
Well exam's over I guess

Shun and Midoriya walked toward the Monitor room since they didn't have much to plan.

Midoriya's partner was Bakugo and we all know how friendly the two of them are.

Shun on the other hand was alone and didn't feel a need to prepare for the upcoming exam. He was confident in his power and skills and knew how much to hold back in specific situations.

As they appeared in front of the monitor too. The door opened automatically and Shun spotted two familiar people im there.

"Grandma?" called Shun hearing which Chiyo turned her seat around and looked at him.

"Oh, Shun and broken bone boy. Come in," said Chiyo as she welcomed the two of them inside.

"Eri, you are here too I see," said Shun as he looked at the little girl standing beside Chiyo.

"Is that you Onii-chan?" asked Eri not sure because of Shun's helmet.

Shun dematerialized his armor and paired the girl's head much to her happiness.

"I thought the kid might like seeing you students in action so I brought her with me," said Chiyo.

"Good thinking, it's better than leaving her alone," said Shun.

"It's your nap time though, why aren't you resting?" asked Shun as he looked at Eri.

"I-I.....Grandma Chiyo said that you will be having an exam so I wanted to cheer for you," said Eri with an expectant look on her face.

"....You really know how to make someone happy," said Shun as he ruffled her hair he unknowingly felt happy after hearing her words.

"Um? Shun-san?" called Midoriya.

"Hm? What happened Izuku?"

"Who is this kid?" asked Midoriya

"Well..." said Shun as he looked at Eri who hid behind him after seeing the unknown person.

"....she is kind of my sister. Her name is Eri. Eri, this is Izuku." said Shun as he introduced the two of them.

Eri's eyes widened as she looked at Shun.


The word sounded like a melody to her and soon a happy smile appeared on her face and she hugged his leg.

"...What are you doing?" asked Shun as he lifted his leg and looked at the girl who was sticking to it like a koala.

"I am your sister Onii-chan!!" said Eri.

"Yeah, I said that.....wait...grandma?" said Shun as he realized what was happening.

Chiyo looked at Shum and Eri with an amused smile on her face.

"You said it. Take responsibility," said Chiyo with a shrug, she had no problem with it. Shun was not kid enough when he was a kid, so having a real kid to look after was something that Chiyo was looking forward to.

'Plus she can help Shun thin out his boundaries and help him open up.' thought Chiyo.

Shun sighed and then picked up the girl and looked straight at her.

"We will discuss the terms and conditions at home later. OK?" said Shun.

Eri completely ignored what he said because of her happiness and nodded without thinking.

Shun sighed and then made a seat for himself and sat down and placed Eri on his lap.

"Well, it looks like. I'll have a lot of work today," said Chiyo.

"That makes the two of us," said Shun and focused on the screen.


All the matches for the rest of the students were over and most of them were now in the monitor room except for those that got unconscious and Bakugo.

"Alright, seems like it's my turn," said Shun as he lifted Eri from his lap and then put her on the seat.

"Good Luck Onii-chan! Be safe," said Eri with a smile. She saw how other students fought against the teachers and though some of them performed well, some were injured quite a bit too. The fight between Midoriya and Bakugo vs All Might was quite dangerous according to Eri and she didn't want Shun to end like the two kids.

"Don't worry Eri... it's the teachers who need to be on the safer side," said Shun with a smile as his armor appeared.

"Oi! Don't damage them too much!" said Chiyo.

"I am not guaranteeing anything," said Shun in a sing-song way and walked out. He was going to show UA that they should not fuck around with the wrong student.

After walking for a while Shun reached the area that was assigned for his exam and looked around.

"Exam Start!" announced the system.

"A vast concrete plane...They weren't kidding when they said that this stage was made in the teacher's favor," said Shun.

"So are you already giving up?"

Hearing the voice Shun looked at the source and saw multiple clones of Ectoplasm surrounding him.

"No, it's just that there is no place for you all to hide. I was just feeling sorry for you," said Shun as he pointed his hand forward and activated his quirk.

Blue aura gathered in his hand as he smirked and held his hand up and fired the energy orb.

All the ectoplasms looked up to see what kind of attack it was and got prepared to deal with it.

"I don't think you should look away sensei," said Shun as he appeared in front of the real Ectoplasm with a pair of blunt swords in his hands and slammed the guy in the waist sending him flying.

'Already done?!?!' thought Ectoplasm as he soon felt that all his clones were already destroyed.

"Oh, I forgot to put the handcuff," muttered Shun but immediately a concrete slab came flying at him.

"That student is troublesome," said Cementoss with his hands on the ground.

"Oh, you have no idea," said Shun who appeared behind Cementoss.

Surprised by the sudden voice Cementoss looked behind only to see a fist coming toward him.

Cementoss flinched and closed his eyes waiting for the punch to land on his face.


Cementoss opened his eyes only to see Shun standing there with his hand outstretched and widened his eyes in surprise wanting to know why the kid didn't attack.

But soon he got his answer as he received an uppercut sending him up in the air.

"No more cement for you," said Shun and fired a strong blast of kinetic energy at the cement man.

"My my you are quite sadistic,"

A pink mist surrounded Shun as he heard a familiar voice.

"Midnight Sensei, try to keep your mouth closed," said Shun as a burst of kinetic energy came out of his body blowing away the pink most away.

A blue aura came out of his body as he stepped forward and punched Midnight in the gut sending her flying away.

"Well, it's over I guess. Now for the handcuffs."

Suddenly Shun felt tremors from the ground and looked behind him only to find multiple constructs made of concrete and clones of Ectoplasm coming towards him.

"It's not yet over! Hero!" said all the Ectoplasms.

"Well, too bad for you...villains then," said Shun as his hands glowed and his swords appeared.

Gripping his swords tightly Shun ran toward the incoming Ectoplasms.

A blue aura came out of his legs as Shun's afterimage formed at the spot where he was standing and a blue trail followed as Ectoplasms started to disappear one after another.

Ectoplasm looked at the scene of his clones disappearing without even being able to see what was going on with nervousness.

'What the hell is this kid?! He is fighting and dodging Cemtoss's attacks without any difficulty at all.'

"Oi Cementoss, is it normal for a 1st year to be this proficient in fighting against pros?" asked Ectoplasm.

"Don't know, the other two I fought weren't this difficult. He is certainly cut above the rest. Now I kind of understand why Erazer put three teachers on one kid...want to go all out?" asked Cementoss.

"I guess so. Can't let a kid have that much of an easy time against us," said Ectoplasm with a smirk on his face.

"You two planning something I can be a part of?" asked Midnight as she came towards them.

"You looked quite roughed up Midnight?" asked Cementoss as he kept Shun away from them by continuously attacking him.

"That kid doesn't hold back even against women...I am kind of in the mood to punish him," said Midnight as she licked his licks seductively.

"...Ok." said the two of them as they looked at their fellow teacher.

"So, you teachers did planning or do you want me to give you more time?" asked Shun as he punched the incoming cement constructs deflecting them away.

"Alright, you two let's show the kid what we pros can do," said Midnight as she cracked her whip.

The other two nodded as the whole concrete floor started to rumble.

Soon various appendages made of cement came out of the ground and started to attack Shun from all directions.

Seeing the attack Shun was about to jump when suddenly a large amount of shiny liquid-like thing appeared around him and started to change its form.

A giant Ectoplasm soon appeared out of the shiny stuff and captured Shun within it, restraining him in the process.

Midnight then jumped on one of the cement appendages that was going toward Shun and started to tear her costume.

Soon she reached the giant Ectoplasm clone and released a large amount of pink sleep mist out of her body

"Sleep tight. Cementoss!! Ectoplasm!!"

"On it."

"Got that."

The giant Ectolasm head inhaled the air making Midnight's sleep mist come to Shun.

Once the mist got near him Ectoplasm clone stopped inhaling and the whole area around Shun god was covered in the mist.

The cement appendages then started striking Shun with full force and then a giant dome made of cement surrounded the mist area while new appendages started growing out inside the dome and started attacking Shun.

Shun was now trapped inside the some and restrained by Ectoplasm and was soon going to be knocked out by Midnight's mist which will make Shun fail the exam.

Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

Shun who was inside the dome was restrained and continuously attacked by the cement appendages.

"...I held back enough I guess. But to think they went all out on a student....well who I am to criticize them when I am the paranoid one," said Shun who used customize create to destroy the appendages which started to reform again only to be destroyed once more.

Shun then used his quirk and a blue aura enveloped him bit soon a large amount of heat energy started coming out of him and melted the giant Ectoplasm clone making Shun free once again.

Shum who was now free jumped down from the clone that had a pained look on his face because of the burn's on its body and Shun pointed his arm at him as a giant blaster formed over it.

"Bye Bye," said Shun and fired a high-powered heat energy blast at it that penetrated through the skull and the dome without any difficulty.

Shun destroyed the dome with his attack and saw his surprised teachers and started walking towards them.

"Well, time for the hero to kick some villain's ass. Initiate Heavy Smasher" said Shun as more Vibranium came out of his armor and soon glowed and transformed into a giant grey one.

Cementoss and Ectoplasm started attacking once again but Shun was not going to allow that.

He simply moved his fist back and punched forward normally as a powerful shockwave came out from his much destroying all the clones and cement in the process while the teachers just got down away.

Shun then teleported above them and looked down before he punched the air below him releasing another powerful shockwave and planting the teachers in the ground before he landed and threw the handcuff on them and used customize create to put them on.

"Well exam's over I guess," said Shun as he transformed back to his normal armor and walked away leaving the defeated and handcuffed teachers behind.