
death is always close.

Tommy was a young boy living in a world of heroes and villains. He had always dreamed of becoming a hero himself and attending UA High School, the most prestigious hero academy in the country. One day, he discovered he had a Quirk of his own, which he called Time Stop. With this Quirk, he could freeze time for up to three seconds.

Tommy was overjoyed when he discovered his Quirk. He knew it wasn't the strongest power out there, but he was confident he could make it work. He began to practice with his Quirk, trying to find ways to make it more effective.

One day, while exploring the city, Tommy stumbled upon a massive, ferocious monster rampaging through the streets. Without thinking, he used his Quirk to freeze time, hoping to find a way to stop the monster.

As he was trying to come up with a plan, he suddenly realized that his Quirk was no match for the monster's raw power. He was completely outmatched and outgunned. Tommy began to panic, not knowing what to do.

Just when he thought all was lost, a familiar face appeared before him. It was none other than Deku, one of the legendary heroes of UA High School. Now in his forties, Deku was still fighting strong, despite being gravely injured.

"kid, we need to get out of here," Deku said, his voice strained. "This monster is too powerful for us to fight."

Tommy nodded, following Deku as they fled from the monster. As they ran, Tommy noticed that Deku's injuries were severe and worsening by the second. He knew that if they didn't get help soon, it would be too late.

"Deku, we have to do something," Tommy said, his voice urgent. "We can't just leave you here to die."

Deku shook his head. "It's too late for me, Tommy. You have to save yourself."

But Tommy refused to leave Deku behind. He racked his brain, trying to come up with a plan. Just then, the monster appeared again, blocking their path.

As the monster charged towards them, Tommy used his Quirk to freeze time once again. He had an idea, but he knew it was risky. With all his might, he propelled himself forward, hoping to strike the monster and save Deku.

But as he launched himself forward, time unfroze, and the monster swiped at him with a massive claw. Tommy closed his eyes, bracing for impact, but suddenly, he felt someone grab him and pull him to safety.

It was Deku, who had somehow found the strength to save Tommy despite his injuries. But as they stumbled away from the monster, Tommy knew that their journey was far from over. The fate of the city rested on their shoulders, and they had to find a way to stop the monster before it was too late.

"Deku, what do we do?" Tommy asked, his voice shaking.

Deku paused, his face set in determination. "We fight," he said, his voice strong despite his injuries. "We fight until we can't fight anymore."

Tommy nodded, feeling a surge of determination. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was ready to do whatever it took to save the city.