
Two Heroes 3...Deku Vs Wolfram...Boiling Point...

Chapter 23.75 - Heroes 3...Deku Vs Wolfram...Boiling Point...

"Miss and young man, what are you doing here?" Sam asked.

Melissa took a step forward, "What do you mean 'arranged'?"

David looked nervously at the floor.

"Papa, don't tell me you're the one behind this incident?"

David still did not meet his daughter's eyes.

"In order to get that device…? Is that true Papa?"

David closed his eyes as he sighed and finally looked into his daughter's eyes.

"It is."

Izuku frowned at David and gripped his fists, "What?!"

"What…? Why..?" Melissa asked as her voice felt like it was breaking down due to the disbelief she was experiencing.

"The professor is only trying to get back what was stolen from him. This groundbreaking invention that mechanically amplifies Quirks… " Sam said.

"It amplifies Quirks…?" Izuku said, confused.

"Yes, it is still in testing, but with this device, unlike with drugs, Quirks can be amplified without affecting the body. However, the sponsors confiscated this invention and research data. The research itself was also frozen. If this was made known to the world, then the structure of superhuman society would change drastically. Fearing that, governments from different nations put pressure on him. That's why the professor… " Sam started to explain.

"I can get my research back?! How?" David asked Sam.

"Instead of doing it ourselves, we will have Villains steal it."

David sighed, "Sam, don't be ridiculous… "

"There's no need for them to be real Villains. We can hire people wearing the guise of Villains and have it stolen by them. Of course they will not harm anyone. After it is done, we can continue our research in a different place."


"I want to get the research back no matter what. Don't you feel the same way… David?"

David stayed quiet.

"I have completed the preparations. We will carry this out on the day of the I-Expo pre opening when the tower will be closed. The plan will start at the same time as the reception, the only time when all the people involved will be together. We will pull the strings in the back as the Villains make it seem like I-Island has been taken over. Professor…"

Izuku and Melissa stared with wide and horrified eyes as they listened to Sam tell the story.

"No…" Melissa gasped out. "This is a lie, isn't it, Papa? Tell me this is a lie!"

"It is not a lie." David said sternly.

"This doesn't make sense… The Papa I know would never do anything like that! So why…? Why" Melissa pleaded with her father to tell her why he would do such a thing.

"It is for All Might."

"What? Uncle Toshi?"


"You two probably don't know, but his Quirk is disappearing."

Izuku gasped as he knew the reason as to why.

"However, if he uses my device, then it can go back to normal. It can even give him more abilities than he started with. The Number One Hero… The Symbol of Peace… can get his light back again… and save many people once more!" David said with a smile.

'Because Toshinori-Sensei passed One For All on to me...The professor was worried about All Might losing his power, and-'

David took the briefcase from Sam, "Please. Please let me hand this device over to All Might. There's no time to remake it! After he gets it, I don't care what kind of punishment I receive. I've prepared myself-"

"-THEY RISKED THEIR LIVES! What do you think Deku-kun and his classmates went through to save his hostages?" Melissa yelled at her father as she untied the bandage to let him see the wound she suffered.

David looked at her daughter, confused, "What is the meaning of this? The Villains were fake... " He looked at Sam, "It should have all been an act… "

"Of course it was an act."

They turned around to see Wolfram and a silver haired Villain next to him at the entrance of the vault.

"An act pretending to be fake Villains." Wolfram said as he smirked evilly.

Izuku grit his teeth, "So you're the leader of this whole operation huh?" He powered up to Perfected Full Cowl.

Wolfram willed a piece of metal railing and shot it towards Izuku. It wrapped around him and tied him to a wall.

"Deku-kun!" Melissa cried out in worry.

'A Quirk that lets him manipulate metal, huh?' Izuku thought.

"Stay there quietly for a bit, kid. Sam, where's the device?"

Sam snatched the briefcase from David.

"H-Here." Sam walked towards Wolfram with the briefcase.

"Sam…" David said in shock, "Don't tell me you were planning on giving the device to the Villains all along."

"Y-You're the one who tricked me. I served you for so long, but you let your research be frozen so easily, and the honor and renown we were supposed to get all went away… If I didn't get at least some money, then it was a waste of my time!"

David couldn't believe it. His long time assistant who pledged his loyalty to him… betrayed him for money.

"Sam… how could you."

Deku's eyes widened as he heard this, "So you're telling me, that after all of that trust he put in you, you're just gonna back stab him like that over something as superficial as money?!"

Sam sucked his teeth, "You wouldn't understand! You're just a child! You don't even know how the world truly works!"

Izuku narrowed his eyes, "Oh I understand more than you know…. And as a child from the outside looking in, I completely understand that you are a filthy dishonest rat!"

"You may say that, but at least I'm getting a reward, while all of you get nothing!" Sam retorted.

"And here's the reward I promised you."

Wolfram shot Sam in the shoulder. Izuku, David, and Melissa's eyes all widened in shock.

"SAM!" Melissa yelled.

"Wh-Why? This isn't what you promised!" Sam grunted out.

"Promised? I don't remember. This is your reward."

Wolfram shot again, but instead of hitting Sam, David Shield got in front of the bullet just in time.

"Professor, why…?" Sam asked.

"R-Run away!"


Deku yelled as he broke out of the metal bindings. He charged at Wolfram at full speed. The Villain was caught off guard and was sent to the other side of the room.

"Izuku Midoriya, huh? You're a strong one, aren't ya? That actually hurt… a lot." Wolfram said as he got up and dusted himself off.

"You know of me?" Izuku asked.

"Know of you? Kid, I don't think there isn't a person who doesn't live under a rock that doesn't know of you. You put on quite a show at the Sports Festival. And your involvement in the battle against the Hero Killer also made it through the news."

Izuku got into his stance, "Well if you've seen what I can do, then you should know what to expect. And just to let you know, I've gotten much stronger since the Sports Festival!"

Wolfram smirked, "Good! If not, then this fight would probably be way too easy."


Wolfram laughed, "Oh, kid! Trust me, you're strong, but do you really think that there aren't others stronger? People who have trained and mastered their powers for ages?"

"Oh really? Well I am confident that I can beat you!" Izuku said arrogantly as he charged up his aura.

"Oh you're so naive. But you're young, so I'll give you a pass."

"Enough talk! Let's fight!"

Izuku charged towards Wolfram at top speed once again and attempted to smash him to bits. Wolfram manipulated some metal and made it sharp and threw it towards Izuku.

"I already got your Quirk figured out! You manipulate metal, so all I have to do is dodge and get up close to you and you're done for!"

Izuku weaved the metal and went straight towards Wolfram.

"Metal Manipulation? Oh you're even more naive, than I thought!"

"Huh?" Izuku questioned.

"I don't just manipulate metal…"

Wolfram caused the floor to rise as the walls started to bend to his will.

"I manipulate the Earth itself!"

Wolfram enclosed the walls and floor between Deku. Deku struggle to break free as he looked at Wolfram once more.

"So, earth manipulation?"

"No, you fool! Think deeper!"

Wolfram stretched his hands towards the air and manipulated so that it turned hot and threw the toxic gas towards Izuku.

"What in the-"

Izuku crushed the walls that were trying to enclose him.


Izuku sent a ki blast towards the gas and it exploded on impact. He then flew towards Wolfram and pinned him to the ground.

"I got you!"

"Or do you?"

Izuku then felt his insides start to hurt. He let go of Wolfram to hold his stomach.

"What the hell is happening to me?! I feel like my insides are burning!"

Wolfram smirked as he got up, "I am restructuring your very being!"

"What? But how?"

Wolfram chuckled, "Tell me Young Izuku… what is all matter in the universe composed of?"

Izuku began to think for a moment, and then he gasped.

"What? No way! You don't mean-"

"-Ding ding! Looks like you figured it out"

Izuku grumbled as he held his stomach in pain, "But how could such a powerful Quirk exist?!"

Wolfram smirked, "I told you, young man… there is always someone better…"

Izuku's eyes widened in horror as he figured out Wolfram's power.

"Y-Y-You Quirk… it allows you to manipulate…. Atoms.'

"YES! You are a smart kid indeed!"

Izuku grit his teeth as he struggled to stand up, "But even so… I still can't let you get away with what you've done! I'll find a way to beat you!"

Izuku then began to power up, but the pain inside only increased.

"Don't you learn? The more energy you use, the easier it is for me to control your atoms!"

Wolfrom then closed his fist.

"AHHHH!" Izuku scream in absolute pain. He felt as though there was lava in his stomach.


A crimson aura and electricity and aura enveloped Izuku as he rushed towards Wolfram.

"Perfected New York Smash!"

Izuku directly landed a hit on Wolfram. It created a resounding BOOM as the Villain was sent towards the vault. The Full Gauntlet read X10 and was slightly beeping.

Izuku then felt an even greater pain in his stomach. He got on his knees and threw up blood.

"Deku-kun!" Melissa watched in horror as Izuku was effectively getting destroyed from the inside.

"Man, are teenagers that hard headed these days?"

Izuku gasped in shock as he looked up.

"He… He's still not down? But I put everything I had into that New York Smash!'

Wolfram grabbed Izuku by the face, "Kid, let me give you a lesson about reality. It may seem like you're on top of the world. But one day, there's going to be some bad motherfucker who beats the ever living shit out of you. And then you're going to learn, that you have no power at all in this world. You are weak. You can't win. There are battles that you just can't prevail in. That motherfucker is gonna teach you that. And it just so happens that motherfucker is me!"

Wolfram then manipulated some metal and binded Izuku to the same wall as before.

"You lost, kid. Deal with it."

Deku had lost to Wolfram...

Wolfram then grabbed the gun and pointed it at David who bleeding on the floor.

"Now to finish what I started…"

"Papa!" Melissa ran towards Wolfram in order to stop him.

"Don't come here!" David yelled.

Wolfram pistol whipped Melissa onto the floor.

Izuku saw this and started to boil with anger.

'He.. He… hurt her! How dare he!'

Wolfram stepped on David's back, "Feeling like playing Hero after all this time? It's no use No matter what reason you had, you've stained your hands with evil deeds. Whether we're fake or real, the crime you committed will not disappear. You're the same as us. You can no longer remain a scientist or continue your research. You can only fall into the darkness of Villains." Wolfram proceeded to laugh maniacally.

Izuku struggled on the bindings. He must have made them extra sturdy.

Wolfram picked up David, "All you can do right now is mass-produce that device for me." He then knocked him out.

"Take him away!" He ordered his subordinate.

"Give him back!"


Wolfram looked towards Melissa on the floor with tears in her eyes.

"G-Give Papa back!"

Wolfram smirked and pointed his pistol at the young woman, "That's right, I have to get rid of all Professor's attachments."

He then got ready to pull the trigger.

Izuku's heart skipped a beat. Time went in slow motion.

'No… no… no… I can't let that happen!'

An insurmountable amount of rage began to overtake Deku. He felt rage at Wolfram, at Sam and David for lying, an at himself for not being able to protect Melissa. He was hungering for power… He needed it…

'I need Power… I need it RIGHT NOW!'

Inside Izuku's mindscape, the First Sacred Door began to leak energy as the lock was slightly loosened.

"What's going on?!" Nana Shimura asked as she and the rest of the previous One For All users started to panic. The whole mindscape was shaking, and they didn't know what to do.

"Oh… so it's happening again, huh?"

They turn to see Inner Deku floating in front of the leaking door.

He smirked, "This ought to be one to remember."

The First User of One For All also smiled as he rubbed his chin.

"Interesting… How very interesting…"

Back with Izuku, dark yellow Ki began to envelop him as his hair stood up and became spikier. It also gained a red tint.


Everyone stood in shock as they heard Izuku's roar. Wolfram dropped his gun as he stared in amazement.

"What power…."

Izuku broke through his bindings as he landed in front of Melissa. His entire shirt was torn, giving the world a view of his adonis like muscles. He was even bulkier than before as his pupils disappeared.

Melissa stared in horror, "Deku-kun? What is this?"

She felt fear…

Izuku stared straight at Wolfram.

"I'm gonna kill you…"

The False Super Saiyan had returned...

(Music: Divide Music - Goku Song 'POWER')

False Super Saiyan Deku said with a low growl. His deep and melancholic voice sent chills down everyone's spines. David, Sam, Wolfram, and his lackey all looked at the False Super Saiyan in shock. They had never seen a person with such an aura and killer intent. The amount of power that Deku was emitting was astounding. Wolfram actually gulped as he didn't expect the U.A. student to recover so quickly.

But Melissa had very different thoughts going on in her head. The Deku she was seeing in front of her, was very different from the Deku she had just gotten to know. Before, when she looked into Izuku's eyes, she saw a vibrant green full of hope and heroism that made her feel safe and secure.

But now as she stared into his eyes, all she saw were pupiless orbs only filled with pure rage, and anguish.

'Deku-kun… what's happening to you?'

Wolfram quickly regained his bearings after witnessing the Izuku's transformation.

"You're gonna kill me? That doesn't sound very Hero like of you, doesn't it? And what makes you think that you will be able to do that after the beating you just took.

Izuku emotionlessly stared at the Atom manipulator before growling at him.

"Shut up…"

Wolfram raised his eyebrows, "What did you say, kid?"

Izuku said nothing as he simply dashed towards the Villain.


The False Super Saiyan yelled out as he aimed for a super smash with the intent of completely destroying Wolfram.

Wolfram responded by quickly summoning a wall from the ground using his atom manipulation.

As soon as Izuku's fist made contact with the wall, it decimated the structure to bits as gusts of wind were created from that one smash alone.

"Damn, what power?!" Wolfram's lackey exclaimed as they had to cover their eyes due to the brute force of the wind created by Izuku's Super Detroit Smash.

Izuku turned towards his Quirkless companion, "Melissa…."

Melissa flinched from the voice and tone used by Izuku when he called out her name. He didn't even use the honorific. Melissa felt chills, the hormonal part of her was kind of turned on from seeing Izuku half naked, showing off his adonis like body and it was even more defined due to the False Super Saiyan transformation. But she ignored those thoughts and focused on the ones that currently plagued her psyche.

'Deku-kun? Are you okay?'

Izuku gave her an emotionless expression, "I'll save the professor and Sam!"

Melissa widened her eyes at the statement. Before she could reply, Izuku continued.

"So save everyone else!"

Melissa looked at Izuku for a quick moment before nodding and sprinting off towards the exit.

"Don't let her escape!" Wolfram yelled when he saw Melissa running away.

"Yes, sir!" The Lackey said as he chased.

Izuku was about to stop the Villain before Wolfram cut him off with more metal barriers. Izuku simply scoffed at the futile attempt to keep him at bay and simply jumped over the barriers. He landed in front of the lackey who was chasing after Melissa, allowing said girl to escape.

"Where do you think you're going?" Izuku asked with a demonic growl.

Izuku was then hit by multiple metal barriers.

"Don't get carried away!" Wolfram yelled.

Izuku grit his teeth in annoyance, "You hurt the professor… you hurt Sam.. and worst of all, you hurt Melissa and even made her cry! And for that… YOU WILL SUFFER!"

The False Super Saiyan crushed all of the metal and roared in pure rage. Just the thought of seeing Melissa in pain had sent the young Saiyan over the edge. He wasn't in his right state of mind right now. He was consumed with hunger and wrath. He hungered for destruction and blood. And he will eliminate anyone who is in his way.

"You're going to punish me? I would like to see you try, young Hero. Don't get in over your head just because of some miraculous power boost. You still forget, that I have power over everything around us!"

Wolfram waved his hand and attempted to manipulate the atoms inside Izuku's stomach like once before. But for some reason, the young Saiyan wasn't groveling in pain like before.

"Huh? Why isn't my Quirk working?"

Izuku smirked and proceed to punch Wolfram right on the jaw. Wolfram was sent tumbling across the vault as he held his jaw in pain.

"You should be throwing up your insides right about now! Why are you still standing?!"

Izuku rushed towards Wolfram and grabbed him by the head. He then slammed him on the ground and dragged his face across the hard metal floor. Wolfram howled in pain as his skin was getting scraped.

Izuku then picked him back up and kicked him upside the face.

"Super Manchester Smash!"

Part of Wolfram's mask was torn off as he was sent flying across the vault once again Izuku sent about a dozen Ki blasts towards him as they all made mini explosions.

"Boss!" The silver haired lackey called out as he saw his leader get man handled by a teenager. "Why, you little shit!"

The lackey attempted to kill Izuku but the False Super Saiyan merely turned around and uppercutted the lackey, which resulted in a broken jaw.

"Stupid." Izuku grunted as he focused his eyes on Wolfram.

Wolfram got back up, panting as his mask was hanging on his face loosely. He sucked his teeth as Izuku stared at him with his pupiless white eyes with his dark yellow aura blazing around his body.

"You really are something, aren't ya, kid? And for some reason my Quirk isn't working on you. Why is that?"

Izuku slowly walked towards the red haired criminal, "I simply evened the playing field. I demanded for power and I got it with this form. As powerful as your Quirk is, it does have a weakness. You can only focus on one target at a time, and the more times and power you use from the Quirk, the weaker it becomes. Since you already used it on me a few times before, and now that my overall defense has been amplified, your Atom manipulation is starting to have a weakening effect."

Wolfram grinned, 'He figured it out. I'm impressed kid. You're one of the few people to find out my weakness. And in only one confrontation, too. This kid has some serious talent and a lot of fire power. I better start to take this seriously.'

Wolfram clapped his hands at the adaptive learning ability of the False Super Saiyan, "Congratulations, Izuku Midoriya! You have figured out the weakness to my Atom Manipulation Quirk. You're right, the more I use it, the weaker it gets. And the stronger the opponent, the more energy it takes for me to manipulate their atoms."

Izuku grit his teeth, "I don't want your congratulations. All I want is to hear your screams as I torture you to death for all of the evil you have committed."

Wolfram chuckled as he heard that, "Torture me to death? Wow that is very different from the vibe you were giving off earlier. Did you suffering your first loss against someone make you upset? Face it kid, you are going to encounter people who are just superior to you and you will find no way to beat them. I am one of those people. You still need time before you can stand up against me and many others in this world! YOU ARE STILL JUST A CHILD!"

Izuku smirked as he heard Wolfram's rant, "A child huh? Well I may be a child, but a child is currently kicking your ass! So what does that make you?"

Wolfram dusted himself off and adjusted his mask, "Don't get cocky. The battle has barely even begun.'

"Well then, let me finish it!"

Izuku dashed towards Wolfram and aimed a Super Texas Smash right to his head. However, the atomic manipulator, willed metal to block Izuku's strike. Izuku's punch went right through the metal which forced Wolfram to move out of the way. The resulting Smash made a truck sized hole into the wall behind him.

"You got a lot of power, but you still need time to fully master it!"

Wolfram manipulated the atoms in the air to turn it into fire and shot it towards Izuku.

The False Super Saiyan casually clapped his hands, which caused a sonic boom and tore apart part of the vault. The wind got rid of the fire completely and blew Wolfram away.

'Damn it! He can do that with just the clap of his hands!?'

Izuku roared as he flew towards Wolfram and grabbed by his legs and began to swing him across the air. Wolfram manipulated the atoms in the air created an air shield that took the shape of a wind propeller. The air blades were so sharp that it could easily cut through steel.

Izuku roared and and a yellow energy blast came out of his mouth. The blast destroyed Wolfram's air shield as he was sent down to the ground, taking the attack point blank.

Izuku took that opportunity to land on Wolfram. He planted his feet on his stomach and he made sure to use a lot of force. Wolfram spat out blood as a result.

"Your Quirk is getting weaker. Those air blades weren't sharp at all. And your metal attacks are even weaker than before!"

Wolfram gulped as he blew hot air into Izuku's face.

"Nice try!" Izuku bellowed as he smashed Wolfram on the chest which caused the Villain to cough up more blood.

"This is what you deserve! You and every other scum that dares to kill an innocent girl!" Izuku then began to ruthlessly beat Wolfram. He was like a man possessed. There was no rhyme or reason to his assault. He just punched wherever his instincts told him to. He felt rage and battle lust boiling inside, and he had to let it out on Wolfram. Izuku wanted to kill him, but before he did, he wanted to cause as much pain as possible.


Izuku chanted with each blow he landed on Wolfram. His yellow fists now being stained with the blood of a criminal. Izuku was smirking in delight. His battle lust and wrath was taking control. If he didn't stop soon, then he would seriously kill Wolfram.

Wolfram absorbed all of the punches quietly. Blood was from his mouth as he felt multiple broken bones in his body. He tried to move, but the False Super Saiyan was just too strong and quick. But as he was getting beaten to death, he had a smirk on his face.

Izuku noticed this and stopped his assault. Blood dripped from his knuckles as he got off from on top of Wolfram.


Wolfram began to audibly laugh as he heard Izuku's outburst. This just enraged the False Super Saiyan even more.


Izuku picked up Wolfram and threw him across the vault. He then fired a barrage of endless Ki blasts towards his body. He put so much rage and anger into them as he fully intended to kill Wolfram with these blasts.


Izuku sent a final ki blast and it created a resounding explosion.

As the smoke cleared, Izuku widened his eyes in shock as he heard even more laughter.

"I'm laughing at your hypocrisy!" Wolfram yelled.

Izuku grit his teeth, "How the hell are you even still alive!"

Wolfram merely smiled as his wounds from Izuku's merciless assault began to heal.

"You know something kid? For a second there, I actually thought you were a true Hero. But you're nothing more than a fake!"

Izuku's hands began to glow with Ki, "What did you just say?!"

"You heard me! You're a fake! You're a hack! You call yourself a Hero, but you have every intent of killing me right now!"

"Because you fucking deserve it! You tried to kill innocent lives!"

"And somehow that makes you justified when you're literally doing the same thing?"

"Of course it does! You are not innocent!"

Wolfram grinned as he held out his hand.

"Tell me Izuku Midoriya… how do you determine if someone is innocent or not?"


Right as Wolfram said that, a large blue orb appeared on Wolfram's palm. It was very hot and gaseous, and he sent it hurling straight at Izuku.

The False Super Saiyan was caught off guard and was hit head on by the blue orb.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Izuku screamed in pain as he felt where the blue orb hit, burning, almost as if his skin and tissue was being disintegrated.

Izuku struggled to get back up as skin was burned from the blast. He looked to see Wolfram smirking evilly as all of his wounds from earlier were completely healed.

"What in the? How are your wounds healing? You don't have a healing Quirk, and you have already overused your Atom Manipulation Quirk, so you shouldn't have the energy to heal all of those wounds at once so quickly."

"You're right, Izuku Midoriya. You're way stronger than I thought but I came prepared."

Wolfram held up his hand to show the same blue orb as before, "Who ever said I only had one Quirk?"

Izuku widened his eyes in shock, "A second Quirk? But that's not possible!"

"Oh but it is! The world is a big place, and there are many people out there with special abilities. One of them being able to give and take Quirks at will."

Izuku gasped as he listened to Wolfram.

"It can't be…. All For One!"

"Oh, so you know him! That's kind of surprising given your age. He had been hiding in the shadows for quite a while. Me and my team was actually hired by him to take David Shield's Quirk Enhancer. He then gave me this Quirk 'just in case' as he said."

Izuku narrowed his eyes, "And what Quirk did he give you?!"

Wolfram then clasped his hands as he began to charge up in the energy inside.

"Tell me, what are the four states of matter?"

"Solid, liquid, gas.. and …"

Izuku then gasped in realization.

"HA! Looks like you figured it out!"

Wolfram threw the condensed ball of energy towards Izuku and began screaming in pain as he felt his skin burning from the blast. He also began coughing as toxic gas began to circulate around the vault.

Izuku got up in pain as he struggled to stand.

"Your second Quirk, its... Plasma Manipulation…"

"Ding ding ding! We have a winner!" Wolfram yelled out as he laughed. He then held out his hand as a yellow orb appeared on his palm.

"Believe it or not, Plasma makes up the majority of our Universe! It is the strongest and most dangerous state of matter. It is what stars and nebulas are composed of. The gas gets so hot that it can burn through almost anything." He then smirked as the yellow orb in his hand began to get bigger and bigger.

"All For One said that with a good level of control with this Quirk, you could create an entire star right on the spot with ease!"

Izuku couldn't believe what he was hearing, "There is that much power.. With just one Quirk?"

Wolfram boastly laughed, "Of course, kid! Like I said, the world is big. There are so many mysteries that have been left to be discovered. You have no idea what waits for you all from the outside. You may feel protected inside of U.A.'s walls. But out there in the real world, it is either hunt or be hunted."

Izuku growled, "SHUT UP!"

Izuku fired a Super Galick Gun at Wolfram. Wolfram casually used a Plasma beam that completely burned the purple energy wave.

"What?!" Izuku yelled out in shock as one of his strongest attacks was being burned right in front of his eyes.

"Looks like I evened the playing field, huh?"

Wolfram then dashed towards Izuku at Massively faster than light speeds, and hit him with a Plasma powered punch. Izuku yelled in pain as the punch charred his skin.

Izuku grit his teeth as he felt the pain coursing through his body.

'Plasma stings like a bitch!'

Izuku then flew and fired multiple ki blasts. Wolfram responded by using his atomic manipulation to increase the temperature of the room. Wolfram then fired streams at plasma straight at Izuku.

Izuku screamed in pain, as he collapsed to the floor. His body was screaming in pain. His entire body was burning hotter than ever before. Even moving a finger felt like he was swimming in lava.

Wolfram walked towards the fallen False Super Saiyan.

"You tried to kill me due to anger. You let your anger consume you. And you acted recklessly. You let your emotions get the best of you and now you're laying on the ground with your body burning all over. You thought selfishly, and not like a Hero. Like I said kid, you still have much to learn about the world."

Izuku got up as he struggled to get back in his fighting stance. His rage and battle lust steadily decreasing as the pain began to take too much of a toll on Izuku's body, even as a False Super Saiyan.

"I don't care…. I'm still g-g-going to b-b-beat you… and save everyone…"

Wolfram shook his head, "Looks like you have to learn the hard way."

Wolfram powered plasma around his fist. He then shoved his plasma infused fist right through Izuku's chest, causing a gaping bloody and burning hole.

Izuku coughed out blood. The plasma fist was so strong that it knocked Izuku out of False Super Saiyan and back into base form. His power decreased as his muscles shrank in size.

Wolfram smirked in victory.

"You have lost to me, two times now!"

Wolfram withdrew his fist from Izuku and let the young Hero in training drop to the floor.

"You were tough opponent, Izuku Midoriya. I hope this experience shapes and changes you into a stronger foe. I wish to battle you again once you have grown."

Right as Wolfram finished that last remark, the gates and shutters in the vault began to open. He sensed the entire island resetting.

"Damn it, did she get the security system back to normal?"

All across the island, the robots were deactivated and the locks and shutters opened once again.

"What the-" Katsuki said as he noticed the robots stopping.

"They stopped?" Ochaco noted.

"Did Izuku and Melissa do it?" Tenya said as he and the others were free from the robots in the lower level.

"I-Island's security system system is now operating in normal mode." The robotic voice of the security system announced as everyone drew a breath of relief.

Back at the reception party, all of the Pro Heroes were released from their bindings.

"What happened?" One armed villain asked as he was drop kicked by a Heroine.

The Civilians cheered as they could finally relax and not worry about their lives ending.

"Excellent work! I knew you zygotes could do it!" All Might exclaimed as he rushed out of the reception party.

Wolfram sucked his teeth in annoyance. Looks like it was time to retreat.

Wolfram picked up David and the briefcase. He then saw his silver haired lackey getting back up.

"Where is the helicopter?"

"It has landed." The lackey replied as he painfully rubbed his broken jaw.

"Good. We're getting out of here."

"Y-Yes, sir."

They then exited the vault as they went towards the location of their escape helicopter, leaving Izuku lying in a pool of his own blood.

A couple of moments after the Villains left the vault, Izuku gasped for air as he finally regained his bearings after getting a fist shoved straight through his chest.

Izuku saw that he was losing a lot of blood, and fast. If he didn't get help soon, he may die of blood loss.

"I-I-I…. L-Lost… Twice…"

Izuku took the time to process what had just happened. He got his ass handed to him by Wolfram in the first round. He then got angry and lost control of himself and rushed towards Wolfram with a violent assault.

'Oh yeah… I tried to kill him… didn't I?'

Izuku gripped his fists, "He was right…. I let my emotions get the better of me. I had every intention of killing him after I transformed. I was acting like a Villain, trying to kill him out of a selfish desire for revenge. If I had actually killed him, I would never forgive myself!"

Izuku tried to get up, but his body didn't listen to him as he immediately planted back on the floor, completely exhausted and broken. His skin burned from all of the plasma attacks and he felt himself shutting down. His vision got darker and darker.

He then snapped out of it as he grit his teeth.

""M-Move, Izuku Midoriya! What are you doing!?"

Izuku began to think about Wolfram and the Quirk Enhancer.

"I can't let him get away with that weapon. I can't let Melissa and the Professor down. I can't let All Might and my friends down either…. Come on DEKU! GET BACK UP!"

Izuku sat up but then widened his eyes in horror as he saw the blood leaking from the hole in his chest.

"C-C-Crap…. I guess I can't just walk around with this gaping hole in me. I need to at least stop the blood from leaking until I get Medical attention. But how?"

Izuku pondered for a few seconds but then came up with a solution.

"This may hurt… a lot! But I have to do it until I can get help."

Izuku's hands glowed green as ki energy orbs engulfed them. He then positioned them over the hole in his chest.

"Well, here goes…"

Izuku then put the hot energy orbs on the wound and began to scream.

"AHHHHH! Damn it! Come on Deku, just ignore the pain! You're supposed to become the Number One Pro Hero someday right? Well then this should be nothing!"

Izuku then finished cauterizing the wound as he panted.

"Just… ignore the pain. You just fought a guy with plasma, Izuku, this is nothing."

The Green Haired Saiyan then stumbled on his steps as he struggled to walk out of the vault.

"I will do what I can right now."

Izuku then powered up as a crimson aura engulfed him. The Full Gauntlet beeped as it read X20.

"Kaioken Times 20 should get the adrenaline rushing."

Izuku then began to run in pursuit of Wolfram. But he had one thought in his mind.

'How am I going to beat him? He has two Quirks, them being atom manipulation and plasma manipulation. I got completely destroyed even when I transformed. And I can't do that at will. What am I going to do?'

Izuku then gasped as he just got an epiphany.

"That's it! I know how to beat him!"

All Might running along the hallway, looking for Wolfram as his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and picked up.

"What's wrong Melissa?"

"Uncle Toshinori! Papa's been taken by the Villains, and Deku-kun's gone after them!" Melissa yelled in panic as she looked at the cameras from the control room. She saw Wolfram with David hunched over his shoulders and Izuku following after them while painfully holding onto his chest.

"And it looks like he's badly hurt! He's forcefully holding onto his chest!"

"It's fine! I will go!"

Wolfram and his lackey had made it to the roof where the escape helicopter was ready to go.

"Boss, what about everyone else?" The Silver Haired Villain said as they made their way to the helicopter.

"We're leaving before the security system gets reactivated." Wolfram yelled.

"Y-Yes, sir!"

"Kill… me… " David grumbled to Wolfram as he didn't feel like he deserved to live anymore after what he had done.

"I'll add just a few more sins… Then, I'll make your wish come true." Wolfram said as he tossed David and the briefcase in the chopper. He was about to get on as well before he heard a familiar voice.


Wolfram turned, only to roll his eyes in annoyance to seeing Izuku hunching on the door to the roof with his left arm holding onto the wound in his chest.

"Give the professor back!" Izuku yelled as he panted, his Kaioken Times 20 aura blazing.

David gasped as he saw Izuku standing there, all torn and bloody but with an unbreaking resolve etched onto his face.

"Jesus Christ, kid do you ever stay down? What are you even doing? You have a hole in your chest, can barely stand and you come here. Did you come here to seize this man who has committed a few wrongdoings?" Wolfram said as he smirked evilly and spread out his arms wide.

Izuku bit his lip, "No! I've come to save the professor!"

Izuku roared out as he rushed straight towards at Wolfram at full speed.

"You came here to save a criminal?!" Wolfram planted his hand on the ground to send blocks of metal at Izuku.

Izuk dodged the onslaught, "I'm going to save everyone! I'm going to save the professor, too!"

Wolfram snorted in amusement, "What are you saying?" Wolfram summoned pillars of metal and shot them straight towards the Green-Haired Saiyan.

"SHUT UP!" Izuku jumped over the pillars. "That's what Heroes do! They save people who are in trouble!"

Wolfram took out his pistol at David, "How?"

Izuku widened his eyes and immediately stopped in his tracks.

"Don't worry about me… Get away." David yelled.

Izuku gripped his fists in frustration as he was forced to stand still.

"Jeez, it's so inconvenient being a Hero!" Wolfram boasted. He grinned in satisfaction, "I didn't do much and you already can't move."

Wolfram summoned a metal block and hit Izuku with it. He then shot beams of plasma at the Hero in training. Izuku narrowly dodged the beams but was hit with pillars of metal. He went flying and but was crushed in between pillars.

He then spat out blood as he felt the wound in his chest start to open up a bit.

"No matter what, being a Hero is not a smart way to live." Wolfram said as Izuku dropped to the floor.

"Get us out!" Wolfram said as he boarded the helicopter.


The helicopter took off and as flying in the air. Izuku grit his teeth as he saw them getting away.

"Damn it… Times 20 is not enough. Looks like I'll have to crank it up! Kaioken Times 25!"

Izuku then flew towards the helicopter, 'Wolfram shouldn't be able to affect me with his Quirks without touching me!'

Izuku then grabbed onto the edge of the helicopter. The pilot stumbled as Izuku climbed up.

David looked at the boy in shock and amazement, "You're…"

Just then, Melissa had arrived on the rooftop. She gasped as he saw Izuku hanging onto the helicopter.


"Professor! Grab onto my hand!" Izuku yelled.

"Stop it. Izuku, get away!" David replied.

"Melissa is… Melissa is waiting for you!" Izuku pleaded as he held out his hand.

David gasped as he realized he wasn't even thinking about how this could affect his daughter.

"You certainly are a Hero. But you're an idiot." Wolfram shot at Deku with his pistol.

Izuku blocked the bullet with his Full Gauntlet but fell off the helicopter.

As he was falling, he said, "Don't give up. Think! What to do… What should I do…?!"

Izuku then powered up to Kaioken Times 30 and rushed back to the helicopter. He punched Wolfram in the face and made him drop his gun. He was gonna blast him out of the helicopter but the Villain countered with a plasma blast that sent Deku straight back to the rooftop.

"Deku-kun!" Melissa yelled as she ran to the Green-Haired Saiyan's side.

"Have a nice nap!" Wolfram said as he knocked out David.

"Crap… Damn it…!" Izuku gasped out as he felt a burning sensation from the plasma blast. Even with Kaioken Times 30, he still wasn't strong enough.

"Deku-kun, are you alright!" Melissa worriedly asked.

Izuku sat up in pain. He felt the hole in his chest reopening as new wounds started to form. He could barely even move.

"Give him back! Give the professor back!" Izuku yelled in frustration and anger. Frustration and anger within himself for not being able to be a Hero and save David. Even after all of the training, trials and tribulations he has gone through, he was still too weak. And he hated himself for it.

"DAMN IT…!" Izuku screamed in sorrow.

"This is the time to smile, Young Izuku!"

Izuku gasped as he recognized that voice. He saw a large figure blurring past the helicopter at speeds faster than sound.

"It's fine now. Why? Because I am here!"

Izuku smiled in relief, "Toshinori-Sensei… you're here."

"I'll have you give my friend back, you Villain!"

All Might proceeded to land a punch straight through the chopper. The chopper exploded in a ball of fire as it went tumbling down in the night sky. All Might landed on the rooftop beside Melissa and Izuku with David safely in his arms.

"Papa… Papa!" Melissa exclaimed as she ran to greet her father.

"Me… Melissa… " David gasped out as he came back to consciousness.

""It's fine now." All Might stated with certainty as he ripped the bindings from David's hands.

Izuku sighed in relief, "I'm glad…" The young Hero in training then got into a coughing fit as he held onto his hurting chest.

"Deku-kun!" Melissa tended to the injured Saiyan, "Are you alright?"

Izuku painfully smiled, "It's alright… just got a slight hole in my chest, that's all. No biggie."


All Might and David chuckled as they saw the two teens bickering with one another.

"All Might… I… " David was about to say before he was interrupted.

A large block of metal hit All Might and sent him tumbling across the rooftop.

"ALL MIGHT!" Izuku yelled.

David was wrapped in metallic wires and carried towards a large cylinder. There were wires and metallic cables everywhere on the rooftop. The temperature increased drastically as plasma filled the air. Blue fire engrossed the rooftop as Izuku felt so much Killer Intent focused on one point on the rooftop.



David was tightly wrapped in plasma infused wires as he yelled in pain.

"That Sam… He said that All Might's Quirk was declining and that he didn't have the power he once had."

Wolfram was revealed with a headpiece and a black gauntlet on his left hand. Veins looked to be popping out of his forehead. His voice was much deeper and darker and his overall figure was larger and bulkier.

Izuku widened his eyes in horror, "He's using… the professor's…" Izuku sensed Wolfram's Power Level skyrocket. He was shaking in fear and anxiety as he had never felt a Power Level so high. He couldn't beat him before, what chance did Izuku have now?

All Might coughed out blood as his body started to emit smoke.

'Shit! My Time's….'

All Might looked towards Wolfram and powered up his fists, "You don't know when to give up, huh?"

All Might dashed towards the Quirk enhanced Wolfram and yelled, "Texas…"

Wolfram sent out a wall made of Plasma to block the Symbol of Peace's attack.


All Might's punch barely made the wall budge.


"All Might!" Izuku said as he knew just how powerful those Plasma attacks could be.

Wolfram smirked in amusement, "What do you call that?"

The Super Villain sent All Might tumbling down as he blasted him with the plasma. The entire rooftop was reshaping itself into Wolfram's personal domain. He was controlling the earth itself as it shook rand reverberated. Izuku stood frozen as he was being consumed by fear and self doubt.

"As expected of something by David Shield. I can tell that my Quirks are getting revitalized! This is good. This thing is great!" Wolfram bellowed as he felt his Quirks getting exponentially stronger and stronger as his conjured up more metal and plasma.

"Th-This is Dave's… " All Might gasped.

"It's the power of the device Papa made…" Melissa said in horror as she never thought one invention could grant so much power.

Wolfram laughed evilly, "Now, in order to raise the price of this device, why don't we have a demonstration of how it can blow All Might?"

Wolfram fired off plasma and metal towards the Number One Pro Hero. All Might narrowly dodged them. Wolfram fired another barrage which caused All Might to punch one of the attacks. The force of the punch caused a large tremor, and the Symbol of Peace was getting pushed back.

Melissa was sent up in the air due to the backlash of the battle. She screamed in fear for life until Izuku managed to catch her in his arms before she suffered any fatal injuries.

'Toshinori-Sensei….It's as I thought…' Izuku thought as he saw All Might struggling with pushing back one of Wolfram's attacks.

'He's at his limit!'

Wolfram snickered as he waved his hands around summoning gas clouds and blue fire. Izuku dodged them to get Melissa to safety.

"Uncle Toshinori!" Melissa whispered in worry as she saw the Symbol of Peace struggling.

All Might coughed up large amounts of blood. Wolfram's new level of power from the Quirk Enhancer was more than he could imagine.

"Hurry up and get crushed!"

Wolfram fired metal blocks towards All Might, intending to finish the Symbol of Peace once and for all.

"ALL MIGHT!" Izuku screamed in fear as he thought he was going to witness the death of his teacher right before his eyes.

But right before that could happen, the metal blocks were frozen in place by ice.

"Huh? What is this?" Wolfram asked confusingly.


An abundant amount of explosions were fire at Wolfram. Wolfram blocked them with his Quirk. Izuku looked and recognized the person who had bravely attacked the Super Villain.


Bakugo grabbed his right wrist in pain, "How can you get beat up by such a damn lame last boss? Huh? All Might?!"

"Young Bakugo!" All Might grit his teeth in surprise.

"While you can.. The Villains… " Shoto said as he and the rest of Izuku's classmates made it to the battlefield.

"Shoto! Everyone!" Izuku smiled in relief.

"We'll take on the lumps of metal!" Kirishima yelled as he activates his Hardening Quirk.

"Yaoyorozu, take care of things here!" Tenya commanded as he and Kirishima rushed ahead.

"Right!" The Raven Haired Vice President replied as she activated her crimson ki. Ochaco followed suit as her pink aura enveloped her and debris started to levitate around her.

All Might smiled when he saw the determination in the students of Class 1-A, "With my students so motivated, I can't be held back by some stupid limit!" In the background, he saw all of the students are doing their best to take care of all of the metal and plasma obstacles and make his job easier for him.

"I need to go past my limit, and go beyond!" All Might battle cried and and punched through the metal block in front of him. He then flew towards Wolfram with a newfound resolve.

"That's right, Plus Ultra!"

All Might jumped over all of the metal obstacles that Wolfram threw at him. He also deflected the plasma infused metal blocks. He then saw Wolfram straight ahead and prepared his counter attack.

All Might crossed his arms together, "Carolina… SMASH!"

All Might's smash was powerful enough to light up the whole area. Izuku and the others had to cover their eyes due to the brightness. They then saw All Might was ready to land the finishing blow.

"Prepare yourself, Villain!"

But before that could happen, All Might's arms and legs were entangled by strong metallic cables infused with plasma.

All Might grit his teeth, "Is this all you've got-?"

Before All Might could finish his thought, Wolfram grabbed the Symbol of Peace by the neck. Wolfram's arm suddenly bulged out of nowhere as the sleeve was torn.

"Prepare myself? You should take your own advice, All Might."

Wolfram's skin transformed into a glowing reddish hue. His Power Level increased exponentially as his face glew red as well. He put more pressure onto All Might's neck.

"What is this power…?" All Might coughed up blood. Wolfram then placed his hand where All Might's injury was and sent a pulse of energy towards it. All Might howled in pain.

"ALL MIGHT!" Izuku yelled as he started running towards where All Might was only to suddenly stop. He threw up blood as he clutched his chest in pain.

'Damn it, the wound is opening back up again.'

"Deku-kun! Stop, you're hurting yourself!" Melissa pleaded as she tended to Izuku.

All Might grit his teeth in pain as Wolfram was strangling him, "This power enhances muscles.. There are multiple Quirks… " All Might widened his eyes in realization, "Don't tell me…"

Wolfram grinned, "That's right! When we were planning this extortion, I received a call from that man. He said that he wanted to work with me. When I asked him why, this is what he said:"

"If All Might's friend has said he wants to have a hand in something evil, then I definitely want to help. It is unfortunate that I will not be able to see All Might's face twisted in pain when he finds out, though."

All Might adopted an expression full of uncanny rage and anger.

"ALL FOR ONE…!" All Might yelled out in the realization that his arch nemesis was truly the mastermind behind this entire operation.

"You've finally stopped smiling, huh?" Wolfram snarled as he evilly smirked at the fallen Symbol of Peace.

All Might screamed in anger, "NOOOOOO!"

Wolfram simply laughed as he sent All Might back with metallic cables. He then wrapped him completely around with plasma infused atoms and then sent two cube blocks combined with metal and plasma, enhanced with the Muscle augmentation Quirk, in between All Might and started to squeeze the life out of him.

Izuku widened his eyes in horror as he saw more and more metal blocks coming and crushing All Might.

"All Might!" The students of Class 1-A yelled as they saw their Symbol of Peace on the death's door step right in front of their eyes.

"Uncle….! " Melissa gasped as she saw her father's best friend being crushed.


Wolfram summoned metal spikes and sent it through the cubes.


Suddenly, there was a flash of green of red as it dashed towards All Might.

"Perfected Detroit SMASH!"

Izuku activated Kaioken Times 40 and punched the cube with all of his strength. It completely decimated the prison as he and All Might went tumbling towards the ground.

Wolfram snarled in annoyance, "That brat!"

All Might and Izuku recovered from their fall. All Might looked on at his Successor in shock and worry.

"Young Izuku! With that wound… It's too reckless! Take your classmates and get out of here now! That's an order!"

Izuku smiled painfully as he looked on at his idol.

"I'm sorry old man… But I ain't running!"


Izuku chuckled as he grabbed onto the wound in his chest, "A Hero has to save those in trouble! That is what you showed me! This guy is too strong for you to take on yourself. So let me help."

All Might stared at his Successor for a few seconds before he adopted a wide smile.

"HAHA! Thanks. It is true that I am in some trouble right now. Lend me a hand… Deku!"

Izuku grinned after hearing his teacher refer to him by his Hero name. It meant that he saw Izuku as an equal.

"Yes, sir!"

Izuku grabbed All Might's hand as they helped each other up. They then saw Wolfram laughing at them amusement.

"So you're going to try to face me again, huh, Deku? Don't you know what happened the last 2 times you tried that? "

Izuku nodded, "Yeah, I know. I got my ass kicked."

Wolfram snorted, "Then you should know that I am way stronger than you! Look at what just happened a few moments ago! I just defeated your Symbol of Peace. You have no chance of defeating me on your own!"

Izuku smiled, "Yeah, you're 100% right. You are stronger than me. You have proven that already. And I stand absolutely no chance in beating you on my own."

Izuku then took his stance, "But that's where you mess up. I'm not on my own. Everyone's reaching out to me."

Wolfram raised his eyebrows in interest, "Hm…..?"

Izuku then used his Empathy Quirk. He could sense all of the emotions, thoughts, feelings, and hope within all of his allies.

"I am not alone. I can hear them... I can hear everyone's voices... I can sense everyone's feelings... I am not alone... everyone's feelings... they support me... they are what give me the will to stand and fight...! they're telling me that no matter what… I can't give up the fight!"

Izuku's Kaioken aura came to life as lighting began to circulate his entire being.

"They're what keeps me going. They're the only reason I'm still standing right now!"

Izuku then thought back to all of the battles he has gone through up until this point. He then remembered all of the allies and bonds he has created in his journey. He remembered all of the promises he made, and he was not going to break them. Not now, not ever!

Izuku's Power Level started to increase rapidly, "They're so strong… I can feel my friends' will, determination and resolve pulsating through me!"

Izuku roared as his Kaioken multiplier increased to Times 50. The Full Gantlet started to beep as it showed a yellow warning sign.

"Still not enough…. I have to go higher! I have to go PLUS ULTRA!"

Izuku began to yell as he powered up more and more. His crimson aura started to get darker and darker as more lighting began to surround his form. His muscles kept getting larger and bulkier.

"Times 60… Times 70…." All Might began to count as he saw the Full Gauntlet's display and it started to beep more and signalling a power over charge.

Once it reached times 80, a red warning sign appeared saying, "DANGER! MAXIMUM LIMIT APPROACHING!"

Melissa widened her eyes in shock, "No way… is he really going to do it?!"


"He's going to get himself killed!" Shoto exclaimed.

"STOP IT! Deku-kun, you're going to destroy yourself!" Ochaco cried.

"Wow so manly…" exclaimed you know who.

"HOW THE FUCK IS THAT MANLY?! He's going to explode!" Mineta yelled at Kirishima.

"Go for it, dude!" Jiro cheered Izuku on.


Momo nodded, "Izuku-kun… don't die!"

"Times 90…." Izuku chanted as he battle power kept on increasing.

"Deku... Are you sure about this?! Melissa's gauntlet may not be able to contain all of that power!" All Might yelled.

"It's going to have to!" Izuku yelled back as he power up even more.

"Times 95… times 96… Times 97… Times 98….. TIMES 99!"

Izuku's skin started to gain a red tint as the Kaioken began completely transform his body.

Then with one final yell…


Izuku completed the transformation as the full gauntlet displayed in big bright bold letters, X100! MAXIMUM LIMIT REACHED!

Izuku could feel some pain course through his bones. The wound in his chest was burning, but he ignored it.

"Alright… Let's do this All Might!"

All Might smiled as he powered up as well, "I don't use this power often… but this looks like a do or die situation! So let's go PLUS ULTRA! FULL COWL!"

All Might was surrounded in yellow electricity as his hair spiked just like Izuku's. Izuku had red and green electricity surrounding him while All Might's was yellow. They then both grinned at each other. They were ready.

(MUSIC: You Say Run)

"Let's go, Deku!"

"Yes, sir!"

The Teacher and Student duo then blasted off towards Wolfram at massively faster than light speeds plus. Wolfram scowled at them.

"Stupid little brat! You're just going to regret ever stepping up against the mighty WOLFRAM!"

Wolfram fired plasma and metal cubes at the duo as he yelled, "You don't know when to give up!"

"You're the one who doesn't!" Katsuki roared as he fired his explosions at the cubes and burned them to a crisp.

Izuku and All Might were running side by side as they saw Metal and Plasma pillars rushing towards them, attempting to kill them on the spot.

"I won't let you!" Todoroki shouted as he froze the pillars at their place with his ice.

Izuku and All Might jumped towards Wolfram as the Super Villain shouted, "Out of my way!" He proceeded to try to get rid of the students who were helping Izuku and All Might.

Wolfram then fired more obstacles and debris at Izuku and All Might. The two responded by turning themselves into bolts of lighting, red and yellow respectively, and simply stuck through all of the metal and plasma barriers.

Wolfram sucked his teeth as he summoned more and more metal and plasma cubes from the sky.

"What is that?" Ochaco asked as she and the others saw all of the cubes combining into one, forming an ultimate giant cube that was big enough to overshadow the entire island.

"I infused this attack with enough power to destroy a large star! I wonder what would happen if you let it touch the ground? Die Heroes!" Wolfram yelled as he was creating his ultimate move.

Izuku and All Might knew they had to destroy that cube. They couldn't let it the ground or else everything will be destroyed. Before they could get to it though, they still had to deal with all of the debris and obstacles in front of them.

"I got left, you go right!" Izuku yelled to his fellow One For All user.


They then separated as they made their way towards all of the metal and plasma barriers.

"100x Final Flash!" Izuku shouted as he fired the blast at all of the metal and plasma barriers on his side. It completely vaporized all of the obstacles on his side. He then made his way up as he saw incoming miniature cubes.

"Times 100 Manchester Smash!"

Izuku effortlessly kicked away all of the mini cubes that were fired at him. And then he saw plasma beams fired his way.

"You think that's enough to stop me… Then you got another thing coming! Times 100 SUPER KAMEHAMEHA!"

Izuku fired the red turtle hermit wave at all of the plasma beams which caused them all to evaporate into dust.

On All Might's side, he fired a California Smash and a New York Smash at all of the debris and cubes and they were all blown away. Each Smash as powerful as Izuku's blasts.

They then flew in the middle and met up with each other for the final blow.

"To overcome the crisis in front of you…" All Might began as he flexed his left arm.

"...with everything you've got…" Izuku followed up as he powered up his right arm and got ready to put in everything he had.

"...and save people… " The Symbol of Peace continued.

"..with everything you've got!" Izuku exclaimed.

"That is what makes…"

"...a Hero!"

"I'll CRUSH YOU AND THIS ENTIRE ISLAND!" Wolfram yelled as he fired the cube with all of the power he had.

"DOUBLE DETROIT…" Izuku and All Might chanted.

They put all of the remaining power they had left and put it in this one last attack.


They collided with the large star busting cube. Wolfram tried to will it towards the teacher and student duo. All Might spit out blood as he put more and more power into the attack. Izuku grit his teeth as his chest and bones started to burn. The Full Gauntlet began to crack as he flexed his arm even harder.

Wolfram was pushed back due to the overwhelming combined strength of the teacher and student duo. Izuku and All Might's combined smash was able to tear right through the Star busting cube and destroy it completely.

David and Melissa looked on in shock as they saw the two's unbreakable and irresistible force/

"GO!" Ochaco yelled at Izuku and All Might at the top of her lungs.

"ALL MIGHT! IZUKU!" The students of 1-A shouted to the sky.

"BEAT HIS ASS!" Katsuki and Shoto screamed with vigor.

The stars of One For All started to align and condense all of the power into one. Izuku grabbed all of the power in his fist and and aimed it at Wolfram.

"Go…." Izuku began.

"...Beyond!" All Might flexed as he and Izuku were engulfed in the rainbow aura.

"Plus… ULTRA!"

Izuku and All Might's fists were engulfed in a rainbow like glow as they punched Wolfram with all of their might.

Wolfram yelled, "NOOOO! You can't defeat me!"

"Oh yeah…. I think I just did!" Izuku yelled as the force of his punch was so strong, it completely tore and broke the Full Gauntlet.

David was free from his prison as all of the metal and plasma disappeared due to Wolfram being defeated. He opened his eyes to see an image of Izuku floating in the air with his fist pointing towards the heavens. Izuku had a triumphant and radiant smile on his face.

David gasped as that pose reminded him of All Might in his younger days doing the same exact pose and the same exact smile on his face. David smiled in happiness as he realized that everything was going to be alright.

Everyone stared in amazement at the battle that they had just witnessed.

"Did….Did they do it?" Tenya asked.

"They did it…" Mineta chriped. "They finished off the Villain!"


"All Right!"

"They did it!"

"It's over!"

"All Might!"

Katsuki and Shoto smiled as the class celebrated in victory.

The sky started to turn clearer as the Sun began to ascend.

Melissa ran up to where the final clash transpired. She saw Wolfram completely knocked out. He was hanging onto a piece of junk as his body was emitting smoke.

Izuku popped out from all of the debris, panting.

"Deku-kun!" Melissa exclaimed as she ran up to the Green Hero.


"I'm glad that you are alright!"

"Dave, Dave!"

David opened his eyes to see All Might in a weakened state of his muscle form. One of his bangs were dropping down and large amounts of smoke were coming out of his body.

"All.. Might…"

All Might smiled at his long time friend, "I came to save you, Dave."




The two best friends looked up to see Izuku and Melissa shouting their names and waving at them.

"If you want to thank someone, you should thank Melissa and Young Midoriya" All Might told his friend.

Melissa began to sob, "I'm so glad… I really am…" She wiped away her tears. She then looked at Izuku, "Thank you. Thanks to you all, we were able to save everyone. You're my Hero, Deku-kun."

Izuku smiled at his Quirkless companion, "And you're my Hero, Melissa-san. It's thanks to you too."

Melissa raised her eyebrows, "What do you mean? I didn't do anything!"

Izuku shook his head as he gazed at his right arm, "I was saved so many times by your Full Gauntlet. Even as a Quirkless girl, you were still able to save so many lives. Thank you very much!"


"Oh, but sorry! I broke it…"

Melissa chuckled, "Don't worry about that. Now that I have already made it once, I can make another in less than half the time! I will also make sure to put in a lot of upgrades so that it will be better than ever!"

Izuku cheered, "Yes! That would be so cool! Maybe with the new and improved version, I can go Kaioken Times 200!"

Melissa laughed at his antics. Izuku then turned serious and looked Melissa in the eye.

"Melissa Shield… You can become a Hero!"

Melissa gasped as she heard those words. She had never heard those words spoken to her before. She then reached towards Izuku and surprised him with a kiss on the cheek.

Izuku's mind went into overdrive as he processed what happened.

"Thank you, Izuku… For everything!"

Izuku smiled and nervously gave Melissa thumbs up, "N-N-No p-problem…" He said with his face resembling that of a strawberry.


Izuku turned around to see his classmates cheering his and All Might's victory.

"Are you two okay?" Tenya yelled.

"We're fine! All Might and the professor are fine, too!" Izuku yelled back.

"Are you all okay?" Melissa shouted.

"WE'RE FINE!" They all sad.

"I heard most of it from Melissa.." Toshinori told David as he bandaged the scientist's wounds.

David avoided eye contact with the Symbol of Peace, "I...I was scared to lose your light...I was scared that the peace you built would crumble… But my ideas and that device were nothing more than ways to keep the status quo."

David stood up as he looked over to Izuku, "Even though the future, and hope, were right there in front of me, I didn't notice them… Like how Melissa is trying to become my successor, you have Izuku Midoriya… He's your successor, isn't he?"

Toshinori nodded as he looked at his successor, "He's still not ready. But within him burns the embers of becoming the greatest there ever was as a Hero, more so than anyone I've ever seen before, its possible for him to surpass every hero on the planet, no, scratch that it's possible for him to surpass every person on the planet. When my time comes…. I am placing all of my bets, faith, and hope on him!"

David smiled, "I can see it, too, Toshi… A light like yours…

A Golden Light of a Hero…."

David then widened his eyes as he remembered something.

"Wait a minute! Where is the Quirk Enhancer?!"

Izuku and All Might looked towards where Wolfram was knocked out. Izuku flew towards the Villain. He checked him and his lackeys and he didn't feel it at all. He looked all around the rooftop and found nothing.

He went to David and looked down in worry.

"It's…. Gone!"

- LOV Hideout -

"So Wolfram failed, huh?"

The doctor nodded, "Yes sir. Even with the Quirk Enhancer, he was defeated by All Might and Izuku Midoriya."

All For One smirked, "And the device?"

"Kurogiri has retrieved it, sir."

All For One sighed as he got up from his chair, "Fine… I'll do it myself."