
Ch. 12

( Haru Pov )

I looked at the picture I my hand. It was a picture of me and Gramps holding a large fish. I managed to catch a picture

I put the photo away as I ate my sushi that the fisherman gave that was made from his wife.

" This is noce." I spoke as Gramps nodded in response.

We were sitting by the docks as we watched the waves move.

I also managed to finish the mission.

[ Ding! Mission Completed! ]

[ 25/25 ]

[ Rewards: 75 exp, seashell charm ]

[ Ding! You level up! ]

[ Level 2 -> Level 3 ]

[ You received 1 stat point, 2 skill points ]

[ Seashell charm ]

[ Grant's + 2 Luck ]

[ Ding! New stat unlocked! LUCK ]

[ Luck: increases your chances for a critical hit and opportunities. ]

' Hmm, Luck. If it is high enough level, I could be unstoppable, though I shouldn't rely on it too much in the future in case it runs out.'

Then there was a new item, seashell charm, which granted me 2 luck stats. It was a necklace that made female seashells with bright colors.

' This is nice.' I approved and discreetly put it on my neck.

' And now the stat point and skill point...'

I noticed the intelligence stay was one point away from 10, and I didn't know if I would be awarding something if I did reach that line.

' Should I? Or should I not?' I thought for a seconds before deciding to put my stat point in intelligence.

[ Intelligence 9 -> 10 ]

[ Ding! For reaching 10 points in intelligence! You have been awarded a perk! ]

' A perk?' I quickly tapped the intelligence icon.

[ New Perk! ]

[ Mental Fortitude ]

[ Description: Gives you greater resistance to mental attacks and tricks. Gain a 20% defense bonus to charm. ]

' That's nice....' I felt my mind being cooled down with great clarity.

The world I saw in front of me looked brighter and different.

I blinked my eyes for a bit before everything returned to normal.

' Huh, I feel more smarter...and clear minded.' I thought before putting a sushi room in my mouth.

' Now for the skill points.'

I put the skill points in [ Wind Gust ] and [ Wind Whisper ].

[ Wind Whisper ] [ Level 3 -> 4 ]

[ + 10% power ]

[ + 20% power ]

[ + 30 % power ]

[ Wind Whisper] [ Level 3 -> 4 ]

[ + 10 mana ]

[ + 20 mana ]

[ + 30 mana ]

' I'll train back at home, but for now, let's enjoy this moment.' I thought as I ate another sushi roll.

I focused on the scene in front of me, I knew sooner or later it's days like these that I'll cherish in the future.

Especially with Gramps.

' I should also try meditation when we get back home.' I thought as I planned for my time schedule.

" Man, that was pretty good." I spoke as I stood up from the pier, and Gramps followed to.

" Hm. Could go for taiyaki." Gramps patted his stomach.

I sighed before returning towards the fisherman's house to give back the plate that his wife landed us.

" Thank you for lending us the boat, and the food was great." The old fisherman smiled as he gave the plate to his wife.

" Well, I hope you guys come again. It was nice to see your fishing skills, kid." The fisherman replied.

" Thank you, Kabuto." Gramps replied as he shook hands with kabuto.

" Well, I can't refuse a good friend, especially with his grandson." They continued to chat for a while.

It seemed Kabuto and Gramps knew each other a long time ago.

Apparently, Gramps saved him and his family from a villain that abducted fishermen in the sea.

After saying our goodbyes and getting on the train, it was getting late as I felt sleepy.

" Yawn~ hey Gramps." I looked at Gramps, who looked at me from the corner of his eye.

" Hm?"

" Can you tell me stories of your hero days?" I asked.

" No.' He replied.

" Wha?? Why not?"

" Because I said so."

" Aw man."

As soon as we arrived, I plopped into bed and fell asleep faster than I realized.

2 weeks passed, training, school, and helping others.

" Thank you very much, young man." The old lady from next door thanked me after helping her to her house.

" You're welcome." I waved before going back to my house.

[ Ding Mission Completed! ]

[ Save/help 50 people ] [ 50/50 ]

' Haaa, finally.' I thought before walking to my room.

Gramps wasn't here today as he got a phone call that seemed urgent.

[ Rewards: 250 Sp, 150 Exp, and 6 Skill points]

' Skill points, that's cool.' I thought as I put the skill points into my two spells.

[Wind Gust ] [ Level 4-> 7 ]

[ + 10% power ]

[ + 20% power ]

[ + 30 % power ]

[ + 40 % power ]

[ + 50% power ]

[ Wind slash unlocked ]

[ Wind Whisper] [ Level 4-> 7 ]

[ + 10 mana ]

[ + 20 mana ]

[ + 30 mana ]

[ + 40 mana ]

[ + 50 mana ]

[ Guiding Wind ]

I looked at the next requirement for the next skill points.

' Two skill points...sigh.' I sighed as I observed the new skills I got.

[ Wind slash ] [ Level 1 ]

( Description: Slash the air to release a pressure of air in the shape of a blade. )

[ Guiding Wind ] [ Level 1 ]

( Description: Gives the user a light nudge in the right direction.)

' This is great. Finally, something better.' I nodded.

' Maybe with this, I could enter a lower leveled dungeon. '

After checking the new skill, I looked into the system store.

[ Sp: 5,679 ]

[ Confusion gaze ]

( Description: eye contact with the target will cause them to be disoriented and make erratic decisions.)

[ Cost: 5,500 Sp ]

' With this, I should have an easier time in the dungeon.' I thought as I clicked on the buy button.

[ Sp: 179 ]

I was looking outside the window again, gazing at the sky before heading towards my room.

' For now, I should wait till nightfall, and in the meantime, I should meditate.'

I sat on my bed and relaxed my body as I controlled my breathing.

Meditation helps recover mana, stamina, and health, albeit a little.

[ Meditation Level 2 -> 3 ]

It also seemed that I could level up skills without skill points if I trained them.

With this, I trained my other skills.

Hours passed as I stayed in my room till nightfall.

' Now, it should be a good time.' I thought as I left the house quickly.

I didn't know whether if Gramps was home yet, but I knew I had to escape, and if I'm caught when I get back, I'll just explain myself then.

I walked calmly as I could as I entered an alleyway.

' There it is.' I thought as I spotted the swirling portal.

[ Beginner Dungeon ]

[ Level Req. Level 2 - 10 ]

[ Time limit: dawn ]

This dungeon could only be accessible at night.

I could feel my heart nervously beating in my chest.

" Hooo, I could do this. I could do this." I repeated to myself as I walked in circles before entering.

" Okay, let's do this." I muttered as I entered the dungeon.

Feeling a little distorted fell to the ground before I could check the surroundings.

" Ugh." I exclaimed as I felt my stomach churn.

Calming my breathing, I forced myself to stand up.

The dungeon was an alleyway with a black cloud covering the sky.

The dungeon was littered with trash and blood.

" Is...is that an arm?" I stepped back as I noticed bones and dismembered limbs.

I couldn't take my eyes off the arm.


I was brought out of my daze as I looked behind me to look at the source of the roar.

The roar brought a chill in my spine as I felt my heart becoming cold and afraid.

' I can't stay here.' I knew that, but my leg could barely move.

' Just what the hell is this place?' I thought before seeing something turning the corner.

It was rotten flesh with a terrible smell.


It groaned as I realized it was a zombie.

" Zo...zombie..." I blurted catching the Zombies attention.