
My Hero Academia: Fire Dragon Slayer Hero

Wish Fulfilment Heroic Izuku. Cringe romances. Massive harem. ========= What if Izuku met Igneel who appeared in his dream. what if he trained under him and became a dragon slayer. This is the story of the Fire King Dragon Slayer hero. MHA x Dragon Maid x Fairy tail x Multiverse. I'll be reusing some of the parts of my Savitar while speeding up the pace a bit.

Try_hard · Tranh châm biếm
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45 Chs

Chapter 22 - Spider Quirk.

Okay, another one, I just finished 25 and started to make chapter 26.

Not sure if I'm making a good fic but hope I do.

Anyway, more suggestion scenarios for waifus.


'I need to tell Papa about this!'

She quickly went ahead freshen herself up and as the blonde girl about to grab the faucet was instantly broken like a stick spraying water into her causing her to move frail hers hand.

This led to her palm sticking into the curtains of the bathtub and stumbling into it. Melissa having difficulty adjusting to the new sensation.

While she was struggling, early before she woke up, Izuku visited the research facility to assist in the development of mutated spiders. The laboratory only had Izuku and David analyzing the spider on display.

"This is the mutated spider that has been completed using your old formula."

Izuku examines each spider containing a mixture of different spider species then produces a new species that contains quirks genes that came from people. It assimilates to the spiders having their natural ability enhanced by several folds

"We only manage to create 12 spiders that successfully contain the genome of electric quirk and camouflage quirk." David said.

"Is that so? I didn't expect that a fusion of an Emitter and Transformation quirk type along with placing them on an animal is evolutionary."

There are three types of quirk in the world, Emitter, Mutant and Transformation. A record of having two types is yet to be seen in the world.

To put it simply, Emitters are a type of quirks that alter and emit certain things in the world while transformation is a temporary change in someone's body and Mutant is the opposite of being a permanent change.

"I do hope you receive the additional information that I've developed recently. " Izuku said.

"I did, I have to say we might be able to create a machine that could heal Toshinori."

The two both feel that the symbol of peace could be safe and given a chance to live normal lives.

They made sure that two were the only ones present at the lab. Izuku notices one of the spider cages doesn't contain a spider. This causes the dragon slayer to grow pale from the revelation.

"Wait, Mr.Shield! Look, I think one of them escaped!!"

"Did I hear you correctly!? Oh no! This is not good! I'll try to contact the securities to be on the lookout."

"I'll also do the same. It won't take a minute so long the pest resides in the public areas."

They both grew worried as the spider could either have died or had started biting people. Moments later, Izuku moved to find the spider spending the whole remaining time scouring the whole I-Island, and found nothing. His predecessors commented at how careless they were for letting something that dangerous escape that easily.

'Where the hell did that pest go?'

Izuku became increasingly worried about the fact that it might have gotten to the people's room but let David handle it. In the end, he gave up for the time being and started to head back to his hotel to visit Itsuka.

"Itsu-chan! Are you ready?"

"I told you not to call me that!" Itsuka came out of her room freshened up wearing simple clothes. The dragon slayer opted for a captivating smile.

"Morning, Itsuka! You look great today." This causes her to blush from his bright smile and couldn't wait until they can finally get together.

"You too, let's get the others before heading out."

"That's the plan!" Izuku and his friends soon arrived at the training grounds that were a kilometer in radius containing different areas and artificial environments. Furthermore, it contained robots that would act as villains to help them train.

The soon-to-be symbols were in awe seeing the place where they will spend the next 2 months training their quirks and sharpening their skills.

"This place is actually the original Unforeseen Simulation Joint that is used by UA."

David explained who was beside AllMight looking at his student. They had the option of choosing terrain from a simple city to a rocky environment.

"Wow! We get to experience U.A stuff before even getting accepted!" Jiro said.

"School fun must be Insane!" Mizuna exclaimed.

"It kinda makes me feel sorry for the staff handling the expenses." Camie said.

"This is the perfect opportunity to have more experience for the future." Momo added.

"Can we just head inside and blow shit up!? I've been itching to try something." Katsumi said.

"Me too! Can't wait to do some stabbing!" Himiko said.

"Hold on, AllMight still hasn't explained what we're going to do." Izuku said.

"Thank you, my boy. Alright, remember that being a hero isn't all about fighting but also adapting in rough terrains. Though, it is rare…uhmm..what did I write?"

They deadpanned seeing the number one hero reading notes. AllMight sweatdropped at his student's reaction as he never experienced this kind of training.

He only punched in every situation which made him a one-track hero. This is the reason that power isn't everything but skills and experience.

"Ah right, it is rare for heroes to fight villains in a different environment but heroes need to know how to handle the situation if it arises."

There would be a time where an enemy has a certain advantage in a different environment or heroes have weakness in such a place.

For example, Katsumi would be at a great disadvantage in that it could be vital for her to swear in using her quirk.

Izuku would have been at a disadvantage if the place was dense and populated, limiting his use of stronger attacks.

"Any question? If none then draw lots here to send you to a random place and spend a week in that place then afterwards draw lots once more."

They quickly took the lots, finding themselves in separate areas. Izuku accompanied by Tohru got the mountain range area, Katsumi got the rainforest, Momo for Tundra, Himiko and Itsuka got the cityscape, Jiro and Camie got a ruined city area and Mizuna got the Downpour Zone.

"Good luck, future heroes! Remember to go plus ultra!"

"Will do! Good luck, everyone." Izuku said.

"Good luck to you too, Izuku-sama!" Himiko said.

"Keep safe and see you later, Izu-chan." Itsuka said

"I'll make sure not to disappoint you all." Jiro added.

"Do please be careful. We're facing different terrain and vastly different than just cleaning a beach like our old training." Momo said. Izuku is the one who trains from a car, not them. It would be dangerous if they were with Izuku training.

"Jeez, ponytails were not kids! We can handle ourselves!" Katsumi said.

"You don't need to be like that, Kacchan, and thank you for your concern Momo-san, it is much appreciated." Izuku just scoffed, heading to her designated area while Momo blushed then smiled.

"It's nothing, just make sure to not get hurt."

Izuku nodded glances to other girls before heading towards his area, finding himself in a mountainous area that contained few trees here and there. The place was large enough to be on the side of a small park.

He used One for All to increase his strength before leaping into the air at a high altitude and arriving at the highest peak. Izuku scans the area and finds that they're few incoming robots ready to attack him.

"Guess my training is starting."

After an intense and grueling session, Izuku finally completed his training. He stood amidst the wreckage of the countless robots he had dismantled, their metal parts strewn across the simulated battlefield. The artificial mountain, designed to challenge even the most skilled heroes, had become his personal training ground.

Izuku's relentless dedication was evident as he surveyed the destruction around him. He had spent hours honing his skills, pushing his body and Quirk to their limits.

Each robot he faced had been a test of his strength, speed, and strategic thinking. From hand-to-hand combat to using his Quirk to its fullest potential, Izuku had navigated the terrain with precision and agility, dispatching each robotic foe with calculated efficiency.

He wasn't using his Fire Dragon Slayer magic because he wanted to improve his usage of One for All in case he couldn't use magic.

The training had been intense. He had practiced new moves, fine-tuned his control over One For All, and tested his stamina against waves of increasingly difficult opponents. The air was thick with the scent of scorched metal and the remnants of the simulated environment, a showcase to the ferocity of his training.

Despite the exhaustive effort, Izuku emerged victorious, showing no signs of fatigue. Not a single drop of sweat marred his determined expression.

He climbed to the peak of the artificial mountain, which now doubled as a throne of his triumph, made of the debris of his mechanical adversaries.

Sitting atop the pile of destroyed robots, Izuku allowed himself a moment of respite. His eyes scanned the horizon of the training ground, replaying the movements and techniques he had mastered.

This wasn't just about defeating the robots; it was about becoming stronger, faster, and smarter for the battles that lay ahead. His mind was already planning his next training regimen, always aiming higher, always striving to be better.

For now, though, he allowed himself a brief break, feeling the cool breeze against his skin. It was a small reward for his tireless dedication, a moment of calm before he would rise once more to face the challenges of becoming the world's greatest hero.

'So how was it?' Izuku asked his predecessor.

'You've improved quite a lot putting less strain on your body, especially how your physiology has now turned into a dragon.' Yoichi said.

'And you reach more than 50% without injuring yourself.' En said.

'Adding your magic would likely cause unforeseen death if you're not careful.' Hikage said.

'No need to remind him. I'm sure the kid knows what and what not to do.' Diagoro said.

'Reminds me of the time Toshinori was training his quirk.' Nana said.

'Did Allmight ever have to train to use 100%?' Izuku asked.

'No, he already gained 100% at the get go.' Nana said to surprise Izuku.

'But I think this is better because you can adjust the output unlike Toshinori-san who had to learn to adjust his strength.' En said.

'Still wonder why I haven't gotten any of your quirk unlocked despite having this much percent.' Izuku asked.

'We thought of a few theories but the most likely answer is that your magic is slowing the process down. This is why we told you to not use your Fire Dragon Slayer magic for the next two months.' Yoichi said.

In the previous months, Izuku had diligently adjusted to his newfound Dragon Physiology, a transformation that had both awed and challenged him. Through countless hours of rigorous training and meditation, he learned to control the immense power that came with this new form.

As a Dragon, his full strength was astonishing, a force of nature that could overwhelm almost any opponent. His scales were impenetrable, his claws capable of tearing through the toughest materials, and his breath a scorching inferno.

The power coursing through his veins was both a gift and a burden, one that he had to master with absolute precision. Izuku knew that unleashing his dragon form was not just a display of power but a last resort, a measure taken only when no other options remained, and when the stakes were highest.

In his human form, Izuku's strength was deliberately suppressed, allowing him to train without the constant risk of collateral damage. This suppression required immense self-control, as even a momentary lapse could result in unintended destruction.

His training sessions were meticulously planned, balancing the need to push his limits with the necessity of maintaining safety. He practiced transforming swiftly and seamlessly, ensuring he could tap into his full power when needed and revert back without losing control.

Izuku's days were filled with a diverse regimen. He would spend hours in intense physical training, lifting weights that tested his dragon-enhanced muscles and sparring against simulated opponents that could mimic the strength of real foes.

His agility and reflexes were honed through obstacle courses that demanded both speed and precision, pushing his limits to see just how far his human form could go before needing to transform.

Alongside physical training, Izuku dedicated time to mastering the mental and emotional aspects of his dragon physiology. He meditated daily, focusing on controlling his breathing and heart rate, vital for managing the transition between forms.

Visualization techniques helped him to remain calm and collected, even in the face of overwhelming power. This mental discipline was crucial, as the dragon form's primal instincts could easily override rational thought if not kept in check.

During these months, he had also developed new combat strategies that incorporated both his human and dragon abilities.

He practiced techniques that allowed him to use his suppressed strength to its fullest in human form, reserving his dragon form for critical moments when an overwhelming force was necessary.

One of the key aspects of his training was ensuring that when he did unleash his dragon form, the area was devoid of potential casualties. Izuku trained in remote locations, far from the prying eyes of civilians and the fragile infrastructure of the city. These secluded environments provided him with the freedom to push his abilities to their limits without fear of unintended harm.

'Don't be impatient. Just focus on your action and not the outcome.' Yoichi said. Izuku nodded and decided to take a break.