounds condescending. Like stuck between agreeing and disagreeing.

" How long are going to act childish? "

" Mnnn.."


He stepped back and decided to leave it as is.

" Well...sorry. I'm sorry. "

He stepped close and hugged me but, I felt suspicious of the whole thing..

Zephyr Astoria is a petty manipulator.

I rested my head on his shoulders and waited for the other shoe to drop.

Nothing. He was loving and caring as ever.

" I'm going to go pack some of my stuff to take to the tavern. "

He kissed me, and left silently.

It was at this moment when I actually got scared.

What is he planning?


He took a bag full of his things and left after a few perfect smooches.

Not angry or ..well anything.

I was tasked to pack up our daughter by tonight and deliver her at closing.

Meaning he take this silly tradition seriously.

Not seeing each other after sunset.

Which in the winter was early afternoon..No! We going to ignore that damn part even if granny cries.

I still couldn't decide what's happening. Is he sincerely fine with the wait or planning something?

I pushed it out of my mind because I was 40% sure that as always, just overthinking it.

With one last look on our happy family on the wall and with nothing left to do for now I went towards the tavern with Anna safely above the muck of the melted snow created nestling in my arms.

Inside was slow considering it was still light outside.

Zephyr was lazily chatting with Nifa and Cintia leaning on the bar.

I let Anna join and myself made it through our little corner where granny and mother were there with Carlos and his sister.

" Want to try some honey? I was thinking about making some for your wedding. "

My mother offered a spoonful of cherry in some kind of purple broth.

It was delicious like most of her creations.

Rich and sweet the cherry sourness dissolved after jarring them and I both wanted to drink and eat it.

" It's delicious mom..I wonder if other fruits..

" Hold your horses sweetheart. Even this cherry cream soup is still needs work. I want to concentrate on the one thing. "

She was a perfectionist and Carlos gladly ate his fill smiling happily.

Granny noticed my unenthusiastic reaction. " Is it the baby tradition little one? Did it cause you trouble with him? Is he angry? "

I looked the man behind the bar having the time of his life laughing with the ladies feeding his daughter sweets. " It's the thing granny..I have no idea at all.. "

* Couldn't help myself. =}

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