
My Hero Academia: MATSUI

What-If...Tomura Shigaraki, decayed himself during the battle in the Vestige World during the Paranormal Liberation War? ---A world forged from perseverance. Students turned heroes. Heroes made human. The roots of faceless evil remaining. A new generation must take up the mantle. Izuku Midoriya and his successor will have their work cut out for them.

TensaYu · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

What Must Go On(2)

Yokumiru:*awnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn* Excuse me.

The audience didn't react to the commissioner's exhaustion.

The Heroes standing on stage remained firm as any crack in them would ruin the speech. 

Yokumiru: *yawn*…Last night… was the first night in the last 10 years I was able to get some sleep. Since the death of the original president, no, since the PLW, it has been a new stage of unrest. We all felt it. Those who survived their city being rampaged through. Others who mourn the loss of loved ones here. Heroes who fought on the front lines for the sake of saving the lives they could. Those who feel that. You're alone. You're not. 

We see various shots of older U.A students now Heroes consoling some of the crowd members. 

Such as Tokoyami wearing all black with a hood concealing Dark Shadow. 

Vine, who holds a gavel wrapped in vines with her hair flowing longer. 

Todoroki, who is now flawlessly emitting both sides of his quirk with no stress. As well as achieving a mastery of his Phospher Super Move, now being focused only to his scar. 

The Phantom Thief, sporting a phantom-like mask with no clocks seen on his person like years ago.

Creati, with her lean armor set for protection. Her singular visor scans the event's crowd for potential threats. 

Yokumiru: "But amidst this chaos, this uncertainty, we must remember one thing: resilience. We've faced trials before, and we've emerged stronger. Heroism runs deep within us, not just in those with quirks, but in every single one of us who refuse to give in to despair."

"Yes, it's been tough. The scars of the past are still fresh, and the road ahead may seem daunting. But we've come together before, united by a common pain, a common hope. And we can do it again. We can rebuild, we can heal, and we can create a better future for ourselves and those to come."

"Remember the sacrifices of those who came before us. Let their memory inspire us to keep moving forward, to keep fighting for justice, for peace, for a world where everyone can live without fear. Let the New Jaku Research Facility pave that way."

"So, everyone, let's stand tall. Let's support each other, lift each other up, and show the world that no matter what challenges we may face, we will always rise above them. United, we are unstoppable."

Yokumiru's words gave his fellow citizens some solace.

Lots cheered. Many…many others cried. Before transforming into prompt silence.

None would blame them.

10 years isn't enough time to heal such a wound. This event, being broadcasted across the world.

Everyone. The whole world stopped. 

Until disarray made it move again. In the crowd, a giant man in the shape of a beetle began charging the stage.

"Yes! With Quirks we are unstoppable!!! Be your own Liberator!!!!"

"Damn! Liberators!!"

Over the years with Shigaraki's death and the capture of Re-Destro. Non-captured members of the Liberation Front have been attempting to dismantle the restoration of the Facility. Not only that, they have splintered into a group known as "The Liberators". 

Many would scatter throughout the crowd. The leader of the bunch showed more of a threat to the others.

As his charge began, he injected a syringe into one of his many arms. This injection would be the drug called Trigger.

His Beetle Quirk would enhance this individual by enlarging his body. 

*crackle* *crackle*

Parts of his shell would fall off as his body begins to exhaust fire from the hide. 

"Ifrit Wheel!!!!!!!!"

Like a car stuck on boot, the villain would charge himself towards the stage as his partners create chaos. 

"For Re-Destro!!!!!!!!"

None of the heroes on stage made a move.

They didn't need to. 

As the flaming beetle never made it to the stage. 

"I can't...move?"

He would feel a tightening ropes around himself.

Eri: Come on!!!! This day is important to everyone...this day is important...to everyone. 

ErasureHorn, pushing herself and binding cloth to keep this idiot at bay. 

Above them both is Water Pump, propelling himself mid-air before shouting:

Kota: Liberators! All of them, no respect! Aqua Shot!

The young hero who lost his parents would shoot out a concentrated blast of pressurized water to extinguish the flames on the bug.

Kota: Does family mean nothing to you?

This would not stop the villains momentum as he finally breaks away from the capture weapon towards Water Pump. 

"If it means getting rid of laws that restrict who I am, or my quirk. I'll liberate myself from any and all of yo...!!!!"

Cyto would then surprise both his teammate and the villain by delivering a solid punch in the center of the spinning beetle. This stops his spinning and the attack.

Katsuma: Liberating yourself from everyone? Sounds lonely.

His Quirk Cell Activation stimulates his arm with strength. Enough to feel like hitting a brick wall. 

Deku from a distance couldn't help but smirk. Witnessing the children he crossed paths with overcoming their past selves. Seeing them apprehend a villian with such control and teamwork.

It's enough to send a tear to the man's eye.

Despite the disruption, the audience would come back. Being amazed at the quick achievement of 3.

EraserHorn retrieving her binding cloth while Water Pump corals the rest of the Liberators. 

Creati: "Near flawless work you 3. But I noticed 12 things you should've done."

The Everything Hero can't help but let the students know where improvement needs. Regardless the ovation the students receive was nothing short of appreciative.

Civilians rushing up to the kids asking them if they're hurt. A certain compassion for young heroes was grown by people since the Decay. 

The strength in those students, now adults. It help restore hope and not contribute to the despair of what was lost.

The commotion took away from the ribbon cutting with Tsukoyomi and Dark Shadow. People proudly walked into the building. 

Dynamight stretching his legs before taking off.

Bakugo: I've could've taken that junked up dung beetle in 2 seconds. No! One second! Those kids talk too damn much!!!

Deku: Aren't you one to talk Katchan?

Bakugo: Quiet nerd! Just because you have your fancy engagement on the hush, doesn't mean you get to grow a backbo...

Dynamight would be interrupted by Izuku's sudden sour face. A face that he's seen for years. As if his friend is experiencing immense unseen pain. Until a drop of blood comes from Midoriya's nose.

Deku: This is...!

This would be One For All.