
My high Dream

Have you ever met a cold boy and a crazy girl??? Live in the world of grandma Sia and Vincent?? *******Spoiler alert**** "Who do you think you are?"Vincent asked coldly "I am your grandma Sia and stay away from my amazing hair."She flipped her hair and left. *****A few Companies Later**** Sia walked inside Rand company and into his meeting room and everyone was surprised including Vincent.She stood next to Vincent and took off her sunglasses. "Is Mr.Rand handsome?" "Yes absolutely."Everyone answered. "Well he is my boyfriend now so behave yourself and don't expect anything from him."She kept her arm on his shoulder. "Today we are going out on a romantic date and I will even wear the skirt he likes."Vincent smiled seeing her craziness.. "Remember Mr.Rand belongs to your grandma Sia.So who does Vincent belong to?" "Grandma Sia."She smiled. "Good bye."She kissed him and left.

poppzie · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Changing schools.

"Sia my dear can I talk to you"Sia knew that her mum called her dear when she wanted to do something.She hurriedly came downstairs and sat next to her mum."What's up?"Here is the thing my dad and I have decided to take you to the high school of your dreams."Sia's mum said while studying her daughter's face.

"Ok not what I expected."I know aren't you excited."Miranda said while squeezing Sia's hand.Apparently she was more excited than Sia.She finished digesting the news and shot up screaming"O.M.G,I am going to Earnest High School."Yes my dear,now start getting ready you will start next month and you Know you only have one week to the end of this month."Miranda said then left.After she was nowhere out of sight Sia sat down and held her head dramatically.Henry entered and the first thing he saw was his dramatic daughter.

Sia did not notice his presence until a few seconds later when she saw a shadow figure in front of her.She stood and hugged her dad and immediately started yelling at him for not telling her about Earnest.Her dad just chuckled seeing his daughter."It was a Surprise you knuckle head."Miranda answered her and kissed her husband."Eew Mum, could you have not done that in your room."Miranda just looked at her daughter and held his husband then they disappeared."Finally they are gone now I can watch TV."Sia, don't forget to do your chores."Miranda shouted from upstairs and Sia just turned off the TV annoyed."Can't chores wait?"She then put on her earphones and listened to music while doing chores.After two hours she was done.

Miranda came just came as soon as she was done and started preparing dinner.Sia went up to her bedroom and freashened up for dinner.

Miranda called her down and she immediately left the room.The sweet aroma of food was calling her from the stair case.She sat down on the dining table and her mum served her food."Oooh!Mum this is she best."Miranda and Henry just laughed seeing their daughter's behavior.They knew their daughter had quite an appetite and the way to get heart was through food.They ate while laughing and cracking jokes.After they were done,Sia cleaned the dishes and went to her room.She brushed her teeth and applied oil on her face then set an alarm.When she was just beginning to dream,her phone buzzed and she woke up annoyed.

KIRA:Hey Sia what's up?

SIA: What's up?Are you seriously going to ask me that?I'll tell you what's up is that I was sleeping but you woke me up😡😡. Your lucky I am not there or I could have strangled you.

KIRA:Oh!I am sorry your royal sleepyhead.Well

I don't want to die before Justin Beiber is my husband so see you tomorrow at school.Goodnyt.

SIA:See you nyt.




Sia turned off her alarm and when she was just thinking of turning and going back to sleep,her mum pulled away her blanket and she just groaned."Mum,let me sleep for just a few more minutes"No!Wake up you are already late not like that is something new."Miranda said and pulled her up dragging her to the bathroom."Ok mum I am going."Sia dragged herself to the bathroom and after a few minutes she was done.She wore her school uniform and took her bag then went downstairs."Good morning Dad."Sia said while sitting down."Aren't you going to greet your loving mum."Sia looked at her and just laughed and it annoyed Miranda."Loving mum's let their daughter's sleep for a few more minutes in the morning and don't always bug them about chores and other things I am embarrassed to say for your good."Miranda hit her head hardly and she started poutting like a kid."And you call yourself loving."Miranda and Henry laughed and continued having their breakfast.Sia finished eating and cleaned her plate then kissed her parents goodbye and left.She took a tax and after twenty minutes she was in school."Siaaaa!!,I thought you were deciding to skip school today."Kira told her and after a while Lily joined them.The three friends hugged and went to class.The hallways were as noisy as ever and Sia passed greeting some of her friends.After they sat down Sia faced them and cleared her throat before beginning"Guys! Imagine what?

I am going to Earnest High next week."WHAT?Lily and Kira shouted simountaniously."What's with the reaction."Sia asked confused."It was just sudden but we are happy for you Sia you deserve to go."Kira told her."O.M.G Sia you will be going to the most expensive school in California."Yh,I guess."Sia said happiness flowing through her."You do Know that school is filled with heirs and heiresses of big companies.They might not be nice."Lily said worriedly."I Know but what's the worst that can happen."Sia said then the teacher got in and they focussed all their attention on the grown up in front of them.The lessons went by fast and it was time for recess.Sia was very happy when the bell rang and she dragged her friends to the cafeteria."Sia slow down.You girl and your appetite."Kira said and Sia just rolled her eyes.They reached and got their food then went to their usual seat and started eating but Sia being Sia started eating on the way.The bell rang signaling the end of lunch and they went back for their last classes.Sia sighed when the day ended and bade her friends goodbye then went back home."Mum,Dad your crazy daughter is back.Sia shouted to the top of her lungs."Oh! wait I am alone."She said then went directly to the fridge.Immediately when she opened the fridge a not fell down.

Dear Sia,

There is no food so go to the market and buy more and no complaining Missy.Hurry up I want to find diner ready because I am coming in late today.Love you.Kisses😘😘


Sia took the money left by her mum and went to the market.She bought everything needed and went back home.She prepared dinner and her dad just timed when she was done."Hi hunny?"Her dad said tiredly."Hi dad how was work."It was very tiring."I can see."Sia answered and Henry looked at her."Sorry dad,why don't you clean up then come and eat."Henry went upstairs and then her mum entered."Hello mum?"Hi shameless daughter did you do what I asked you?"Sia touched her heart and tried to look hurt"Auch mum that hurts."I know."Miranda said then went up to her room.They ate their dinner and her parents went to their room while she cleaned up.Sia entered her room and did her homework, sturdied a little then fell asleep.

The week went by fast and she spent the last day cleaning her locker, saying goodbye to her friends and getting her leave out shit.She said goodbye to the security guard then went home to start packing for her new chapter in life.The rest of the night went by smoothly and she was going back to sleep that was one of her favorite things after food of course.