
My Hero Academia fanfic

Two people reincarnated into my hero academia

System_2200 · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

The second Scarlet turned away from Izuku, her smile dropped. Her cheerful and friendly aura disappeared. Replacing it was her usual indifference and stoic expression.

Used to her changes in demeanor when talking to different people, Theo didn't mind it. He simply glanced at her and asked, " Are you going to act like that from now on in front of him?"

" First impressions are important." Scarlet says as if to explain herself. " And yes, for a while I will. After that I'll seep back to my own personality."

" You're going to exhaust yourself."

" I'm used it, Theo. I used to do this on a daily basis back then." Scarlet softly chuckles. Her eyes were downcast, thinking back to what she used to have to do to survive in that world, in that family.

" You don't have to continue acting in front of others in this world." Theo stopped walking and grabbed Scarlet's hand. " Let's not go through that again. We don't have to anymore, Scar." Theo plead.

" ... I know. But Theo-" Scarlet raised her hand to ruffle Theo hair. " It's in my nature, I won't change. Like a predator changing its skin for every different prey it comes across." To make them lower their guard, to manipulate them, to make our future a bit more bearable.

" I'm not asking you to change. I'm begging you to be yourself, do what you want whenever you want. Don't adjust your personality, the way you talk, the way you smile, to suit another person's preferences. Please, Scar. Do it for me if you can't do it for yourself."

" ... Understood. But know that habits don't break easily, I won't change as quick as you'd like. And I will act as such when I deem it necessary."

" That's fine. I'll be by your side, forever, Scar, whether you fake it or not." Theo gently held her hand and raised it to his lips. He placed a kiss on her knuckles; while light, it carried all of his heavy feelings.

Scarlet knew Theo would keep his promise to stay by her side, she never doubted his dedication. After all he proved himself already, for he spent millennials chasing after her in the vast darkness of outer space.

" Let's go." Scarlet said, her voice a bit hoarse as she turned away from him, continuing to walk towards her home.

" Alright." Theo agreed and followed her, still holding her hand. Scarlet didn't mind either, keeping silent.

They held hands in the silent streets as the darkness of the night embraced them. They spoke a few more times, in low voices to discuss their plans for the future.

Within an hour they made it back to the place Scarlet first woke up in. A high rise, single large apartment building with a chic and modern features, as well as high grade security systems.

" Come in." Scarlet opened the door and stepped aside, allowing Theo to go in first.

" Thanks." Theo looked around for a second. Light beige walls, with fluffy couches and living space giving off a homely feel with what basic furniture it had." Nice place."

" Not my style, but it's decent." Scarlet closed the door and headed straight for the kitchen.

As Scarlet rummaged through the cupboards and fridge in search of some food, she called over Theo. " Theo, would you be a dear and make us some dinner, please?"

Seeing her hopelessly staring at her fridge with a grudge, Theo chuckled. " Of course. What would you like to eat?"

" ...Whatever you can make." Low on energy, Scarlet grouched as she closed the fridge and went to sit on an island high chair.

Theo froze when he opened the fridge. " What am I supposed to make with water?" Theo glanced back at Scarlet, bewildered.

" Not my fault. The original owner of this body had recently moved in this apartment, so I don't think she had time to go grocery shopping."

" Uh-huh. And what'd you eat yesterday?" Theo rose an eyebrow as he questioned her.

" I, uh, forgot to eat...?" Scarlet tilted her head as tired to find an excuse but failed. "But now that you're here you can take care me." Scarlet attached the last part to assuage Theo.

" Hm-mm." Theo let it go as a pleasant feeling spread in his chest because of her words. " Anyone else live here with you?"

" No."

Theo's movements paused for a second before he resumed his search through the cupboards. " I see... Well, I found enough ingredients to make a simple pasta dish, you okay with that for dinner?"

" Sure." Scarlet places her chin on her palm as she watches Theo bustle around the kitchen with ease. " You look like a house husband." She comments offhandedly.

" Huh?!" Theo turned around, blush gushing into cheeks, painting his pale skin pink as his blue eyes widened. With that expression on Theo and having an apron on, made him all the more adorable in Scarlet's eyes.

" Mn. Your future partner is definitely lucky, to be able to keep such a catch like you."

" Ha...haha... Thanks for the compliment boss." Theo runs his hand over his face, not knowing whether to cry or laugh. His boss was just too natural at flirting and then plunging his heart into ice cold water, that she doesn't even noticed what she's doing to his heart.

An hour later of Theo fumbling around in the kitchen under Scarlet's golden eyes, a steaming hot plate of red pasta was placed in front of Scarlet.

" Thank you for the food." She sat up, nose twitching at appetizing smell Theo managed to produce with the minimal amount of ingredients he had to work with. She twirled the long spaghetti around her fork and brought up to her mouth.

A bite in she glanced at Theo. " It's really good."

" I'm glad you still like my cooking. Good thing I still remembered the basics." Theo chuckled as he made himself a plate as well. He went to sit across Scarlet on the small dining table placed near the kitchen.

" Oh right, don't you have to go home? It's getting quite late." Scarlet glanced at the clock on their side.

" Home? I am home." Theo continued to eat, casually dropping an easily misunderstood phrase, without thinking.

" I meant the home of the original owner of your body."

" Cough, cough!* Right, um don't worry. I've told the boys guardian I might be staying out for the night." Theo hurriedly brushed over his slip up.

" Okay."

Scarlet finished her food in a relaxed manner. Theo, as well, managed to finish eating. They cleaned up where they had cooked and ate before washing up to head to bed.

" Good night, Scar."

Theo was heading towards the couch, before Scarlet pulled on his shirt.

" Where are you going? The bed's over there."

How is it so far?

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