
My Heart Beats For You, dear

Dean Rayden's character, Kindergarten Teacher known as Dream by his students, works as a teacher to help him feel better about his past. Romano Carter, the father of his pupil, Ayan, was someone he encountered daily. As they kept running into each other, they could feel their hearts triumphing over their minds. When Dean learns the truth about his donor and their families, what will happen? What would happen to his new, blossoming love because the scent got him inspirited and made him forget his negativity? Will their hearts actually beat in unison? When will they utter the words "My heart beats for you"?

AK_Sonata · Thành thị
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8 Chs

Vaccine Against A Known Disease!

Dean slowly opens his eyes, and the medicine smell hits his nose as he scrunches it. He groans, rubbing his temples.

"You're awake." Dean looks to his right. He saw his mother's worried gaze. He glanced to his left, noticing his father sitting on the edge of the bed.

"How are you feeling, son?" Dean's throat clogged when he heard his father's gentle voice, tinged with worry. In the past, he never heard his father talk with him with so much softness.

Dean nods his head in reply. He sits up and notices an IV attached to his right hand. His eyes glide over the tube and watch the drops fall one by one. For a second, he thought that he was seriously ill. He does not, however, feel his chest burning or dizzy.

"Do you want to eat anything?" His mother inquired, his gaze fixed on the clock reading 5:35.He shook his head. His mother gave a tender smile while caressing his hair.

Father was sitting quietly and spoke, "What's troubling you? Doc said that you're stressed. You also do not sleep well." He asked while carefully holding his son's hand between his palms.

Dean tried to hold back his tears. His father speaking to him while holding his palm had never happened before. His mother stroked his hair, and he hopes that all these affections are not due to his health but rather to genuine affection for him.

"Do you pretend to sleep whenever I check on you?" His mother asked while holding up a smile and cupping his cheek. Dean didn't mutter anything. After all, it's difficult to lie to the people, you love the most. His lips quivered while his gaze admired the fabric of his shirt.

"Let us know when you feel like it." His father said this while smiling at him. Dean nodded his head while glancing back at his mother. "You need to be careful. This was just a minor situation." Mother informs with a worried expression. Dean nodded his head.

"Ok, you should rest, and this time, you must sleep for real." Mother slaps his shoulder lightly as a playful warning.

"The medicine will help him." Dean's brother spoke as he was standing at the door while huffing.

"I just got off work," Ethan said before Dean could ask anything. Dean chuckled with a nod. Ethan sat on the edge of the bed and asked, "How are you feeling now?"

"I'm feeling better," Dean replied as he watched his mother peel an apple for him.

"Take a few days off from school." Mr. Rayden said, looking at his wife, who was also nodding.

"But, dad, my kids will--"

"No buts. Your health comes first. You can teach them only when you are fit yourself." Ethan spoke as he got an affirmative nod from his parents.

"Just one day." Dean tries to bargain as he looks at his parents and his brother.

"No, three days," Ethan said with an authoritative voice.

"Half day," Dean will not back down.

"Fine, it will be one day," Ethan said as if he couldn't beat his brother. Dean smiled in victory.

"Two days." This time the elder Rayden spoke. Dean opened his mouth to deny it. "No arguments." There was finality in his father's voice. They agreed because Dean couldn't deny his father.

"How are you feeling, Dean?" A doctor enters the room with a soft smile. The visitors moved aside for the doctor.

"I'm feeling better," Dean replied as the doctor nodded and took his stethoscope to do his check-up.


"What would Ayan like to eat?" Roman took the boy in his arms. Ayan made a thinking face while looking at the variety of pastries in the bakery. His mouth is watering with the chocolate toppings.

"Papa, I want that chocolate." Ayan points at the toppings of the cake with an innocent smile. Roman glanced at the lady waiting to take his order. He looks back at his son, who is looking at him with expectant eyes.

"Please pack a mini birthday cake of strawberry flavor with chocolate toppings." Roman requests as the lady nodded her head.

"Currently, we don't have that. We can prepare it; would you like to wait?" The lady asked, and Roman gave a quick nod.

"Ok, sir. Please wait for an hour." The lady requested this while billing the receipt.

"Look for a seat," Roman said to Ayan while ducking the boy onto the floor. Ayan nodded as he ran to the other end of the bakery.

Roman's phone started ringing as he kept his debit card back in his purse. He quickly accepted the call because it was from the hospital.

[Is this, Mr. Carter?]

"Yes, speaking."

[Sir, this call is to remind you of tomorrow's schedule for the flu vaccine with Ayan Cater and Doctor Singh. Should I confirm this schedule?]

"Oh," Roman exclaims with realization as he forgets about it. "Thank you, and yes, please do. When should I arrive?"

[Around three o'clock in the evening, sir]

"Alright, thank you."

Romano sighed, knowing this would be troublesome because his dear son is afraid of needles. But this vaccine is needed for his health.

"If Ayan will be a good boy," Roman spoke, sitting in front of the boy, who was looking at him with big bright eyes. His eyes held confusion as he tilted his head to one side. Roman widens his eyes as this gesture resembles that of his wife. Even she would often tilt her head when she didn't understand something.

Roman closed his eyes briefly, refraining from being sorrowful in front of his son. His son doesn't need to know about his mom for now. The boy shouldn't fall into sadness because he doesn't have a mom to embrace him. His mind is still too innocent to understand how the world works. His heart is so pure and emotional that Roman is afraid that his little son won't be able to swim in the sea of deep darkness.

"Papa. what should I do?" Ayan's voice brought Roman from his thoughts. For a second, Roman didn't understand the implication.

"Tomorrow-" Roman paused, thinking it would be better if Ayan didn't know about the vaccine. Just like other times, he could just take him directly to the hospital. Later, he would step out with a crying Ayan in his arms.

"We'll go somewhere?" Ayan asked with excitement, while Roman gave a timid smile with a nod. It's all for your good, son. So, forgive your papa.

"Ok, papa. I'll be a good boy and not tro--tromle you."

"Trouble, Ayan. Trouble." Ayan giggles while swinging his legs with happiness as they are going somewhere.


"Papa! no!" The little boy was trashing in Roman's arms.

As soon as the bike stopped in the parking lot of the hospital. Ayan was quick to jump in an attempt to escape. However, Roman was quick to hold the boy and carry him toward the entrance.

"It's for your good, baby." Roman tried to make the boy understand. However, the boy was only chanting 'no' and trying to slip from his dad's hold. Roman hugged his son tightly and walked towards the reception.

"Appointment of Ayan Carter with Doctor Singh," Roman said while giving Ayan's report and wiping his son's tears, who is crying as if he has lost hope now.

"Papa, I don't like it," the boy sobs while cupping his father's face.

"My baby is string, right?" Roman asked while wiping Ayan's tears.

"Papa, it's strong, not string," the boy corrected while shedding tears.

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yes, you should read books." Roman raised his right eyebrow at his son, who was sniffing. Roman fished out his kerchief to wipe Ayan's nose. However, Ayan snatched it, whispering "thank you," and blew his nose.

The lady at the counter chuckled, gaining Roman's attention. She quickly spoke, "Yes, sir. the second floor and then take a right, you can see his cabin."

"Thank you," Roman said and turned around as he returned the file.

"No! not thank you!" Ayan shouts, gaining the passerby's attention.

"Ayan," Roman's voice held a warning. "Behave yourself."

"I'm sorry," Ayan said quietly, his wet eyelashes falling downward. Roman sighed and caressed his hair.

"This vaccine is for your health, baby. "Only if you stay strong will papa be strong, right?"Ayan didn't say anything but rather sniffed while playing with the kerchief.

"We'll eat your favorite ice cream, ok?" Ayan nodded his head with a pout. He rests his head on his father's shoulder and hugs him.

He always finds peace when he hugs his dad. He knows a needle will be inserted into his skin, and it will be excruciatingly painful as if someone were skinning him with a knife. But he knows his papa will be there to hold him in his embrace.

Romano smiled as he stepped towards the stairs with a soft smile. He embraced his son, caressing his back and kissing his hair tenderly.

A person was stepping down the stairs while talking on the phone. His eyes were on the stairs while he smiled at the conversation with his friend. His turquoise button-up shirt is tucked into white pants. He chuckled as he bypassed this father-and-son duo.

The boy's ears perked up as he saw the figure stepping down. He closed his eyes again, not giving it much thought. He is preparing himself to defeat the needle.

"No, I didn't forget you." The man spoke with a chuckle. The boy again opened his eyes, as he knew this voice. He straightened his back and looked at the retreating figure with curious eyes. While looking at the person, his fingers were fisted in his father's black shirt.

"Teacher dream?" The boy calls after debating with himself. The figure stopped for a second and took another step to continue walking.

Roman narrowed his eyes while looking at his son. "Ayan, why are you--"

"Teacher Dream!" Ayan shouts as his eyes sparkle with happiness when the figure turns around. Roman was confused by his son's gloominess changing to joy.

Roman, with a confused face, turns around too. His eyes widened as they indeed met Ayan's teacher's eyes too.

Dean was surprised by his student. He's running into the boy everywhere these days. His eyes focused on the crescent smile of his student. "Hi, Ayan."

"Teacher, tell papa 'No, needles'," Ayan asked for his savior's help.

"I'm still a small boy to defeat the needle." Dean smiled awkwardly as the boy continued to add. He is a teacher at the school, not outside. How will he make the boy understand this?

"You said we shouldn't use sharp things." The boy is surely using his brain to the fullest, shocking both his teacher and father.

"His flu vaccine," Roman explained, understanding the other's predicament. Dean nodded his head as he got a rough idea of the situation.

"Oh, okay then. Ayan vaccines are important, alright?" Dean doesn't know what more to add or whether he is right or not. He just wanted to leave this situation.

Dean's phone rang again. "I need to attend this call." He quickly excused himself. Romano nodded.

[Where are you, Dean? You said you'd be out in five minutes.]

"Yes, ma. Just a minute." Dean said as he began to walk towards the exit.

"Teacher!" Ayan shouts and wriggles out of Roman's arm. Dean turned around and got hugged by Ayan, who was looking at him with big eyes.

Dean looks at Roman, who looks at him blankly, and back at Ayan, who clutches his torso.
