
My Hidden Destiny, Royalty or Love, Heart Made of Stone Sequel series

After her family was brutally murdered, eighteen-year-old Jennifer Black moved to Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri to start a new life, but without any family or friends she has no one to talk to about the visions she has had every night since her parents died. So, when eighteen-year-old Samantha Jones comes to Jennifer in her dreams, asking for help and giving her the name of a detective who can solve her kidnapping, she jumps at the chance to get answers. That is when she meets Detective Marcus Azzini. Marcus is gorgeous, older, and harboring a dangerous secret. Jennifer ends up working with Marcus to find Samantha and eight other girls also missing from Lake of the Ozarks. When the kidnapper turns his sights on Jennifer sparks starts to fly with Marcus and everything gets complicated. Now Jennifer has to figure out what the kidnapper is really after, what it has to do with her parents' murder, and how her blood figures into it.

GinMonroe · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Chapter Seven

"Wake up Jenni."

"wake up."

"We need you."

"Jenni wake up."


I wake up, abruptly sitting up gasping for air. I look around my surroundings confused. I'm in a hospital and I can't remember why. Brain still foggy, I close my eyes to try to remember anything, but that only caused me a headache. I was about to lay back down and go back to sleep till it all came to me at once. Me jogging , being followed by a car then being ran over. I frantically look at my body to make sure I didn't lose an arm or two. Thankfully though all my body parts are still intact, but strangely I don't feel any type of pain , and I don't have any broken bones. I think about this for a second, then I get up out of this ugly uncomfortable hospital bed to walk, when I instantly fall face first on the floor.

"Ow that hurt." I say, I try to get up but its like my body isn't listening to my brain. I then start to panic, what if I'm paralyzed and that's why I couldn't feel any pain. I start to cry with my face in the floor.

"What are you doing?" I hear a familiar deep voice that could only belong to Marcus.

"I'm crying with my face burried to the floor because I just found out I'm paralyzed." Marcus then starts bawling in laughter and I quickly give him a death stare before breaking down again.

"OK I'm sorry for laughing Jenni, that's just the most ridiculous thing I've heard today." Marc says while he walks over to me, picks me up and carries me back into bed.

"Why is it ridiculous? I woke up and felt no pain and had no broken bones, so I thought it would be ok to get out of bed and walk. Accept when I did get out of bed I instantly fell and couldn't move anything." I say while pouting and crying.

"Jenni baby your not paralyzed. You have been in a coma for two weeks. Your body hasn't moved a single muscle in two weeks. That is why you couldn't move your body. You have to train your body all over again." Marcus says while wiping my tears away from my face.

"Oh." Is all I could say, because now I feel embarrassed, I just cried a river over nothing. I smack myself mentally over and over again over how silly I acted, but can you blame me? Anyone would act the same as I did.

"What made you wake up anyways? Did you just like decided to open your eyes?"

"No. Someone was telling me to wake up constantly, saying they need me, then they yelled for me to wake up and thats how I woke up." Marcus looked at me confused.

"Who was telling you to wake up?" Marcus asks, and to be honest that is a good question. Until now I didnt really give much thought into the voice of the person, but now as I replay the words in my head a couple of times.

"I think, no I know it was Samantha. She must have sensed I was in a coma and wasn't going to wake up, so she tried to wake me up and it worked." I say. Marcus nod his head in approval at what I said, but before he or I could say anything a doctor who looked to be over six foot tall, very built with blond hair that comes a little over his face with beautiful bright blue eyes, walked into the room.

"My, my look who is finally awake. For a minute there I thought you would be in a coma for longer but now look at you. How are you feeling?" The unknown doctor says. I just look at him with a confused expression.

"Oh I'm sorry I some times forget my manners. My name is Jack Henderson, but you can call me doctor Henderson. I'm also your doctor." Doctor Henderson says. There was something odd about this doctor, I can't explain it but he has this smell. The same smell Marcus has, then it finally clicked to me.

"Oh my god, your a ware wolf too aren't you?" Marcus instantly stiffens next to me while lifting his nose up to the ceiling to smell the air, then he instantly stands up into a a fighting stance, I'm guessing to protect me. I just roll my eyes and pull him back down to sit next to me, he then looks at me confused.

"Enough of that macho man bullshit, if he wanted to hurt me or kill me he would have done so already." I said with a firm look at the both of them. Doctor Henderson just looked at me puzzled.

"How would you know what I am? And she is right I would hurt her two weeks ago if I wanted to."

"Um...this is weird and new to me and I don't understand it but I smelled you." I say while looking away , because it sounded even more weird out loud.

"What do you mean you smelled him? Your a witch not a wolf or a fox." Marcus asks.

"I don't know, I been in a coma for two weeks, got hit by a car, how did I not have any broken bones?" I say back because none of this makes any sense. Doctor Henderson then clears his throat and looks at the both of us.

"While you were in a coma I had taken two blood tests on you, the first blood test I had to delude with something else so no one else can see anything abnormal about your blood. The second test I ran myself and what I found was seriously amazing, never seen this type of thing anywhere else."

"Well get on with it all ready." I say while getting impatient. Doctor Henderson just shakes his head and laughs.

"The second test shows that you are part witch and part wolf which is also the reason why you don't have any broken bones and why your not in pain. The wolf part of you healed you while you were in a coma, but I asked how would you know what I am, because your wolf abilities and instinct really shouldn't have kicked in yet." Doctor Henderson says while me and Marcus looked at him dumbfounded.

"That's not possible, I would have smelled the wolf on her the second I met her." Marcus says.

"Actually you wouldn't, because someone put a spell on her to mask her smell, and before you ask how i knew this, I had a friend of mine who is a witch come here to look at Jennifer, because I too didn't understand why I couldnt smell the wolf in her and this same witch also put a similar spell on me so you Marcus couldn't smell me either, but I guess the spell wore of and I'm guessing Jennifer's spell is also starting to ware off. The spell though will soon be broken completely the moment she goes into heat. And from the blood test that I took, she will go into heat in about another week no less."

"What do you mean by heat? What happens to me when I go into heat?"

"Well women wolfs when they go into heat, their bodies will burn, you will be in excruciating pain as if your bones are broken. The only way to releave the burn and the pain is to mate with your soulmate." He says while glancing over at Marcus.

"But that's not the part that worries me though. In the blood test it also shows that your from a royal line of wolves, and not just any royal line, but the black wolf royal blood lines." He says and Marcus practically falls off the bed and looks at me with a hint of fear and amazement.

"Ok, so why does that worry you?" I ask.

"It worries me, because once you go into heat, the spell will come off, which means every wolf that lives in this state will come looking for you, they will smell you, smell your power, smell your royal line and they will come for you to mate with you and if they can smell you while your in heat then a whole population of wolves around the world will soon find out about you, and they too will come for you. They will want to rule your pack with you. Then after you mate you will transform into your wolf." Doctor Henderson explains.

"But I don't have a pack." I say.

"You will soon, and I'm looking forward to being in your pack. I'm also a lone wolf like your mate Marcus."

"I don't get it, Samantha another witch who has been kidnapped told me my mom is a wich and my dad is a warlock, how does a wolf fit into this." I asked.

"Your mom is indeed a witch, but your dad is a full blown wolf, his last name proves it. Also there are records of your dads life before he met your mother."

"OK so why does Samantha have records of my family being a witch when in reality my dad is a wolf. How can that be? How can no one know that my dad was a wolf."

"Back in the day witches and wolves were frowned apon. Witches were to be with witches and wolves with wolves. One day when your dad was out hunting for his pack he came across your mom. Ever since then they kept meeting secretly until one day he ran away with your mom and few years later had you. Your dad was the alpha of his pack which originated here, ever since he left the pack fell apart and everyone became lone wolves. I was once apart of that pack among lots of others."